/* put everyting in a form */
echo "<form action=\"index.php?me=$me\" method=\"post\">\n";
- /* output left menu */
- display_user_menu();
- /* output right menu */
- /* display rule set for this game */
- echo "<div class=\"gameinfo\">\n";
- if($gamestatus != 'pre')
- echo " Gametype: $GT <br />\n";
- echo "Rules: <br />\n";
- echo "10ofhearts : ".$RULES["dullen"] ."<br />\n";
- echo "schweinchen: ".$RULES["schweinchen"] ."<br />\n";
- echo "call: ".$RULES["call"] ."<br />\n";
- echo "<hr />\n";
- if($gamestatus == 'play' )
- output_form_calls($me);
- /* get time from the last action of the game */
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT mod_date from Game WHERE id='$gameid' " );
- $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
- $gameend = time() - strtotime($r[0]);
- if($gamestatus == 'play' || $gameend < 60*60*24*7)
- {
- echo "<br />\nA short comment:<input name=\"comment\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"100\" />\n";
- echo "<hr />";
- }
- echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" />\n";
- if($mystatus=='gameover' && DB_get_game_status_by_gameid($gameid)=='gameover' )
- {
- echo "<hr />\n";
- $session = DB_get_session_by_gameid($gameid);
- $result = mysql_query("SELECT id,create_date FROM Game".
- " WHERE session=$session".
- " ORDER BY create_date DESC".
- " LIMIT 1");
- $r = -1;
- if($result)
- $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
- if(!$session || $gameid==$r[0])
- {
- /* suggest a new game with the same people in it, just rotated once (unless last game was solo) */
- $names = DB_get_all_names_by_gameid($gameid);
- $type = DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid);
- if($type=="solo")
- output_ask_for_new_game($names[0],$names[1],$names[2],$names[3],$gameid);
- else
- output_ask_for_new_game($names[1],$names[2],$names[3],$names[0],$gameid);
- }
- }
- echo "</div>\n";
/* output game */
/* output extra division in case this game is part of a session */
myerror("error in testing the status");
+ /* output left menu */
+ display_user_menu();
+ /* output right menu */
+ /* display rule set for this game */
+ echo "<div class=\"gameinfo\">\n";
+ if($gamestatus != 'pre')
+ echo " Gametype: $GT <br />\n";
+ echo "Rules: <br />\n";
+ echo "10ofhearts : ".$RULES["dullen"] ."<br />\n";
+ echo "schweinchen: ".$RULES["schweinchen"] ."<br />\n";
+ echo "call: ".$RULES["call"] ."<br />\n";
+ echo "<hr />\n";
+ if($gamestatus == 'play' )
+ output_form_calls($me);
+ /* get time from the last action of the game */
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT mod_date from Game WHERE id='$gameid' " );
+ $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+ $gameend = time() - strtotime($r[0]);
+ if($gamestatus == 'play' || $gameend < 60*60*24*7)
+ {
+ echo "<br />\nA short comment:<input name=\"comment\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"100\" />\n";
+ echo "<hr />";
+ }
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" />\n";
+ if($mystatus=='gameover' && DB_get_game_status_by_gameid($gameid)=='gameover' )
+ {
+ echo "<hr />\n";
+ $session = DB_get_session_by_gameid($gameid);
+ $result = mysql_query("SELECT id,create_date FROM Game".
+ " WHERE session=$session".
+ " ORDER BY create_date DESC".
+ " LIMIT 1");
+ $r = -1;
+ if($result)
+ $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+ if(!$session || $gameid==$r[0])
+ {
+ /* suggest a new game with the same people in it, just rotated once (unless last game was solo) */
+ $names = DB_get_all_names_by_gameid($gameid);
+ $type = DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid);
+ if($type=="solo")
+ output_ask_for_new_game($names[0],$names[1],$names[2],$names[3],$gameid);
+ else
+ output_ask_for_new_game($names[1],$names[2],$names[3],$names[0],$gameid);
+ }
+ }
+ echo "</div>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
+ echo "<div class=\"user\">";
echo "<h4>These are all your games:</h4>\n";
echo "<p>Session: <br />\n";
echo "<span class=\"gamestatuspre\"> p </span> = pre-game phase ";
$names = DB_get_all_names();
echo "<h4>Registered players:</h4>\n<p>\n";
echo implode(", ",$names)."\n";
- echo "</p>\n";
+ echo "</p>\n</div>";