require_once "phpfspot_tmpl.php";
$this->tmpl = new PHPFSPOT_TMPL();
+ /* pre-set some template variables */
$this->tmpl->assign('web_path', $this->cfg->web_path);
/* Starting with F-Spot 0.4.2, the rating-feature was available */
$thumbs = 0;
- $images[$thumbs] = Array();
- $img_height[$thumbs] = Array();
- $img_width[$thumbs] = Array();
- $img_id[$thumbs] = Array();
- $img_name[$thumbs] = Array();
- $img_fullname[$thumbs] = Array();
- $img_title = Array();
- $img_rating = Array();
for($i = $begin_with; $i < $end_with; $i++) {
- if(isset($photos[$i])) {
+ if(!isset($photos[$i]))
+ continue;
+ /* on first run, initalize all used variables */
+ if($thumbs == 0) {
+ $images = Array();
+ $images[$thumbs] = Array();
+ $img_height[$thumbs] = Array();
+ $img_width[$thumbs] = Array();
+ $img_id[$thumbs] = Array();
+ $img_name[$thumbs] = Array();
+ $img_fullname[$thumbs] = Array();
+ $img_title = Array();
+ $img_rating = Array();
+ }
- $images[$thumbs] = $photos[$i];
- $img_id[$thumbs] = $i;
- $img_name[$thumbs] = htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 15));
- $img_fullname[$thumbs] = htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 0));
- $img_title[$thumbs] = "Click to view photo ". htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 0));
- $img_rating[$thumbs] = $this->get_photo_rating($photos[$i]);
+ $images[$thumbs] = $photos[$i];
+ $img_id[$thumbs] = $i;
+ $img_name[$thumbs] = htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 15));
+ $img_fullname[$thumbs] = htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 0));
+ $img_title[$thumbs] = "Click to view photo ". htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 0));
+ $img_rating[$thumbs] = $this->get_photo_rating($photos[$i]);
- $thumb_path = $this->get_thumb_path($this->cfg->thumb_width, $photos[$i], $this->get_latest_version($photos[$i]));
+ /* get local path of the thumbnail image to be displayed */
+ $thumb_path = $this->get_thumb_path($this->cfg->thumb_width, $photos[$i], $this->get_latest_version($photos[$i]));
- if(file_exists($thumb_path)) {
- $info = getimagesize($thumb_path);
+ /* if the image exist and is readable, extract some details */
+ if(file_exists($thumb_path) && is_readable($thumb_path)) {
+ if($info = getimagesize($thumb_path) !== false) {
$img_width[$thumbs] = $info[0];
$img_height[$thumbs] = $info[1];
- $thumbs++;
- }
+ }
+ $thumbs++;
- // +1 for for smarty's selection iteration
- $thumbs++;
if(isset($_SESSION['searchfor_tag']) && $_SESSION['searchfor_tag'] != '')
$this->tmpl->assign('searchfor_tag', $_SESSION['searchfor_tag']);
$this->tmpl->assign('preview_width', $this->cfg->photo_width);
$this->tmpl->assign('thumb_container_width', $this->cfg->thumb_width);
$this->tmpl->assign('thumb_container_height', $this->cfg->thumb_height+20);
- $this->tmpl->assign('images', $images);
- $this->tmpl->assign('img_width', $img_width);
- $this->tmpl->assign('img_height', $img_height);
- $this->tmpl->assign('img_id', $img_id);
- $this->tmpl->assign('img_name', $img_name);
- $this->tmpl->assign('img_fullname', $img_fullname);
- $this->tmpl->assign('img_title', $img_title);
- $this->tmpl->assign('img_rating', $img_rating);
- $this->tmpl->assign('thumbs', $thumbs);
$this->tmpl->assign('selected_tags', $this->getSelectedTags('img'));
+ // +1 for for smarty's selection iteration
+ $this->tmpl->assign('thumbs', $thumbs+1);
+ if($thumbs > 0) {
+ $this->tmpl->assign('images', $images);
+ $this->tmpl->assign('img_width', $img_width);
+ $this->tmpl->assign('img_height', $img_height);
+ $this->tmpl->assign('img_id', $img_id);
+ $this->tmpl->assign('img_name', $img_name);
+ $this->tmpl->assign('img_fullname', $img_fullname);
+ $this->tmpl->assign('img_title', $img_title);
+ $this->tmpl->assign('img_rating', $img_rating);
+ }
$result = $this->tmpl->fetch("photo_index.tpl");
<!-- matrix -->
{section name="row" loop=$rows step=1}
{section name="col" loop=8 step=1}
- {if $matrix[row][col] }
+ {if isset($matrix[row][col]) }
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$web_path}/phpfspot.js"></script>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="{$web_path}/resources/gpl_16.png" type="image/png" />
<link rel="icon" href="{$web_path}/resources/gpl_16.png" type="image/png" />
- { if $use_lightbox }
+ { if isset($use_lightbox) }
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$web_path}/lightbox2/js/prototype.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$web_path}/lightbox2/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$web_path}/lightbox2/js/lightbox.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$web_path}/lightbox2/css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
{ /if }
- { if $use_autocomplete }
+ { if isset($use_autocomplete) }
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$web_path}/autosuggest/js/bsn.AutoSuggest_2.1.3_comp.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{$web_path}/autosuggest/css/autosuggest_inquisitor.css" type="text/css" media="screen" charset="utf-8" />
{ /if }
<div class="header">
<div class="header_title">
<b>Photo Index</b>
- {if $searchfor }
+ {if isset($searchfor) }
{if $count == 1}
{$count} image is the result for your search about "{$searchfor}".
{$count} images are the result for your search about "{$searchfor}".
- {elseif $tag_result}
+ {elseif isset($tag_result)}
{if $count == 1}
{$count} image has been found for the selected tags.
{$count} images have been found.
- {if $from_date && $to_date }
+ {if isset($from_date) && isset($to_date) }
<br />
Results are limited to a date within {$from_date} to {$to_date}.
<div class="header_menu">
- {if $slideshow_link }
+ {if isset($slideshow_link) }
<a href="{$slideshow_link}" title="Slideshow" target="_blank"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/slideshow.png" /> Slideshow</a>
- {if $extern_link }
+ {if isset($extern_link) }
<a href="{$extern_link}" title="Use this link to return to the current view"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/link.png" /> External Link</a>
- {if $export_link }
+ {if isset($export_link) }
<a href="{$export_link}" target="_blank" title="this will open a new browser window where you can export this page in several formats"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/export.png" /> Export</a>
- {if $rss_link }
+ {if isset($rss_link) }
<a href="{$rss_link}" target="_blank" title="RSS feed"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/rss.png" /> RSS-Feed</a>
<!-- if result of a tag-search is displayed, show the selected tags
with some small pictures in a bar. -->
-{ if $tag_result }
+{ if isset($tag_result) }
<!-- seperator -->
<div class="tagresult"></div>
<!-- /seperator -->
{section name="thumb" loop=$thumbs step=1}
- {if $images[thumb] }
+ {if isset($images[thumb]) }
<div class="thumb" onmouseover="setBackGrdColor(this, 'mouseover');" onmouseout="setBackGrdColor(this, 'mouseout');" style="width: { $thumb_container_width }px; height: { $thumb_container_height }px;">
- { if $user_friendly_url }
+ { if isset($user_friendly_url) }
<a href="{$web_path}/photoview/{$images[thumb]}" onclick="showPhoto({$images[thumb]}, 'scrollup'); return false;" id="thumblink{$images[thumb]}" name="image{$img_id[thumb]}" class="thumblink" onfocus="click(this);" title="{$img_title[thumb]}">
{ else }
<a href="{$web_path}/index.php?mode=showp&id={$images[thumb]}" onclick="showPhoto({$images[thumb]}, 'scrollup'); return false;" id="thumblink{$images[thumb]}" name="image{$img_id[thumb]}" class="thumblink" onfocus="click(this);" title="{$img_title[thumb]}">
<!-- show lightbox eyes, if enabled -->
- { if $use_lightbox }
+ { if isset($use_lightbox) }
<a href="{$web_path}/phpfspot_img.php?idx={$images[thumb]}&width={$preview_width}" alt="thumb_{$images[thumb]}" rel="lightbox[photoidx]" title="Preview of {$img_fullname[thumb]}"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/eyes.png" /></a>
{ /if }
<!-- show F-Spot photo rating value, if available -->
- { if $img_rating[thumb] }
+ { if isset($img_rating[thumb]) }
<br />
{section name="rating" loop=$img_rating[thumb] step=1}
<img src="{$web_path}/resources/star.png" />
<!-- the right nav arrow -->
<div class="indexnavigationright">
- { if $next_url == "" }
+ { if !isset($next_url) || $next_url == "" }
{ if $count != 0 }
<img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_right_gray.png" alt="last page reached" />
{ /if }
<!-- the left nav arrow -->
<div class="indexnavigationleft">
- { if $previous_url == "" }
+ { if !isset($previous_url) || $previous_url == "" }
{ if $count != 0 }
<img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_left_gray.png" alt="first page reached" />
{ /if }
<!-- the middle page selector -->
<div class="indexnavigationcenter">
- { if $page_selector != "" }
+ { if isset($page_selector) && $page_selector != "" }
{ /if}
var last_thumb;
{section name="thumb" loop=$thumbs step=1}
- {if $images[thumb] }
+ {if isset($images[thumb]) }
image_urls[{counter}] = '{$web_path}/phpfspot_img.php?idx={$images[thumb]}&width={$width}';
last_thumb = {$images[thumb]};
- { if $use_autocomplete }
+ { if isset($use_autocomplete) }
<input type="text" name="searchfor_tag" id="searchfor_tag" value="{$searchfor_tag}" size="15" acdropdown="true" autocomplete_list="url:rpc.php?action=getxmltaglist&search=[S]&length=10" />
{ literal }
<script type="text/javascript">
{ /literal }
{ else }
- <input type="text" name="searchfor_tag" value="{$searchfor_tag}" size="15" />
+ <input type="text" name="searchfor_tag" value="{ if isset($searchfor_tag) }{$searchfor_tag}{ /if }" size="15" />
{ /if }
- <input type="text" name="searchfor_name" value="{$searchfor_name}" size="15" />
+ <input type="text" name="searchfor_name" value="{ if isset($searchfor_name) }{$searchfor_name}{ /if }" size="15" />
<input type="image" class="submit" src="{$web_path}/resources/doit.png" alt="start search" title="start search" onclick="click(this);" />
<td class="nowarp">
- { if ! $date_search_enabled }
+ { if ! isset($date_search_enabled) }
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="consider_date" value="Y" onclick="datesearch();" />
{ else }
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="consider_date" value="Y" onclick="datesearch();" checked="checked" />
<input type="image" class="submit" src="{$web_path}/resources/doit.png" alt="start search" title="start search" onclick="click(this);" />
- { if $has_rating }
+ { if isset($has_rating) }
<td class="nowarp">
- { if ! $rate_search_enabled }
+ { if ! isset($rate_search_enabled) }
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="consider_rate" value="Y" />
{ else }
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="consider_rate" value="Y" checked="checked" />
- {if $description}
+ {if isset($description) }
- {$description}<br />
<a href="javascript:zoom(0);" title="zoom_100" onclick="click(this);"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/zoom-100.png" /></a>
<a href="javascript:zoom(10);" title="zoom_in" onclick="click(this);"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/zoom-in.png" /></a>
<a href="javascript:startAutoBrowse();" title="auto browsing"><img id="autobrowse_ico" src="{$web_path}/resources/16_play.png" /> Auto-Browse</a>
- {if $extern_link }
+ {if isset($extern_link) }
<a href="{$extern_link}" title="Use this link to return to the current view"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/link.png" /> External Link</a>
<a href="{$image_url_full}" title="orig_image" target="_blank" onclick="click(this);"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/original.png" alt="original resolution" /> Fullsize</a>
<p class="cb">
<div id="photo_details">
- { if $ExifMadeWith }
+ { if isset($ExifMadeWith) }
<u><img src="{$web_path}/resources/camera.png" alt="camera icon" /> Image taken with:</u><br />
{$ExifMadeWith}<br />
{ /if }
- { if $ExifMadeOn }
+ { if isset($ExifMadeOn) }
<u><img src="{$web_path}/resources/date.png" alt="calendar icon" /> Image made on:</u><br />
{$ExifMadeOn}<br />
{ /if }
- { if $ExifOrigResolution }
+ { if isset($ExifOrigResolution) }
<u><img src="{$web_path}/resources/image.png" alt="resolution icon" /> Original resolution:</u><br />
{$ExifOrigResolution}px<br />
{ /if }
<u>Size:</u> {$ExifFileSize}<br />
- { if $image_rating }
+ { if isset($image_rating) && $image_rating > 0 }
<u><img src="{$web_path}/resources/rating.png" alt="rating" /> Rating:</u><br />
{section name="rating" loop=$image_rating step=1}
<img src="{$web_path}/resources/star.png" />
<br />
{ /if }
- { if $has_versions }
+ { if isset($has_versions) }
<br />
Versions:<br />
<select onchange="update_photo_version(this, {$photo});">
<br />
{ /if }
- { if $tags }
+ { if isset($tags) }
<br />
<u><img src="{$web_path}/resources/small_available_tags.png" alt="available tags" /> Tagged with:</u><br />
{ foreach from=$tags key=id item=name }
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
- { if $prev_img }
+ { if isset($prev_img) && isset($previous_url) }
<u><img src="{$web_path}/resources/photo.png" alt="photo icon" /> Previous:</u><br />
<a href="{$previous_url}" onfocus="click(this);" id="prev_link">
<img src="{$web_path}/phpfspot_img.php?idx={$prev_img}&width={$mini_width}" /><br />
{ /if}
- { if $next_img }
+ { if isset($next_img) && isset($next_url) }
<u><img src="{$web_path}/resources/photo.png" alt="photo icon" /> Next:</u><br />
<a href="{$next_url}" onfocus="click(this);" id="next_link">
<img src="{$web_path}/phpfspot_img.php?idx={$next_img}&width={$mini_width}" /><br />
<!-- the photo itself -->
<div class="photo">
- { if $next_url == "" }
+ { if !isset($next_url) || $next_url == "" }
<a href="{$image_url}" onclick="showPhotoIndex(); return false;" onfocus="click(this);" name="photo">
{ else }
<a href="{$image_url}" onclick="{$next_url}; return false;" onfocus="click(this);" title="click for the next photo" name="photo">
<!-- navigation arrows -->
<div class="photonavigation">
- { if $previous_url == "" }
+ <!-- previous -->
+ { if !isset($previous_url) || $previous_url == "" }
<img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_left_gray.png" alt="first photo reached" />
{ else }
<a href="{$previous_url}" onfocus="click(this);" title="click for the previous photo (left cursor)">
<img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_left.png" alt="previous photo" />
{ /if }
+ <!-- back to index -->
<a href="javascript:showPhotoIndex({$current_page}, {$current_img});" onfocus="click(this);" title="click to go back to the index">
<img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_up.png" alt="photo index" />
- { if $next_url == "" }
+ <!-- next -->
+ { if !isset($next_url) || $next_url == "" }
<img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_right_gray.png" alt="last photo reached" />
{ else }
<a href="{$next_url}" onfocus="click(this);" title="click for the next photo (right cursor)">
<input type="radio" name="condition" value="or" onclick="Tags('condition', this);" {if $current_condition == "or" } checked="checked" { /if } title="OR condition" />||
<input type="radio" name="condition" value="and" onclick="Tags('condition', this);" {if $current_condition == "and" } checked="checked" { /if } title="AND condition" />&&
-{ if $preset_selected_tags }
+{ if isset($preset_selected_tags) }
<div id="selected_tags">{ $preset_selected_tags }</div>
{ else }
<div id="selected_tags">no tags selected</div>