BUGFIX: removed side effect from getting the user's preferences: the language used...
[e-DoKo.git] / include / game.php
2008-05-24  Arun PersaudCLEANUP: removed todo item for silent solo from code
2008-05-23  Arun PersaudBUGIFX: more accurate display of whos turn it is
2008-05-20  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: setting the gametype gave away information...
2008-05-19  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: forgot to set default values for some new variables
2008-05-18  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: forgot to initialize a variable
2008-05-18  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: show schweinchen has highest trump in your...
2008-05-18  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: problem with Schweinchen during pre-game phase
2008-05-18  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: show comment for Schweinchen the moment it...
2008-05-17  Arun PersaudCLEANUP: rewrote code for Schweinchen
2008-05-16  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: scoring of silent solo was wrong
2008-05-13  Arun PersaudBUGIFX: during each reload of a game, the starplayer...
2008-05-12  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: rewrote poverty, should fix lots of bugs
2008-05-11  Arun PersaudNEW FEATURE: display if someone is sick during the...
2008-05-09  Arun PersaudCLEANUP: reorganized the 'init' phase of a game
2008-05-07  Arun PersaudCLEANUP: removed all calls to mysql functions and repla...
2008-05-07  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: typo in scoring algorithm
2008-04-28  Arun PersaudBUGFIX: couldn't restart a finished game; force reload...
2008-04-26  Arun PersaudCLEANUP: cleaned up index.php a bit more by introducing...
2008-04-26  Arun PersaudCLEANUP: make index.php very short and move everything...