

Located in /phpfspot_db.php (line 30)

Method Summary
 PHPFSPOT_DB __construct ( $parent,  $db_path)
 void __destruct ()
 void db_check_column_exists ( $table_name,  $column)
 true db_check_table_exists ([string, $table_name = ""])
 void db_exec ([ $query = ""])
 void db_fetchSingleRow ([ $query = ""])
 void db_fetch_object ( $resource)
 void db_getNumRows ([ $query = ""])
 void db_query ([ $query = ""])
Constructor __construct (line 44)

PHPFSPOT_DB class constructor

This constructor initially connect to the database.

  • access: public
PHPFSPOT_DB __construct ( $parent,  $db_path)
  • $parent
  • $db_path
Destructor __destruct (line 64)

PHPFSPOT_DB class deconstructor

This destructor will close the current database connection.

  • access: public
void __destruct ()
db_check_column_exists (line 284)

PHPFSPOT_DB check column exist

This function checks if the given column exists within the specified table.

  • access: public
void db_check_column_exists ( $table_name,  $column)
  • $table_name
  • $column
db_check_table_exists (line 253)

PHPFSPOT_DB check table exists

This function checks if the given table exists in the database

  • return: if table found otherwise false
  • access: public
true db_check_table_exists ([string, $table_name = ""])
  • string, $table_name: table name
db_commit_transaction (line 398)

commit transaction

this will commit an ongoing transaction on ACID-supporting database systems

  • access: public
bool db_commit_transaction ()
db_exec (line 162)

PHPFSPOT_DB database query & execute

This function will execute a SQL query and return nothing.

  • access: public
void db_exec ([ $query = ""])
  • $query
db_fetchSingleRow (line 208)


This function will execute the given but only return the first result.

  • access: public
void db_fetchSingleRow ([ $query = ""])
  • $query
db_fetch_object (line 191)
  • access: public
void db_fetch_object ( $resource)
  • $resource
db_getNumRows (line 232)

PHPFSPOT_DB number of affected rows

This functions returns the number of affected rows but the given SQL query.

  • access: public
void db_getNumRows ([ $query = ""])
  • $query
db_query (line 128)

PHPFSPOT_DB database query

This function will execute a SQL query and return the result as object.

  • access: public
void db_query ([ $query = ""])
  • $query
db_rollback_transaction (line 420)

rollback transaction()

this function aborts a on going transaction

  • access: public
bool db_rollback_transaction ()
db_start_transaction (line 375)

start transaction

this will start a transaction on ACID-supporting database systems.

  • access: public
bool db_start_transaction ()

Documentation generated on Sat, 30 May 2009 10:14:36 +0200 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2