
PHPFSPOT main class

Located in /phpfspot.class.php (line 33)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
 PHPFSPOT __construct ()
 void __destruct ()
 string addTag ( $tag)
 boolean checkifImageSupported (string $mime)
 boolean create_thumbnail (string $orig_image, string $thumb_image, integer $width)
 string delTag (string $tag)
 void gen_thumb ([integer $idx = 0], [integer $force = 0], [boolean $overwrite = false])
 void getCurrentPhoto ()
 void getExport (string $mode)
 string|null getFspotDBVersion ()
 string|null getMD5 (integer $idx)
 string|null getPhotoName (integer $idx, [integer $limit = 0])
 void getRSSFeed ()
 string getSelectedTags ()
 void get_calendar_matrix ([integer $year = 0], [integer $month = 0], [integer $day = 0])
 array get_meta_informations (string $file)
 integer get_num_photos (integer $tag_id)
 object|null get_photo_details (integer $idx)
 array get_random_photo ()
 string get_thumb_path (integer $width, integer $photo)
 string get_xml_tag_list ()
 boolean isValidDate (string $date_str)
 string parse_uri (string $uri, string $mode)
 void resetDateSearch ()
 void resetNameSearch ()
 void resetPhotoView ()
 void resetSlideShow ()
 void resetTags ()
 void resetTagSearch ()
 string setTagCondition (string $mode)
 void show ()
 void showCredits ()
 void showPhoto (integer $photo)
 void showPhotoIndex ()
 void showTextImage (string $txt, [string $color = 000000], [integer $space = 4], [integer $font = 4], [integer $w = 300])
 string smarty_sort_select_list (array $params,  &$smarty, smarty $smarty)
 string startSearch ()
 string translate_path (string $path)
 string updateSortOrder ( $order, string $sort_order)
 string whatToDo ()
 void _error (string $text)
array $avail_tags (line 80)

list of available, not-selected, tags

  • access: public
PHPFSPOT_CFG $cfg (line 41)

phpfspot configuration

  • see: PHPFSPOT_CFG()
  • access: public
PHPFSPOT_DB $cfg_db (line 57)

SQLite database handle to phpfspot database

  • see: PHPFSPOT_DB()
  • access: public
PHPFSPOT_DB $db (line 49)

SQLite database handle to f-spot database

  • see: PHPFSPOT_DB()
  • access: public
array $tags (line 73)

full tag - list

  • access: public
PHPFSPOT_TMPL $tmpl (line 66)

Smarty template engine

Constructor __construct (line 103)

class constructor ($cfg, $db, $cfg_db, $tmpl, $db_ver)

this function will be called on class construct and will check requirements, loads configuration, open databases and start the user session

  • access: public
PHPFSPOT __construct ()
Destructor __destruct (line 223)
  • access: public
void __destruct ()
addTag (line 759)

add tag to users session variable

this function will add the specified to users current tag selection. if a date search has been made before it will be now cleared

  • access: public
string addTag ( $tag)
  • $tag
checkifImageSupported (line 1976)

check if specified MIME type is supported

  • access: public
boolean checkifImageSupported (string $mime)
  • string $mime
check_config_table (line 1515)

create phpfspot own sqlite database

this function creates phpfspots own sqlite database if it does not exist yet. this own is used to store some necessary informations (md5 sum's, ...).

  • access: public
void check_config_table ()
cleanup_phpfspot_db (line 2742)

cleanup phpfspot own database

When photos are getting delete from F-Spot, there will remain remain some residues in phpfspot own database. This function will try to wipe them out.

  • access: public
void cleanup_phpfspot_db ()
create_thumbnail (line 1348)

create_thumbnails for the requested width

this function creates image thumbnails of $orig_image stored as $thumb_image. It will check if the image is in a supported format, if necessary rotate the image (based on EXIF orientation meta headers) and re-sizing.

  • access: public
boolean create_thumbnail (string $orig_image, string $thumb_image, integer $width)
  • string $orig_image
  • string $thumb_image
  • integer $width
delTag (line 783)

remove tag to users session variable

this function removes the specified tag from users current tag selection

  • access: public
string delTag (string $tag)
  • string $tag
gen_thumb (line 1543)

Generates a thumbnail from photo idx

This function will generate JPEG thumbnails from provided F-Spot photo indizes.

  1. Check if all thumbnail generations (width) are already in place and readable
  2. Check if the md5sum of the original file has changed
  3. Generate the thumbnails if needed

  • access: public
void gen_thumb ([integer $idx = 0], [integer $force = 0], [boolean $overwrite = false])
  • integer $idx
  • integer $force
  • boolean $overwrite
getAvailableTags (line 642)

all available tags and tag cloud

this function outputs all available tags (time ordered) and in addition output them as tag cloud (tags which have many photos will appears more then others)

  • access: public
void getAvailableTags ()
getCurrentPhoto (line 2253)

return the current photo

  • access: public
void getCurrentPhoto ()
getExport (line 2122)

output export page

  • access: public
void getExport (string $mode)
  • string $mode
getFspotDBVersion (line 2613)

retrive F-Spot database version

this function will return the F-Spot database version number It is stored within the sqlite3 database in the table meta

  • access: public
string|null getFspotDBVersion ()
getMD5 (line 1627)

returns stored md5 sum for a specific photo

this function queries the phpfspot database for a stored MD5 checksum of the specified photo

  • access: public
string|null getMD5 (integer $idx)
  • integer $idx
getNextSlideShowImage (line 2370)

return the next to be shown slide show image

this function returns the URL of the next image in the slideshow sequence.

  • access: public
string getNextSlideShowImage ()
getPhotoName (line 451)

returns aligned photo names

this function returns aligned (length) names for an specific photo. If the length of the name exceeds $limit the name will be shrinked (...)

  • access: public
string|null getPhotoName (integer $idx, [integer $limit = 0])
  • integer $idx
  • integer $limit
getPhotoSelection (line 924)

return all photo according selection

this function returns all photos based on the tag-selection, tag- or date-search. the tag-search also has to take care of AND and OR conjunctions

  • access: public
array getPhotoSelection ()
getPrevSlideShowImage (line 2390)

return the previous to be shown slide show image

this function returns the URL of the previous image in the slideshow sequence.

  • access: public
string getPrevSlideShowImage ()
getRSSFeed (line 2164)

output RSS feed

  • access: public
void getRSSFeed ()
getSelectedTags (line 726)

output all selected tags

this function output all tags which have been selected by the user. the selected tags are stored in the session-variable $_SESSION['selected_tags']

  • access: public
string getSelectedTags ()
get_calendar_matrix (line 2043)

output calendar matrix

  • access: public
void get_calendar_matrix ([integer $year = 0], [integer $month = 0], [integer $day = 0])
  • integer $year
  • integer $month
  • integer $day
get_meta_informations (line 1502)

return all exif meta data from the file

  • access: public
array get_meta_informations (string $file)
  • string $file
get_num_photos (line 2542)

returns the number of photos which are tagged with $tag_id

  • access: public
integer get_num_photos (integer $tag_id)
  • integer $tag_id
get_photo_details (line 392)

extract all photo details

retrieve all available details from f-spot's database and return them as object

  • access: public
object|null get_photo_details (integer $idx)
  • integer $idx
get_random_photo (line 2421)

get random photo

this function will get all photos from the fspot database and randomly return ONE entry

saddly there is yet no sqlite3 function which returns the bulk result in array, so we have to fill up our own here.

  • access: public
array get_random_photo ()
get_thumb_path (line 2493)

returns the full path to a thumbnail

  • access: public
string get_thumb_path (integer $width, integer $photo)
  • integer $width
  • integer $photo
get_xml_tag_list (line 815)

returns the value for the autocomplet tag-search

  • access: public
string get_xml_tag_list ()
isValidDate (line 2447)

validates provided date

this function validates if the provided date contains a valid date and will return true if it is.

  • access: public
boolean isValidDate (string $date_str)
  • string $date_str
parse_uri (line 2633)

parse the provided URI and will returned the requested chunk

  • access: public
string parse_uri (string $uri, string $mode)
  • string $uri
  • string $mode
resetDateSearch (line 906)

reset date search

if any date search has taken place, reset it now

  • access: public
void resetDateSearch ()
resetNameSearch (line 893)

reset name search

if any name search has taken place, reset it now

  • access: public
void resetNameSearch ()
resetPhotoView (line 869)

reset single photo

if a specific photo was requested (external link) unset the session variable now

  • access: public
void resetPhotoView ()
resetSlideShow (line 2403)
  • access: public
void resetSlideShow ()
resetTags (line 804)

reset tag selection

if there is any tag selection, it will be deleted now

  • access: public
void resetTags ()
resetTagSearch (line 881)

reset tag search

if any tag search has taken place, reset it now

  • access: public
void resetTagSearch ()
setTagCondition (line 1665)

store current tag condition

this function stores the current tag condition (AND or OR) in the users session variables

  • access: public
string setTagCondition (string $mode)
  • string $mode
show (line 237)

show - generate html output

this function can be called after the constructor has prepared everyhing. it will load the index.tpl smarty template. if necessary it will registere pre-selects (photo index, photo, tag search, date search) into users session.

  • access: public
void show ()
showCredits (line 1327)

show credit template

  • access: public
void showCredits ()
showPhoto (line 506)

control HTML ouput for a single photo

this function provides all the necessary information for the single photo template.

  • access: public
void showPhoto (integer $photo)
  • integer $photo: photo
showPhotoIndex (line 1128)

control HTML ouput for photo index

this function provides all the necessary information for the photo index template.

  • access: public
void showPhotoIndex ()
showTextImage (line 1890)

create on-the-fly images with text within

  • access: public
void showTextImage (string $txt, [string $color = 000000], [integer $space = 4], [integer $font = 4], [integer $w = 300])
  • string $txt
  • string $color
  • integer $space
  • integer $font
  • integer $w
smarty_sort_select_list (line 2308)

returns a select-dropdown box to select photo index sort parameters

  • access: public
string smarty_sort_select_list (array $params,  &$smarty, smarty $smarty)
  • array $params
  • smarty $smarty
  • &$smarty
startSearch (line 1683)

invoke tag & date search

this function will return all matching tags and store them in the session variable selected_tags. furthermore it also handles the date search. getPhotoSelection() will then only return the matching photos.

  • access: public
string startSearch ()
translate_path (line 493)

translate f-spoth photo path

as the full-qualified path recorded in the f-spot database is usally not the same as on the webserver, this function will replace the path with that one specified in the cfg

  • access: public
string translate_path (string $path)
  • string $path
updateSortOrder (line 1735)

updates sort order in session variable

this function is invoked by RPC and will sort the requested sort order in the session variable.

  • access: public
string updateSortOrder ( $order, string $sort_order)
  • string $sort_order
  • $order
whatToDo (line 2270)

tells the client browser what to do

this function is getting called via AJAX by the client browsers. it will tell them what they have to do next. This is necessary for directly jumping into photo index or single photo view when the are requested with specific URLs

  • access: public
string whatToDo ()
_error (line 1989)

output error text

  • access: public
void _error (string $text)
  • string $text

Documentation generated on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 18:24:57 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2