path: root/functions.php
diff options
authorArun Persaud <>2008-04-26 11:52:49 -0700
committerArun Persaud <>2008-04-26 11:52:49 -0700
commit09515348107d9aab7823a12d31b082a2ebb75555 (patch)
tree2e6c01eb6fdc07390c73cb46142c5efda39f567d /functions.php
parent0c5b3eeca3006f61dd326a86e8989c52694d581b (diff)
CLEANUP: make index.php very short and move everything in separate files
created an include dir and almost everything that was in index.php is now in separate files and gets only included in index.php... makes index.php look a lot nicer ;) Signed-off-by: Arun Persaud <>
Diffstat (limited to 'functions.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 890 deletions
diff --git a/functions.php b/functions.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f2e07d..0000000
--- a/functions.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,890 +0,0 @@
-function config_check()
- global $EmailName,$EMAIL_REPLY,$ADMIN_NAME,$ADMIN_EMAIL,$DB_work;
- /* check if some variables are set in the config file, else set defaults */
- if(!isset($EmailName))
- $EmailName="[DoKo] ";
- if(isset($EMAIL_REPLY))
- {
- ini_set("sendmail_from",$EMAIL_REPLY);
- }
- if(!isset($ADMIN_NAME))
- {
- output_header();
- echo "<h1>Setup not completed</h1>";
- echo "You need to set \$ADMIN_NAME in config.php.";
- output_footer();
- exit();
- }
- if(!isset($ADMIN_EMAIL))
- {
- output_header();
- echo "<h1>Setup not completed</h1>";
- echo "You need to set \$ADMIN_EMAIL in config.php. ".
- "If something goes wrong an email will be send to this address.";
- output_footer();
- exit();
- }
- if(!isset($DB_work))
- {
- output_header();
- echo "<h1>Setup not completed</h1>";
- echo "You need to set \$DB_work in config.php. ".
- "If this is set to 1, the game will be suspended and one can work safely on the database.".
- "The default should be 0 for the game to work.";
- output_footer();
- exit();
- }
- if($DB_work)
- {
- output_header();
- echo "Working on the database...please check back later.";
- output_footer();
- exit();
- }
- return;
-function mymail($To,$Subject,$message,$header="")
- global $debug,$EMAIL_REPLY;
- if(isset($EMAIL_REPLY))
- $header .= "From: e-DoKo daemon <$EMAIL_REPLY>\r\n";
- if($debug)
- {
- /* display email on screen,
- * change txt -> html
- */
- $message = str_replace("\n","<br />\n",$message);
- $message = ereg_replace("[[:alpha:]]+://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]",
- "<a href=\"\\0\">\\0</a>", $message);
- echo "<br />To: $To<br />";
- if($header != "")
- echo $header."<br />";
- echo "Subject: $Subject <br />$message<br />\n";
- }
- else
- if($header != "")
- mail($To,$Subject,$message,$header);
- else
- mail($To,$Subject,$message);
- return;
-function myisset()
- /* returns 1 if all names passed as args are defined by a GET or POST statement,
- * else return 0
- */
- $ok = 1;
- $args = func_get_args();
- foreach($args as $arg)
- {
- $ok = $ok * isset($_REQUEST[$arg]);
- /*echo "$arg: ok = $ok <br />";
- */
- }
- return $ok;
-function myerror($message)
- echo "<span class=\"error\">".htmlspecialchars($message)."</span>\n";
- mymail($ADMIN_EMAIL,$EmailName." Error in Code",$message);
- return;
-function pos_array($c,$arr)
- $ret = 0;
- $i = 0;
- foreach($arr as $a)
- {
- $i++;
- if($a == $c)
- {
- $ret = $i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return $ret;
-function is_trump($c)
- global $CARDS;
- if(in_array($c,$CARDS["trump"]))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
-function is_same_suite($c1,$c2)
- global $CARDS;
- if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["trump"] ) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["trump"] ) ) return 1;
- if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["clubs"] ) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["clubs"] ) ) return 1;
- if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["hearts"] ) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["hearts"] ) ) return 1;
- if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["spades"] ) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["spades"] ) ) return 1;
- if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["diamonds"]) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["diamonds"]) ) return 1;
- return 0;
-function compare_cards($a,$b,$game)
- /* if "a" is higher than "b" return 1, else 0, "a" being the card first played */
- global $CARDS;
- global $RULES;
- global $GAME;
- /* first map all cards to the odd number,
- * this insure that the first card wins the trick
- * if they are the same card
- */
- if( $a/2 - (int)($a/2) != 0.5)
- $a--;
- if( $b/2 - (int)($b/2) != 0.5)
- $b--;
- /* check for schweinchen and ten of hearts*/
- switch($game)
- {
- case "normal":
- case "silent":
- case "trump":
- if($RULES["schweinchen"]=="both" && $GAME["schweinchen"])
- {
- if($a == 19 || $a == 20 )
- return 1;
- if($b == 19 || $b == 20 )
- return 0;
- };
- if($RULES["schweinchen"]=="second" && $GAME["schweinchen"]==3)
- {
- if($a == 19 || $a == 20 )
- return 1;
- if($b == 19 || $b == 20 )
- return 0;
- };
- case "heart":
- case "spade":
- case "club":
- /* check for ten of hearts rule */
- if($RULES["dullen"]=="secondwins")
- if($a==1 && $b==1) /* both 10 of hearts */
- return 0; /* second one wins.*/
- case "trumpless":
- case "jack":
- case "queen":
- /* no special cases here */
- }
- /* normal case */
- if(is_trump($a) && is_trump($b) && $a<=$b)
- return 1;
- else if(is_trump($a) && is_trump($b) )
- return 0;
- else
- { /*$a is not a trump */
- if(is_trump($b))
- return 0;
- else
- { /* both no trump */
- /* both clubs? */
- $posA = pos_array($a,$CARDS["clubs"]);
- $posB = pos_array($b,$CARDS["clubs"]);
- if($posA && $posB)
- if($posA <= $posB)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- /* both spades? */
- $posA = pos_array($a,$CARDS["spades"]);
- $posB = pos_array($b,$CARDS["spades"]);
- if($posA && $posB)
- if($posA <= $posB)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- /* both hearts? */
- $posA = pos_array($a,$CARDS["hearts"]);
- $posB = pos_array($b,$CARDS["hearts"]);
- if($posA && $posB)
- if($posA <= $posB)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- /* both diamonds? */
- $posA = pos_array($a,$CARDS["diamonds"]);
- $posB = pos_array($b,$CARDS["diamonds"]);
- if($posA && $posB)
- if($posA <= $posB)
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- /* not the same suit and no trump: a wins */
- return 1;
- }
- }
-function get_winner($p,$mode)
- /* get all 4 cards played in a trick, in the order they are played */
- $tmp = $p[1];
- $c1 = $tmp["card"];
- $c1pos = $tmp["pos"];
- $tmp = $p[2];
- $c2 = $tmp["card"];
- $c2pos = $tmp["pos"];
- $tmp = $p[3];
- $c3 = $tmp["card"];
- $c3pos = $tmp["pos"];
- $tmp = $p[4];
- $c4 = $tmp["card"];
- $c4pos = $tmp["pos"];
- /* first card is better than all the rest */
- if( compare_cards($c1,$c2,$mode) && compare_cards($c1,$c3,$mode) && compare_cards($c1,$c4,$mode) )
- return $c1pos;
- /* second card is better than first and better than the rest */
- if( !compare_cards($c1,$c2,$mode) && compare_cards($c2,$c3,$mode) && compare_cards($c2,$c4,$mode) )
- return $c2pos;
- /* third card is better than first card and better than last */
- if( !compare_cards($c1,$c3,$mode) && compare_cards($c3,$c4,$mode) )
- /* if second card is better than first, third card needs to be even better */
- if( !compare_cards($c1,$c2,$mode) && !compare_cards($c2,$c3,$mode) )
- return $c3pos;
- /* second is worse than first, e.g. not following suite */
- else if (compare_cards($c1,$c2,$mode) )
- return $c3pos;
- /* non of the above */
- return $c4pos;
-function count_nines($cards)
- $nines = 0;
- foreach($cards as $c)
- {
- if($c == "25" || $c == "26") $nines++;
- else if($c == "33" || $c == "34") $nines++;
- else if($c == "41" || $c == "42") $nines++;
- else if($c == "47" || $c == "48") $nines++;
- }
- return $nines;
-function check_wedding($cards)
- if( in_array("3",$cards) && in_array("4",$cards) )
- return 1;
- return 0;
-function count_trump($cards)
- global $RULES;
- $trump = 0;
- /* count each trump, including the foxes */
- foreach($cards as $c)
- if( (int)($c) <27)
- $trump++;
- /* normally foxes don't count as trump, so we substract them here
- * in case someone has schweinchen, one or two of them should count as trump
- * though, so we need to add one trump for those cases */
- /* subtract foxes */
- if( in_array("19",$cards))
- $trump--;
- if( in_array("20",$cards) )
- $trump--;
- /* handle case where player has schweinchen */
- if( in_array("19",$cards) && in_array("20",$cards) )
- switch($RULES["schweinchen"])
- {
- case "both":
- /* add two, in case the player has both foxes (schweinchen) */
- $trump++;
- $trump++;
- break;
- case "second":
- case "secondaftercall":
- /* add one, in case the player has both foxes (schweinchen) */
- $trump++;
- break;
- case "none":
- break;
- }
- return $trump;
-function create_array_of_random_numbers($useridA,$useridB,$useridC,$useridD)
- global $debug;
- $r = array();
- if($debug)
- {
- $r[ 0]=1; $r[12]=47; $r[24]=13; $r[36]=37;
- $r[ 1]=2; $r[13]=48; $r[25]=14; $r[37]=38;
- $r[ 2]=3; $r[14]=27; $r[26]=15; $r[38]=39;
- $r[ 3]=4; $r[15]=16; $r[27]=28; $r[39]=40;
- $r[ 4]=5; $r[16]=17; $r[28]=29; $r[40]=41;
- $r[ 5]=18; $r[17]=6; $r[29]=30; $r[41]=42;
- $r[ 6]=19; $r[18]=7; $r[30]=31; $r[42]=43;
- $r[ 7]=20; $r[19]=8; $r[31]=32; $r[43]=44;
- $r[ 8]=45; $r[20]=9; $r[32]=21; $r[44]=33;
- $r[ 9]=46; $r[21]=10; $r[33]=22; $r[45]=34;
- $r[10]=35; $r[22]=11; $r[34]=23; $r[46]=25;
- $r[11]=36; $r[23]=12; $r[35]=24; $r[47]=26;
- }
- else
- {
- /* check if we can find a game were non of the player was involved and return
- * cards insted
- */
- $userstr = "'".implode("','",array($useridA,$useridB,$useridC,$useridD))."'";
- $randomnumbers = DB_get_unused_randomnumbers($userstr);
- $randomnumbers = explode(":",$randomnumbers);
- if(sizeof($randomnumbers)==48)
- return $randomnumbers;
- /* need to create new numbers */
- for($i=0;$i<48;$i++)
- $r[$i]=$i+1;
- /* shuffle using a better random generator than the standard one */
- for ($i = 0; $i <48; $i++)
- {
- $j = @mt_rand(0, $i);
- $tmp = $r[$i];
- $r[$i] = $r[$j];
- $r[$j] = $tmp;
- }
- };
- return $r;
-function display_cards($me,$myturn)
- return;
-function have_suit($cards,$c)
- global $CARDS;
- $suite = array();
- if(in_array($c,$CARDS["trump"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["trump"];
- else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["clubs"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["clubs"];
- else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["spades"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["spades"];
- else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["hearts"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["hearts"];
- else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["diamonds"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["diamonds"];
- foreach($cards as $card)
- {
- if(in_array($card,$suite))
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-function same_type($card,$c)
- global $CARDS;
- $suite = "";
- /* figure out what kind of card c is */
- if(in_array($c,$CARDS["trump"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["trump"];
- else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["clubs"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["clubs"];
- else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["spades"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["spades"];
- else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["hearts"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["hearts"];
- else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["diamonds"]))
- $suite = $CARDS["diamonds"];
- /* card is the same suid return 1 */
- if(in_array($card,$suite))
- return 1;
- return 0;
-function set_gametype($gametype)
- global $CARDS;
- global $RULES;
- switch($gametype)
- {
- case "normal":
- case "wedding":
- case "poverty":
- case "dpoverty":
- case "trump":
- case "silent":
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
- '17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26');
- $CARDS["diamonds"] = array();
- $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34');
- $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42');
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','45','46','47','48');
- $CARDS["foxes"] = array('19','20');
- if($RULES["dullen"]=='none')
- {
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
- '17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26');
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','1','2','45','46','47','48');
- }
- break;
- case "queen":
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10');
- $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','11','12','33','34');
- $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','13','14','41','42');
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44', '1', '2','45','46','15','16','47','48');
- $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','17','18','25','26');
- $CARDS["foxes"] = array();
- break;
- case "jack":
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18');
- $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','3', '4','33','34');
- $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','5', '6','41','42');
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44', '1', '2','45','46','7', '8','47','48');
- $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','9','10','25','26');
- $CARDS["foxes"] = array();
- break;
- case "trumpless":
- $CARDS["trump"] = array();
- $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','3', '4','11','12','33','34');
- $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','5', '6','13','14','41','42');
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44', '1', '2','45','46','7', '8','15','16','47','48');
- $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','9','10','17','18','25','26');
- $CARDS["foxes"] = array();
- break;
- case "club":
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
- '17','18','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34');
- $CARDS["clubs"] = array();
- $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42');
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','45','46','47','48');
- $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26');
- $CARDS["foxes"] = array();
- if($RULES["dullen"]=='none')
- {
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
- '17','18','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34');
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','1','2','45','46','47','48');
- }
- break;
- case "spade":
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
- '17','18','35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42');
- $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34');
- $CARDS["spades"] = array();
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','45','46','47','48');
- $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26');
- $CARDS["foxes"] = array();
- if($RULES["dullen"]=='none')
- {
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
- '17','18','35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42');
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','1','2','45','46','47','48');
- }
- break;
- case "heart":
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
- '17','18','43','44','45','46','47','48');
- $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34');
- $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42');
- $CARDS["hearts"] = array();
- $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26');
- $CARDS["foxes"] = array();
- if($RULES["dullen"]=='none')
- {
- $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16',
- '17','18','43','44','1','2','45','46','47','48');
- }
- break;
- }
-function mysort($cards,$gametype)
- usort ( $cards, "sort_comp" );
- return $cards;
-function sort_comp($a,$b)
- global $CARDS;
- $ALL = array();
- $ALL = array_merge($CARDS["trump"],$CARDS["diamonds"],$CARDS["clubs"],
- $CARDS["hearts"],$CARDS["spades"],$CARDS["diamonds"]);
- return pos_array($a,$ALL)-pos_array($b,$ALL);
-function can_call($what,$hash)
- global $RULES;
- $gameid = DB_get_gameid_by_hash($hash);
- $gametype = DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid);
- $oldcall = DB_get_call_by_hash($hash);
- $pcall = DB_get_partner_call_by_hash($hash);
- if( ($pcall!=NULL && $what >= $pcall) ||
- ($oldcall!=NULL && $what >=$oldcall) )
- {
- return 0;
- }
- $NRcards = count(DB_get_hand($hash));
- $NRallcards = 0;
- for ($i=1;$i<5;$i++)
- {
- $user = DB_get_hash_from_game_and_pos($gameid,$i);
- $NRallcards += count(DB_get_hand($user));
- };
- /* in case of a wedding, everything will be delayed by an offset */
- $offset = 0;
- if($gametype=="wedding")
- {
- $offset = DB_get_sickness_by_gameid($gameid);
- if ($offset <0) /* not resolved */
- return 0;
- };
- switch ($RULES["call"])
- {
- case "1st-own-card":
- if( 4-($what/30) >= 12 - ($NRcards + $offset))
- return 1;
- break;
- case "5th-card":
- if( 27+4*($what/30) <= $NRallcards + $offset*4)
- return 1;
- break;
- case "9-cards":
- if($oldcall!=NULL && $pcall!=NULL)
- $mincall = ($oldcall>$pcall) ? $pcall : $oldcall;
- else if($oldcall!=NULL)
- $mincall = $oldcall;
- else if ($pcall!=NULL)
- $mincall = $pcall;
- else
- $mincall = -1;
- if( 12 <= ($NRcards + $offset))
- {
- return 1;
- }
- else if ( 9 <= ($NRcards + $offset))
- {
- if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall==120) )
- return 1;
- }
- else if ( 6 <= ($NRcards + $offset))
- {
- if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=90 && $what<=60 ) )
- return 1;
- }
- else if ( 3 <= ($NRcards + $offset))
- {
- if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=60 && $what<=30 ) )
- return 1;
- }
- else if ( 0 <= ($NRcards + $offset))
- {
- if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=30 && $what==0 ) )
- return 1;
- };
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-function display_table ()
- global $gameid, $GT, $debug,$INDEX,$defaulttimezone;
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT User.fullname as name,".
- " Hand.position as position, ".
- ", ".
- " as party, ".
- " Hand.sickness as sickness, ".
- " Hand.point_call, ".
- " User.last_login, ".
- " Hand.hash, ".
- " User.timezone ".
- "FROM Hand ".
- "LEFT JOIN User ON ".
- "WHERE Hand.game_id='".$gameid."' ".
- "ORDER BY position ASC");
- echo "<div class=\"table\">\n".
- " <img class=\"table\" src=\"pics/table.png\" alt=\"table\" />\n";
- while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM))
- {
- $name = $r[0];
- $pos = $r[1];
- $user = $r[2];
- $party = $r[3];
- $sickness = $r[4];
- $call = $r[5];
- $hash = $r[7];
- $timezone = $r[8];
- date_default_timezone_set($defaulttimezone);
- $lastlogin = strtotime($r[6]);
- date_default_timezone_set($timezone);
- $timenow = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
- echo " <div class=\"table".($pos-1)."\">\n";
- if(!$debug)
- echo " $name \n";
- else
- echo " <a href=\"".$INDEX."?me=".$hash."\">$name</a>\n";
- /* add hints for poverty, wedding, solo, etc */
- if($GT=="poverty" && $party=="re")
- if($sickness=="poverty")
- {
- $userhash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$user);
- $cards = DB_get_all_hand($userhash);
- $trumpNR = count_trump($cards);
- if($trumpNR)
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/poverty_trump_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"poverty < trump back\" />";
- else
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/poverty_notrump_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"poverty <\" />";
- }
- else
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/poverty_partner_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"poverty >\" />";
- if($GT=="dpoverty")
- if($party=="re")
- if($sickness=="poverty")
- {
- $userhash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$user);
- $cards = DB_get_all_hand($userhash);
- $trumpNR = count_trump($cards);
- if($trumpNR)
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/poverty_trump_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"poverty < trump back\" />";
- else
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/poverty_notrump_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"poverty <\" />";
- }
- else
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/poverty_partner_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"poverty >\" />";
- else
- if($sickness=="poverty")
- {
- $userhash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$user);
- $cards = DB_get_all_hand($userhash);
- $trumpNR = count_trump($cards);
- if($trumpNR)
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/poverty2_trump_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"poverty2 < trump back\" />";
- else
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/poverty2_notrump_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"poverty2 <\" />";
- }
- else
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/poverty2_partner_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"poverty2 >\" />";
- if($GT=="wedding" && $party=="re")
- if($sickness=="wedding")
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/wedding_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"wedding\" />";
- else
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/wedding_partner_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"wedding partner\" />";
- if(ereg("solo",$GT) && $party=="re")
- {
- if(ereg("queen",$GT))
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/queensolo_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"$GT\" />";
- else if(ereg("jack",$GT))
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/jacksolo_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"$GT\" />";
- else if(ereg("club",$GT))
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/clubsolo_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"$GT\" />";
- else if(ereg("spade",$GT))
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/spadesolo_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"$GT\" />";
- else if(ereg("heart",$GT))
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/heartsolo_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"$GT\" />";
- else if(ereg("trumpless",$GT))
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/notrumpsolo_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"$GT\" />";
- else if(ereg("trump",$GT))
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/trumpsolo_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"$GT\" />";
- }
- /* add point calls */
- if($call!=NULL)
- {
- if($party=="re")
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/re_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"re\" />";
- else
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/contra_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"contra\" />";
- switch($call)
- {
- case "0":
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/0_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"0\" />";
- break;
- case "30":
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/30_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"30\" />";
- break;
- case "60":
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/60_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"60\" />";
- break;
- case "90":
- echo " <img src=\"pics/button/90_button.png\" class=\"button\" alt=\"90\" />";
- break;
- }
- }
- echo " <br />\n";
- echo " <span title=\"".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$timenow). "\">local time</span>\n";
- echo " <span title=\"".date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$lastlogin)."\">last login</span>\n";
- echo " </div>\n";
- }
- echo "</div>\n"; /* end output table */
- return;
-function display_user_menu()
- global $WIKI,$myid,$INDEX,$STATS;
- echo "<div class=\"usermenu\">\n".
- "<a href=\"".$INDEX."\"> Go to my user page </a>";
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT Hand.hash,Hand.game_id,Game.player from Hand".
- " LEFT JOIN Game On".
- " WHERE Hand.user_id='$myid'".
- " AND Game.player='$myid'".
- " AND Game.status<>'gameover'".
- " ORDER BY Game.session" );
- if(mysql_num_rows($result))
- echo "<hr />It's your turn in these games:<br />\n";
- while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM))
- {
- echo "<a href=\"".$INDEX."?me=".$r[0]."\">game ".DB_format_gameid($r[1])." </a><br />\n";
- }
- echo "<hr /> <a href=\"".$INDEX."?new\">Start a new game</a>\n";
- echo "<hr /> <a href=\"".$STATS."\">Statistics</a>\n";
- echo
- "<hr />Report bugs in the <a href=\"".$WIKI."\">wiki</a>\n";
- echo "</div>\n";
- return;
-function generate_score_table($session)
- /* get all ids */
- $gameids = DB_get_gameids_of_finished_games_by_session($session);
- if($gameids == NULL)
- return "";
- $output = "<div class=\"scoretable\">\n<table class=\"score\">\n <tr>\n";
- /* get player id, names... from the first game */
- $player = array();
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT, User.fullname from Hand".
- " LEFT JOIN User On".
- " WHERE Hand.game_id=".$gameids[0]);
- while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM))
- {
- $player[] = array( 'id' => $r[0], 'points' => 0 );
- $output.= " <td> ".substr($r[1],0,2)." </td>\n";
- }
- $output.=" <td>P</td>\n </tr>\n";
- /* get points and generate table */
- foreach($gameids as $gameid)
- {
- $output.=" <tr>\n";
- $re_score = DB_get_score_by_gameid($gameid);
- foreach($player as $key=>$pl)
- {
- $party = DB_get_party_by_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$pl['id']);
- if($party == "re")
- if(DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid)=="solo")
- $player[$key]['points'] += 3*$re_score;
- else
- $player[$key]['points'] += $re_score;
- else if ($party == "contra")
- $player[$key]['points'] -= $re_score;
- $output.=" <td>".$player[$key]['points']."</td>\n";
- }
- $output.=" <td>".abs($re_score);
- /* check for solo */
- if(DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid)=="solo")
- $output.= " S";
- $output.="</td>\n </tr>\n";
- }
- $output.="</table></div>\n";
- return $output;