/* create game */
$followup = NULL;
- if(isset($_REQUEST["followup"])) $followup= $_REQUEST["followup"];
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO Game VALUES (NULL, NULL, '$randomNRstring', NULL, NULL,'pre',$followup ,NULL)");
+ if(isset($_REQUEST["followup"]))
+ {
+ $followup= $_REQUEST["followup"];
+ mysql_query("INSERT INTO Game VALUES (NULL, NULL, '$randomNRstring', NULL, NULL,'pre','$followup' ,NULL)");
+ }
+ else
+ mysql_query("INSERT INTO Game VALUES (NULL, NULL, '$randomNRstring', NULL, NULL,'pre', NULL ,NULL)");
$game_id = mysql_insert_id();
case 'gameover': /* gameover and play, so that the tricks are visible for both */
+ $gamestatus =DB_get_game_status_by_gameid($gameid);
+ if($gamestatus == 'pre')
+ {
+ echo "you need to wait for the others... <br />";
+ break;
+ }
/* get trick ids */
$result = mysql_query("SELECT Hand_Card.card_id as card,".
" User.fullname as name,".
+ echo "<p>these are the games you are playing in:<br />\n";
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT hash,game_id from Hand WHERE user_id='$uid' AND status<>'gameover'" );
+ while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM))
+ echo "<a href=\"http://doko.nubati.net/database/index.php?me=".$r[0]."\">game #".$r[1]." </a><br />";
+ echo "</p>\n";
$names = DB_get_all_names();
echo "<p>registered players:<br />\n";
foreach ($names as $name)