This file is part of photo-tags. Photo-tags is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Photo-tags is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Photo-tags. If not, see . **/ $N=30; /* parse ini -file */ $iniarray=parse_ini_file("config.ini"); $DBFILE=$iniarray["fspotdb"]; $usePDO=$iniarray["usePDO"]; $N=$iniarray["pics_per_page"]; /* end parse ini-file */ if($usePDO) $DB = new PDO("sqlite:$DBFILE"); else $DB = new SQlite3($DBFILE); /* do database query */ if (isset($_REQUEST["S"])) { /* single tag or part of tag */ $tag = sqlite_escape_string($_REQUEST["S"]); $result = $DB->query("SELECT name FROM tags"); } else if (isset($_REQUEST["NP"])) { /* get +- 3 pics from ordered list to show next to a large image */ /* first create a temp table with all images and then use rowid to get +-5 images */ if (isset($_REQUEST["T"])) { /* single tag or part of tag */ $tags = $_REQUEST["T"]; $tags = explode(",",$tags); $nrtags = count($tags); foreach ($tags as $key => $value) $tags[$key]=sqlite_escape_string(trim($value)); $tags = "'".implode("','",$tags)."'"; $DB->query("CREATE TEMP TABLE NEXTPREV AS SELECT base_uri, filename, as id FROM photo_tags pt, photos p, tags t". " WHERE pt.tag_id =". " AND ( COLLATE NOCASE IN ($tags))". " AND = pt.photo_id ". " GROUP BY HAVING COUNT( )=$nrtags"); } else { $DB->query("CREATE TEMP TABLE NEXTPREV AS SELECT base_uri, filename, as id FROM photos p"); }; if (isset($_REQUEST["ID"])) { $ID=intval($_REQUEST["ID"]); $result = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM NEXTPREV". " WHERE rowid > (select rowid from NEXTPREV where id=$ID) -3". " AND rowid < (select rowid from NEXTPREV where id=$ID) +3"); } else { $result = $DB->query("SELECT 1 where 1=2"); } } else if (isset($_REQUEST["ID"]) && !isset($_REQUEST["C"])) { $id = intval($_REQUEST["ID"]); $result = $DB->query("SELECT base_uri, filename, id, description, time FROM photos". " WHERE id=$id"); } else if (isset($_REQUEST["IDT"])) { /* tags of a single image */ $id = intval($_REQUEST["IDT"]); $result = $DB->query("SELECT as name FROM photo_tags pt ". " LEFT JOIN tags t on". " WHERE pt.photo_id=$id"); } else if (isset($_REQUEST["CLOUD"])) { $result = $DB->query("SELECT as name, count(*) as count FROM photo_tags pt ". " LEFT JOIN tags t on". " GROUP BY"); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST["P"])) $OFFSET = "".(intval($_REQUEST["P"])*$N-$N); else $OFFSET = "0"; if (isset($_REQUEST["T"])) { /* single tag or part of tag */ $tags = $_REQUEST["T"]; $tags = explode(",",$tags); $nrtags = count($tags); foreach ($tags as $key => $value) $tags[$key]=sqlite_escape_string(trim($value)); $tags = "'".implode("','",$tags)."'"; /* individual tags are seperated by ',' */ /* use and AND query between tags as a default a good explanation on different ways of doing this can be found at: */ if (isset($_REQUEST["C"])) { $DB->query("CREATE TEMP TABLE TEMPPICS AS SELECT as id FROM photo_tags pt, photos p, tags t". " WHERE pt.tag_id =". " AND ( COLLATE NOCASE IN ($tags))". " AND = pt.photo_id ". " GROUP BY HAVING COUNT( )=$nrtags"); if (isset($_REQUEST["ID"])) { $ID = $_REQUEST["ID"]; $result = $DB->query("SELECT count(*) as total, (SELECT rowid from TEMPPICS WHERE id = $ID) as row from TEMPPICS"); } else $result = $DB->query("SELECT count(*) as total, -1 as row from TEMPPICS"); } else { $result = $DB->query("SELECT base_uri, filename, as id FROM photo_tags pt, photos p, tags t". " WHERE pt.tag_id =". " AND ( COLLATE NOCASE IN ($tags))". " AND = pt.photo_id ". " GROUP BY HAVING COUNT( )=$nrtags". " LIMIT $OFFSET, $N"); } } else { if (isset($_REQUEST["C"])) { $DB->query("CREATE TEMP TABLE TEMPPICS AS SELECT id from photos"); if (isset($_REQUEST["ID"])) { $ID = $_REQUEST["ID"]; $result = $DB->query("SELECT count(*) as total, (SELECT rowid FROM TEMPPICS WHERE id=$ID) as row FROM TEMPPICS"); } else $result = $DB->query("SELECT count(*) as total, -1 as row FROM TEMPPICS"); } else $result = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM photos LIMIT $OFFSET, $N"); } } /* encode result as an array */ $tmp=array(); if(!$usePDO) { /* convert results into array */ while($res = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) $tmp[]=$res; } else { foreach($result as $res) $tmp[]=$res; } $result=$tmp; echo json_encode($result); /* close the database */ if($usePDO) $DB=null; else $DB->close(); ?>