Photo Index {if isset($searchfor) } {if $count == 1} {$count} image is the result for your search about "{$searchfor}". {else} {$count} images are the result for your search about "{$searchfor}". {/if} {elseif isset($tag_result)} {if $count == 1} {$count} image has been found for the selected tags. {else} {$count} images have been found for the selected tags. {/if} {else} {if $count == 1} {$count} image has been found. {else} {$count} images have been found. {/if} {/if} {if isset($from_date) && isset($to_date) }
Results are limited to a date within {$from_date} to {$to_date}. {/if}
{if isset($slideshow_link) }  Slideshow {/if} {if isset($extern_link) }  External Link {/if} {if isset($export_link) }  Export {/if} {if isset($rss_link) }  RSS-Feed {/if}
{ if isset($tag_result) }
{ $selected_tags }
{ /if }
{section name="thumb" loop=$thumbs step=1} {if isset($images[thumb]) }
{ if isset($user_friendly_url) } { else } { /if }
{ if isset($use_lightbox) } { /if } { if isset($img_rating[thumb]) }
{section name="rating" loop=$img_rating[thumb] step=1} {/section} { /if }
{/if} {/section}

{ if !isset($next_url) || $next_url == "" } { if $count != 0 } last page reached { /if } { else } next photo { /if}
{ if !isset($previous_url) || $previous_url == "" } { if $count != 0 } first page reached { /if } { else } previous photo { /if }
{ if isset($page_selector) && $page_selector != "" } {$page_selector} { /if}