NEW FEATURE: add a random math question to the registration progress to get rid of...
[e-DoKo.git] / include / register.php
1 <?php
2 /* make sure that we are not called from outside the scripts,
3  * use a variable defined in config.php to check this
4  */
5 if(!isset($HOST))
6   exit;
8 /* new user wants to register */
9 if(myisset("Rfullname","Remail","Rpassword","Rtimezone") )
10   {
11     global $HOST,$INDEX;
13     /* is this name already in use/ */
14     $ok=1;
15     if(DB_get_userid('name',$_REQUEST['Rfullname']))
16       {
17         echo "please chose another name<br />";
18         $ok=0;
19       }
20     /* check if email address is already used */
21     if(DB_get_userid('email',$_REQUEST['Remail']))
22       {
23         echo "this email address is already used ?!<br />";
24         $ok=0;
25       }
26     /* check against robots */
27     $robots=0; /* at least one anti-robot question needs to be answered */
28     if(myisset('Robotproof0'))
29       {
30         if($_REQUEST['Robotproof0']!=42)
31           $ok=0;
32         else
33           $robot=1;
34       }
35     else if(myisset('Robotproof1'))
36       {
37         if($_REQUEST['Robotproof1']!=35)
38           $ok=0;
39         else
40           $robot=1;
41       }
42     else if(myisset('Robotproof2'))
43       {
44         if($_REQUEST['Robotproof2']!=28)
45           $ok=0;
46         else
47           $robot=1;
48       }
49     else if(myisset('Robotproof3'))
50       {
51         if($_REQUEST['Robotproof3']!=21)
52           $ok=0;
53         else
54           $robot=1;
55       }
56     else if(myisset('Robotproof4'))
57       {
58         if($_REQUEST['Robotproof4']!=14)
59           $ok=0;
60         else
61           $robot=1;
62       }
63     if($robot==0)
64       {
65         echo "You answered the math question wrong. <br />\n";
66         $ok=0;
67       }
69     /* everything ok, go ahead and create user */
70     if($ok)
71       {
72         $r=DB_query("INSERT INTO User VALUES(NULL,".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Rfullname"]).
73                     ",".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Remail"]).
74                     ",".DB_quote_smart(md5($_REQUEST["Rpassword"])).
75                     ",".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Rtimezone"]).",NULL,NULL)");
77         if($r)
78           {
79             /* Set session, so that new user doesn't need to log in */
80             $myname = DB_get_name('email',$_REQUEST['Remail']);
81             $_SESSION["name"] = $myname;
83             echo " Welcome to e-DoKo, you are now registered, please visit the".
84               " <a href=\"".$HOST.$INDEX."\">homepage</a> to continue.";
85           }
86         else
87           echo " something went wrong, couldn't add you to the database, please contact $ADMIN_NAME at $ADMIN_EMAIL.";
88       }
89     else
90       {
91         echo "Couldn't register you. Please <a href=\"index.php?action=register\">try again</a>! </br />\n";
92       }
93   }
94  else
95    {
96      /* No information for new user given, ouput a page for registration */
97      echo "<p><br /><strong> IMPORTANT: passwords are going over the net as clear text, so pick an easy password. ".
98        "No need to pick anything complicated here ;)<br />";
99      echo "N.B. Your email address will be exposed to other players whom you play games with. ";
100      echo "<br /><br /></strong></p>";
101      ?>
102         <form action="index.php?action=register" method="post">
103           <fieldset>
104             <legend>Register</legend>
105              <table>
106               <tr>
107                <td><label for="Rfullname">Full name:</label></td>
108                <td><input type="text" id="Rfullname" name="Rfullname" size="20" maxlength="30" /> </td>
109               </tr><tr>
110                <td><label for="Remail">Email:</label></td>
111                <td><input type="text" id="Remail" name="Remail" size="20" maxlength="30" /></td>
112               </tr><tr>
113                <td><label for="Rpassword">Password(will be displayed in cleartext on the next page):</label></td>
114                <td><input type="password" id="Rpassword" name="Rpassword" size="20" maxlength="30" /></td>
115               </tr><tr>
116                <td><label for="Rtimezone">Timezone:</label></td>
117                <td>
118 <?php
119                output_select_timezone("Rtimezone");
120 ?>
121                </td>
122               </tr><tr>
123               </tr><tr>
124 <?php
125               /* random number to select robotproof question */
126               $rand_number = mt_rand(0,3); /* to get numbers between 0 and 4  */
127               $Robotproof = "Robotproof".$rand_number;
128 ?>
129                 <td><label for="Robotproof">Please answer this question: <?php echo output_robotproof($rand_number); ?></label></td>
130 <?php
131          echo "<td><input type=\"text\" id=\"$Robotproof\" name=\"$Robotproof\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"30\" /></td>\n";
132 ?>
133               </tr><tr>
134                <td colspan="2"> <input type="submit" value="register" /></td>
135               </tr>
136              </table>
137           </fieldset>
138         </form>
139 <?php
140    }
141 ?>