new database backend... kind of working
authorarun <>
Thu, 7 Dec 2006 10:47:11 +0000 (10:47 +0000)
committerarun <arun>
Thu, 7 Dec 2006 10:47:11 +0000 (10:47 +0000)
create_database.sql [new file with mode: 0644]
db.php [new file with mode: 0644]
functions.php [new file with mode: 0644]
random.txt [deleted file]

diff --git a/create_database.sql b/create_database.sql
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9156bae
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+-- MySQL dump 10.9
+-- Host: localhost    Database: doko
+-- ------------------------------------------------------
+-- Server version      4.1.10
+/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
+-- Table structure for table `Card`
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `suite` enum('diamonds','hearts','spades','clubs') NOT NULL default 'diamonds',
+  `strength` enum('nine','ten','jack','queen','king','ace') NOT NULL default 'nine',
+  `points` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `Card`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Card` DISABLE KEYS */;
+INSERT INTO `Card` VALUES (1,'hearts','ten',10),(2,'hearts','ten',10),(3,'clubs','queen',3),(4,'clubs','queen',3),(5,'spades','queen',3),(6,'spades','queen',3),(7,'hearts','queen',3),(8,'hearts','queen',3),(9,'diamonds','queen',3),(10,'diamonds','queen',3),(11,'clubs','jack',2),(12,'clubs','jack',2),(13,'spades','jack',2),(14,'spades','jack',2),(15,'hearts','jack',2),(16,'hearts','jack',2),(17,'diamonds','jack',2),(18,'diamonds','jack',2),(19,'diamonds','ace',11),(20,'diamonds','ace',11),(21,'diamonds','ten',10),(22,'diamonds','ten',10),(23,'diamonds','king',4),(24,'diamonds','king',4),(25,'diamonds','nine',0),(26,'diamonds','nine',0),(27,'clubs','ace',11),(28,'clubs','ace',11),(29,'clubs','ten',10),(30,'clubs','ten',10),(31,'clubs','king',4),(32,'clubs','king',4),(33,'clubs','nine',0),(34,'clubs','nine',0),(35,'spades','ace',11),(36,'spades','ace',11),(37,'spades','ten',10),(38,'spades','ten',10),(39,'spades','king',4),(40,'spades','king',4),(41,'spades','nine',0),(42,'spades','nine',0),(43,'hearts','ace',11),(44,'hearts','ace',11),(45,'hearts','king',4),(46,'hearts','king',4),(47,'hearts','nine',0),(48,'hearts','nine',0);
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Card` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `Comment`
+CREATE TABLE `Comment` (
+  `mod_date` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+  `create_date` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `user_id` int(11) default NULL,
+  `play_id` int(11) default NULL,
+  `comment` text,
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `Comment`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Comment` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Comment` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `Game`
+  `mod_date` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+  `create_date` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+  `randomnumbers` varchar(136) default NULL,
+  `type` enum('solo','wedding','poverty','dpoverty') default NULL,
+  `solo` enum('trumpless','jack','queen','trump','club','spade','heart','silent') default NULL,
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `Game`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Game` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Game` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `Hand`
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `game_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `hash` varchar(33) default NULL,
+  `status` enum('start','init','check','poverty','play','gameover') default 'start',
+  `position` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `party` enum('re','contra') default NULL,
+  `sickness` enum('wedding','nines','poverty','solo') default NULL,
+  `solo` enum('trumpless','jack','queen','trump','club','spade','heart','silent') default NULL,
+  `sick_call` enum('true','false') default 'false',
+  `win_call` enum('true','false') default 'false',
+  `point_call` enum('90','60','30','0') default NULL,
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `Hand`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Hand` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Hand` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `Hand_Card`
+CREATE TABLE `Hand_Card` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `hand_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `card_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `played` enum('true','false') default 'false',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `Hand_Card`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Hand_Card` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Hand_Card` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `Play`
+  `mod_date` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+  `create_date` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `trick_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `hand_card_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `sequence` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `Play`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Play` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Play` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `Score`
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `game_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `hand_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `score` tinyint(4) default NULL,
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `Score`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Score` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Score` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `Trick`
+  `mod_date` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
+  `create_date` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `game_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `Trick`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Trick` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `Trick` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `User`
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `fullname` varchar(64) default NULL,
+  `email` varchar(64) default NULL,
+  `password` varchar(32) default NULL,
+  `timezone` tinyint(2) default NULL,
+  `last_login` timestamp NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `User`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `User` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `User` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `User_Game_Prefs`
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `User_Game_Prefs`;
+CREATE TABLE `User_Game_Prefs` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `game_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `pref_key` varchar(64) default NULL,
+  `value` varchar(64) default NULL,
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `User_Game_Prefs`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `User_Game_Prefs` DISABLE KEYS */;
+LOCK TABLES `User_Game_Prefs` WRITE;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `User_Game_Prefs` ENABLE KEYS */;
+-- Table structure for table `User_Prefs`
+CREATE TABLE `User_Prefs` (
+  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+  `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+  `pref_key` varchar(64) default NULL,
+  `value` varchar(64) default NULL,
+  UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
+-- Dumping data for table `User_Prefs`
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `User_Prefs` DISABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `User_Prefs` ENABLE KEYS */;
+/*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE */;
diff --git a/db.php b/db.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bd37532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db.php
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+ * open database 
+ */
+function DB_open()
+  global $DB;
+  if ( $DB = mysql_connect('localhost','dokodb', 'doko') )
+    mysql_select_db('doko') or die('Could not select database'); 
+  else
+    die (mysql_error());
+  return;
+function DB_close()
+  global $DB;
+  mysql_close($DB);
+  return;
+function DB_quote_smart($value)
+    /* Stripslashes */
+    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
+        $value = stripslashes($value);
+    }
+    /* Quote if not a number or a numeric string */
+    if (!is_numeric($value)) {
+        $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string($value) . "'";
+    }
+    return $value;
+function DB_test()
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user");
+  while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM))
+    {
+      foreach($r as $thing)
+       echo "  $thing ";
+      echo "<br />\n";
+    }
+  return;
+function DB_get_email_by_name($name)
+  echo "*looking for $name*";
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM user WHERE fullname=".DB_quote_smart($name)."");
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return "";
+function DB_get_userid_by_name($name)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM user WHERE fullname=".DB_quote_smart($name));
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return 0;
+function DB_get_userid_by_passwd($passwd)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM user WHERE password=".DB_quote_smart($passwd));
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return 0;
+function DB_get_userid_by_email($email)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM user WHERE email=".DB_quote_smart($email));
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return 0;
+function DB_get_handid_by_hash($hash)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM hand WHERE hash=".DB_quote_smart($hash));
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return 0;
+function DB_get_userid_by_hash($hash)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM hand WHERE hash=".DB_quote_smart($hash));
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return 0;
+function DB_get_pos_by_hash($hash)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT position FROM hand WHERE hash=".DB_quote_smart($hash));
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return 0;
+function DB_get_name_by_hash($hash)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT fullname FROM hand LEFT JOIN user ON WHERE hash=".DB_quote_smart($hash));
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return "";
+function DB_get_status_by_hash($hash)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT status FROM hand WHERE hash=".DB_quote_smart($hash));
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return 0;
+function DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($hash,$status)
+  mysql_query("UPDATE hand SET status='".$status."' WHERE hash=".DB_quote_smart($hash));
+  return;
+function DB_get_gameid_by_hash($hash)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT game_id FROM hand WHERE hash=".DB_quote_smart($hash));
+  $r      = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+  if($r)
+    return $r[0];
+  else
+    return 0;
+function DB_cancel_game($hash)
+  $gameid = DB_get_gameid_by_hash($me);
+  if(!$gameid)
+    return;
+  /* get the IDs of all players */
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM hand WHERE game_id=".DB_quote_smart($gameid));
+  while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM))
+    {
+      $id = $r[0];
+      $tmp = mysql_query("SELECT id  FROM hand_card WHERE hand_id=".DB_quote_smart($id));
+      $tmp = mysql_fetch_array($tmp,MYSQL_NUM);
+      mysql_query("DELETE FROM play WHERE hand_card_id=".DB_quote_smart($tmp[0]));
+      mysql_query("DELETE FROM hand_card WHERE hand_id=".DB_quote_smart($id));
+      mysql_query("DELETE FROM score WHERE hand_id=".DB_quote_smart($id));
+      mysql_query("DELETE FROM hand WHERE id=".DB_quote_smart($id));
+    }
+  /* delete game */
+  mysql_query("DELETE FROM user_game_prefs WHERE game_id=".DB_quote_smart($gameid));
+  mysql_query("DELETE FROM trick WHERE game_id=".DB_quote_smart($gameid));
+  mysql_query("DELETE FROM game WHERE id=".DB_quote_smart($gameid));
+  return;
+function DB_get_hand($me)
+  $cards = array();
+  $handid = DB_get_handid_by_hash($me);
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT card_id FROM hand_card WHERE hand_id=".DB_quote_smart($handid)." and played='false' ");
+  while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM))
+    $cards[]=$r[0];
+  return $cards;
+function DB_set_solo_by_hash($me,$solo)
+  mysql_query("UPDATE hand SET solo=".DB_quote_smart($solo)." WHERE hash=".DB_quote_smart($hash));
+  return;
+function DB_set_sickness_by_hash($me,$sickness)
+  mysql_query("UPDATE hand SET sickness=".DB_quote_smart($sickness)." WHERE hash=".DB_quote_smart($hash));
+  return;
+function DB_get_current_trickid($gameid)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT,MAX(play.sequence) FROM play ".
+                       "LEFT JOIN trick ON ".
+                       "WHERE trick.game_id=".DB_quote_smart($gameid)." ".
+                       "GROUP BY");
+  while(  $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM) )
+    {
+      $trickid  = $r[0];
+      $sequence = $r[1];
+    };
+  if(!$sequence || $sequence==4)
+    {
+      mysql_query("INSERT INTO trick VALUES (NULL,NULL,NULL, ".DB_quote_smart($gameid).")");
+      $trickid  = mysql_insert_id();
+      $sequence = 1;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      $sequence++;
+    }
+  return array($trickid,$sequence);
+function DB_get_max_trickid($gameid)
+  $result = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM trick WHERE game_id=".DB_quote_smart($gameid));
+  $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM) ;
+  return ($r?$r[0]:NULL);
+function DB_play_card($trickid,$handcardid,$sequence)
+  mysql_query("INSERT into play VALUES(NULL,NULL,NULL,".DB_quote_smart($trickid).
+             ",".DB_quote_smart($handcardid).",".DB_quote_smart($sequence).")");
+  return;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/functions.php b/functions.php
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0ce10e2
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+ * config 
+ */
+$host  = "";
+$wiki  = "";
+$debug = 1;
+ * end config
+ */    
+/* helper function */
+function mymail($To,$Subject,$message)
+  global $debug;
+  if($debug)
+    {
+      $message = str_replace("\n","<br />",$message);
+      echo "<br />To: $To<br />Subject: $Subject <br />$message<br />\n";
+    }
+  else
+    mail($To,$Subject,$message);
+  return;
+function is_trump($c) { return (($c<27) ? 1:0);}
+function is_club($c)  { return (in_array($c,array('27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34')));}
+function is_spade($c) { return (in_array($c,array('35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42')));}
+function is_heart($c) { return (in_array($c,array('43','44','45','46','47','48')));}
+function compare_cards($a,$b)
+  /* if a is higher than b return 1, else 0, a being the card first played */
+  /* first map all cards to the odd number */
+  if( $a/2 - (int)($a/2) != 0.5)
+    $a--;
+  if( $b/2 - (int)($b/2) != 0.5)
+    $b--;
+  if(is_trump($a) && $a<=$b)
+    return 1;
+  else if(is_trump($a) && $a>$b)
+    return 0;
+  else 
+    { /*$a is not a trump */
+      if(is_trump($b))
+       return 0;
+      else
+       {
+         /* both clubs? */
+         if( is_club($a) && is_club($b))
+           if($a<=$b)
+             return 1;
+           else
+             return 0;
+         /* both spade? */
+         if( is_spade($a) && is_spade($b))
+           if($a<=$b)
+             return 1;
+           else
+             return 0;
+         /* both heart? */
+         if( is_heart($a) && is_heart($b))
+           if($a<=$b)
+             return 1;
+           else
+             return 0;
+      return 1;
+       }         
+    }
+function get_winner($p)
+  /* get all 4 cards played in a trick */
+  $c1 = $p[1];
+  $c2 = $p[2];
+  $c3 = $p[3];
+  $c4 = $p[4];
+  /* find out who won */
+  if( compare_cards($c1,$c2) && compare_cards($c1,$c3) && compare_cards($c1,$c4) )
+    return 1;
+  if( compare_cards($c2,$c3) && compare_cards($c2,$c4) )
+    return 2;
+  if( compare_cards($c3,$c4) )
+    return 3;
+  return 4;
+function count_nines($cards)
+  $nines = 0;
+  foreach($cards as $c)
+    {
+      if($c == "25" || $c == "26") $nines++;
+      else if($c == "33" || $c == "34") $nines++;
+      else if($c == "41" || $c == "42") $nines++;
+      else if($c == "47" || $c == "48") $nines++;
+    }
+  return $nines;
+function check_wedding($cards)
+  if( in_array("3",$cards) && in_array("2",$cards) )
+    return 1;
+  return 0;
+function count_trump($cards)
+  $trump = 0;
+  /* count each trump */
+  foreach($cards as $c)
+    if( (int)($c) <27) 
+      $trump++;
+  /* subtract foxes */
+  if( in_array("19",$cards))
+    $trump--;
+  if( in_array("20",$cards) )
+    $trump--;
+  /* add one, in case the player has both foxes (schweinchen) */
+  if( in_array("19",$cards) && in_array("20",$cards) )
+    $trump++;
+  return $trump;
+function card_to_name($card)
+  switch($card)
+    {
+      case 1:
+      case 2:
+        return "ten of hearts";
+      case 3:
+      case 4:
+      return "queen of clubs";
+      case 5:
+      case 6:
+      return "queen of spades";
+      case 7:
+      case 8:
+      return "queen of hearts";
+      case 9:
+      case 10:
+      return "queen of diamonds";
+      case 11:
+      case 12:
+      return "jack of clubs";
+      case 13:
+      case 14:
+      return "jack of spades";
+      case 15:
+      case 16:
+      return "jack of hearts";
+      case 17:
+      case 18:
+      return "jack of diamonds";
+      case 19:
+      case 20:
+      return "ace of diamonds";
+      case 21:
+      case 22:
+      return "ten of diamonds";
+      case 23:
+      case 24:
+      return "king of diamonds";
+      case 25:
+      case 26:
+      return "nine of diamonds";;
+      case 27:
+      case 28:
+      return "ace of clubs";
+      case 29:
+      case 30:
+      return "ten of clubs";
+      case 31:
+      case 32:
+      return "king of clubs";
+      case 33:
+      case 34:
+      return "nine of clubs";
+      case 35:
+      case 36:
+      return "ace of spades";
+      case 37:
+      case 38:
+      return "ten of spades";
+      case 39:
+      case 40:
+      return "king of spades";
+      case 41:
+      case 42:
+      return "nine of spades";
+      case 43:
+      case 44:
+      return "ace of hearts";
+      case 45:
+      case 46:
+      return "king of hearts";
+      case 47:
+      case 48:
+      return "nine of hearts";
+      default:
+      return "something went wrong, please contact the admin. Error: code1.";
+    }
+function card_value($card)
+  switch($card)
+    {
+    case 1:      /* heart */
+    case 2:
+      return 10;
+    case 3:     /* clubes */    
+    case 4:                     
+    case 5:     /* spades */    
+    case 6:                     
+    case 7:     /* hearts */    
+    case 8:                     
+    case 9:     /* diamonds */  
+    case 10:                     
+      return 3;
+    case 11:    /* clubes */    
+    case 12:                    
+    case 13:   /* spades */     
+    case 14:                    
+    case 15:   /* hearts */     
+    case 16:                    
+    case 17:   /* diamonds */   
+    case 18:
+      return 2;                         
+    case 19:    /* diamonds */ 
+    case 20:                  
+    case 27:    /* clubs */    
+    case 28:                  
+    case 35:    /* spades */   
+    case 36:                  
+    case 43:    /* hearts */   
+    case 44:                   
+      return 11;
+    case 21:    /* diamonds */    
+    case 22:
+    case 29:    /* clubs */
+    case 30:
+    case 37:    /* spades */
+    case 38:
+      return 10;
+    case 23:    /* diamonds */ 
+    case 24:                  
+    case 31:   /* clubs */    
+    case 32:                  
+    case 39:   /* spades */   
+    case 40:                  
+    case 45:   /* hearts */   
+    case 46:                  
+      return 4;
+    case 25:    /* diamonds */   
+    case 26:                  
+    case 33:   /* clubs */    
+    case 34:                  
+    case 41:   /* spades */   
+    case 42:                  
+    case 47:   /* hearts */   
+    case 48:                  
+      return 0;
+    default:
+      echo "something went wrong, please contact the admin. ErrorCode: 2<br>";
+      return 0;
+    }
+function display_card($card)
+  /* cards are only availabl for the odd values, e.g. 1.png, 3.png, ... 
+   * convert even cards to the matching odd value */
+  if( $card/2 - (int)($card/2) == 0.5)
+    echo "<img src=\"cards/".$card.".png\"  alt=\"".card_to_name($card)."\" />\n";
+  else
+    echo "<img src=\"cards/".($card-1).".png\"  alt=\"".card_to_name($card-1)."\" />\n";
+  return;
+function display_link_card($card)
+  if( $card/2 - (int)($card/2) == 0.5)
+    echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"card\" value=\"".$card."\" /><img src=\"cards/".$card.".png\" alt=\"\" />\n";
+  else
+    echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"card\" value=\"".$card."\" /><img src=\"cards/".($card-1).".png\" alt=\"\" />\n";
+  return;
+function  create_array_of_random_numbers()
+  $r = array();
+  $a = array();
+  for($i=1;$i<49;$i++)
+    $a[$i]=$i;
+  $r = array_rand($a,48);
+  return $r;
+function check_want_to_play($me)
+   ?>
+ <form action="index.php" method="post">
+   Do you want to play a game of DoKo?
+   yes<input type="radio" name="in" value="yes" />
+   no<input type="radio" name="in" value="no" /> <br />
+   Do you want to get an email for every card played or only if it your move?
+   every card<input type="radio" name="update" value="card" />
+   only on my turn<input type="radio" name="update" value="turn" /> <br />
+  echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"me\" value=\"$me\" />\n";
+  echo "\n";
+  echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"count me in\" />\n";
+  echo " </form>\n";
+  return;
+function check_for_sickness($me,$mycards)
+ ?>
+  <p> nothing implemented so far, but give it a try anyway ;) </p>               
+  <form action="index.php" method="post">
+    do you want to play solo? 
+    <select name="solo" size="1">
+      <option>No</option>
+      <option>trumpless</option>
+      <option>trump</option>
+      <option>queen</option>
+      <option>jack</option>
+      <option>club</option>
+      <option>spade</option>
+      <option>heart</option>
+    </select>     
+    <br />
+ <?php   
+   echo "wedding?";
+  if(check_wedding($mycards))
+     {
+       echo " yes<input type=\"radio\" name=\"wedding\" value=\"yes\" />";
+       echo " no <input type=\"radio\" name=\"wedding\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       echo " no <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wedding\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
+     };
+  echo "do you have poverty?";
+  if(count_trump($mycards)<4)
+    {
+      echo " yes<input type=\"radio\" name=\"poverty\" value=\"yes\" />";
+      echo " no <input type=\"radio\" name=\"poverty\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      echo " no <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"poverty\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
+    };
+   echo "do you have too many nines?";
+  if(count_nines($mycards)>4)
+     {
+       echo " yes<input type=\"radio\" name=\"nines\" value=\"yes\" />";
+       echo " no <input type=\"radio\" name=\"nines\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
+     }
+   else
+     {
+       echo " no <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nines\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
+     };
+   echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"me\" value=\"$me\" />\n";
+   echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"count me in\" />\n";
+   echo "</form>\n";
+  return;
+function display_status()
+  echo "<div class=\"info\">";
+  echo " is someone playing solo, etc?";
+  echo "</div>";
+  return;
+function display_news()
+  global $wiki;
+  echo "<div class=\"bug\"> ".
+    "Please hit shift+reload.<br /><hr />".
+    "New Database backend, lost a few features on the way.<br /><hr />".
+    "If you find more bugs, please list them in the <a href=\"".$wiki.
+    "\">wiki</a>.</div>\n";
+  return;
+function display_cards($me,$myturn)
+  return;
\ No newline at end of file
index e86854cea5addfe466f243cd0d628f4f337af8ac..d13e3bbbdab3a29e2ab519128a200159d1b78f5e 100644 (file)
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
-     <title>e-DoKo</title>
+     <title>e-Doko</title>
      <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type" />
-     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />  
+     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="standard.css" />     
      <script type="text/javascript">
        function hl(num) {
 <body onload="high_last();">
 <div class="header">
-<h1> Welcome to E-DoKo </h1>
- * config 
- */
+<h1> Welcome to E-Doko </h1>
-$base  = "";
-$host  = $base."index.php";
-$wiki  = "";
-$debug = 0;
- * end config
- */    
-echo "</div>\n";
 /* end header */
-/* helper function */
-function mymail($To,$Subject,$message)
-  global $debug;
-  if($debug)
-    {
-      $message = str_replace("\n","<br />",$message);
-      echo "<br />To: $To<br />Subject: $Subject <br />$message<br />\n";
-    }
-  else
-    mail($To,$Subject,$message);
-  return;
-function is_trump($c) { return (($c<27) ? 1:0);}
-function is_club($c)  { return (in_array($c,array('27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34')));}
-function is_spade($c) { return (in_array($c,array('35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42')));}
-function is_heart($c) { return (in_array($c,array('43','44','45','46','47','48')));}
-function compare_cards($a,$b)
-  /* if a is higher than b return 1, else 0, a being the card first played */
-  /* first map all cards to the odd number */
-  if( $a/2 - (int)($a/2) != 0.5)
-    $a--;
-  if( $b/2 - (int)($b/2) != 0.5)
-    $b--;
-  if(is_trump($a) && $a<=$b)
-    return 1;
-  else if(is_trump($a) && $a>$b)
-    return 0;
-  else 
-    { /*$a is not a trump */
-      if(is_trump($b))
-       return 0;
-      else
-       {
-         /* both clubs? */
-         if( is_club($a) && is_club($b))
-           if($a<=$b)
-             return 1;
-           else
-             return 0;
-         /* both spade? */
-         if( is_spade($a) && is_spade($b))
-           if($a<=$b)
-             return 1;
-           else
-             return 0;
-         /* both heart? */
-         if( is_heart($a) && is_heart($b))
-           if($a<=$b)
-             return 1;
-           else
-             return 0;
-      return 1;
-       }         
-    }
-function get_winner($p)
-  /* get all 4 cards played in a trick */
-  $c1 = $p[0];
-  $c2 = $p[1];
-  $c3 = $p[2];
-  $c4 = $p[3];
-  /* find out who won */
-  if( compare_cards($c1,$c2) && compare_cards($c1,$c3) && compare_cards($c1,$c4) )
-    return 0;
-  if( compare_cards($c2,$c3) && compare_cards($c2,$c4) )
-    return 1;
-  if( compare_cards($c3,$c4) )
-    return 2;
-  return 3;
-function parse_status()
-  global $game,$history,$player,$hash,$lines;
-  $game["init"]        = 0;
-  $game["solo-who"]    = -1;
-  $game["solo-what"]   = "todo";
-  $game["wedding"]     = -1;
-  $game["poverty"]     = "";
-  $game["nines"]       = -1;
-  $game["startplayer"] = 0;
-  for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-    {
-      $tmp = explode( ":",$lines[$i]);
-      $hash[$i]   = $tmp[0];
-      $player[$tmp[0]]["number"] = $i;
-      $player[$tmp[0]]["hash"]   = $tmp[0];
-      $player[$tmp[0]]["name"]   = $tmp[1];
-      $player[$tmp[0]]["email"]  = $tmp[2];
-      $player[$tmp[0]]["option"] = $tmp[3];
-      $player[$tmp[0]]["points"] = $tmp[4]; 
-      $player[$tmp[0]]["cards"]  = $tmp[5];
-      if(ereg("s",$tmp[3])) $game["init"]++;       /* how many players are ready? */
-      if(ereg("P",$tmp[3])) $game["poverty"].= $i; /* players with poverty, could be two, so use a string */
-      if(ereg("N",$tmp[3])) $game["nines"]   = $i; /* the player with too many nines, only one possible */
-      if(ereg("W",$tmp[3])) $game["wedding"] = $i; /* the player with the wedding, also only one possible */
-      if(ereg("([OSQJCAH])",$tmp[3],$match) && ($game["solo-who"]<0) )
-       {
-         $game["solo-who"]    = $i;     
-         $game["startplayer"] = $i;
-         switch($match[1])
-           {
-           case "O":
-             $game["solo-what"] = "No Trump";
-           case "S":
-             $game["solo-what"] = "Trump";
-           case "Q":
-             $game["solo-what"] = "Queen";
-           case "J":
-             $game["solo-what"] = "Jack";
-           case "C":
-             $game["solo-what"] = "Club";
-           case "A":
-             $game["solo-what"] = "Spade";
-           case "H":
-             $game["solo-what"] = "Heart";
-           }
-       }
-    }  
-  /* save the game history */
-  for($i=4;$i<sizeof($lines);$i++)
-    if(!ereg("^[[:space:]]*$",trim($lines[$i])))
-      $history[] = $lines[$i];
-  if(sizeof($history)==0 || (sizeof($history)==1 && strlen($history[0])==3 ))
-    $history[0] = $game["startplayer"].":";
-  return;
-function count_nines($cards)
-  $card  = explode(";",$cards);
-  $nines = 0;
-  foreach($card as $c)
-    {
-      if($c == "25" || $c == "26") $nines++;
-      else if($c == "33" || $c == "34") $nines++;
-      else if($c == "41" || $c == "42") $nines++;
-      else if($c == "47" || $c == "48") $nines++;
-    }
-  return $nines;
-function check_wedding($cards)
-  $card  = explode(";",$cards);
-  if( in_array("3",$card) && in_array("2",$card) )
-    return 1;
-  return 0;
-function count_trump($cards)
-  $card  = explode(";",$cards);
-  $trump = 0;
-  /* count each trump */
-  foreach($card as $c)
-    if( (int)($c) <27) 
-      $trump++;
-  /* subtract foxes */
-  if( in_array("19",$card))
-    $trump--;
-  if( in_array("20",$card) )
-    $trump--;
-  /* add one, in case the player has both foxes (schweinchen) */
-  if( in_array("19",$card) && in_array("20",$card) )
-    $trump++;
-  return $trump;
-function card_to_name($card)
-  switch($card)
-    {
-      case 1:
-      case 2:
-        return "ten of hearts";
-      case 3:
-      case 4:
-      return "queen of clubs";
-      case 5:
-      case 6:
-      return "queen of spades";
-      case 7:
-      case 8:
-      return "queen of hearts";
-      case 9:
-      case 10:
-      return "queen of diamonds";
-      case 11:
-      case 12:
-      return "jack of clubs";
-      case 13:
-      case 14:
-      return "jack of spades";
-      case 15:
-      case 16:
-      return "jack of hearts";
-      case 17:
-      case 18:
-      return "jack of diamonds";
-      case 19:
-      case 20:
-      return "ace of diamonds";
-      case 21:
-      case 22:
-      return "ten of diamonds";
-      case 23:
-      case 24:
-      return "king of diamonds";
-      case 25:
-      case 26:
-      return "nine of diamonds";;
-      case 27:
-      case 28:
-      return "ace of clubs";
-      case 29:
-      case 30:
-      return "ten of clubs";
-      case 31:
-      case 32:
-      return "king of clubs";
-      case 33:
-      case 34:
-      return "nine of clubs";
-      case 35:
-      case 36:
-      return "ace of spades";
-      case 37:
-      case 38:
-      return "ten of spades";
-      case 39:
-      case 40:
-      return "king of spades";
-      case 41:
-      case 42:
-      return "nine of spades";
-      case 43:
-      case 44:
-      return "ace of hearts";
-      case 45:
-      case 46:
-      return "king of hearts";
-      case 47:
-      case 48:
-      return "nine of hearts";
-      default:
-      return "something went wrong, please contact the admin. Error: code1.";
-    }
-function card_value($card)
-  switch($card)
-    {
-    case 1:      /* heart */
-    case 2:
-      return 10;
-    case 3:     /* clubes */    
-    case 4:                     
-    case 5:     /* spades */    
-    case 6:                     
-    case 7:     /* hearts */    
-    case 8:                     
-    case 9:     /* diamonds */  
-    case 10:                     
-      return 3;
-    case 11:    /* clubes */    
-    case 12:                    
-    case 13:   /* spades */     
-    case 14:                    
-    case 15:   /* hearts */     
-    case 16:                    
-    case 17:   /* diamonds */   
-    case 18:
-      return 2;                         
-    case 19:    /* diamonds */ 
-    case 20:                  
-    case 27:    /* clubs */    
-    case 28:                  
-    case 35:    /* spades */   
-    case 36:                  
-    case 43:    /* hearts */   
-    case 44:                   
-      return 11;
-    case 21:    /* diamonds */    
-    case 22:
-    case 29:    /* clubs */
-    case 30:
-    case 37:    /* spades */
-    case 38:
-      return 10;
-    case 23:    /* diamonds */ 
-    case 24:                  
-    case 31:   /* clubs */    
-    case 32:                  
-    case 39:   /* spades */   
-    case 40:                  
-    case 45:   /* hearts */   
-    case 46:                  
-      return 4;
-    case 25:    /* diamonds */   
-    case 26:                  
-    case 33:   /* clubs */    
-    case 34:                  
-    case 41:   /* spades */   
-    case 42:                  
-    case 47:   /* hearts */   
-    case 48:                  
-      return 0;
-    default:
-      echo "something went wrong, please contact the admin. ErrorCode: 2<br>";
-      return 0;
-    }
-function display_card($card)
-  /* cards are only availabl for the odd values, e.g. 1.png, 3.png, ... 
-   * convert even cards to the matching odd value */
-  if( $card/2 - (int)($card/2) == 0.5)
-    echo "<img src=\"".$base."cards/".$card.".png\"  alt=\"".card_to_name($card)."\" />\n";
-  else
-    echo "<img src=\"".$base."cards/".($card-1).".png\"  alt=\"".card_to_name($card-1)."\" />\n";
-  return;
-function display_link_card($card,$me)
-  if( $card/2 - (int)($card/2) == 0.5)
-    echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"card\" value=\"".$card."\" /><img src=\"".$base."cards/".$card.".png\" alt=\"\" />\n";
-  else
-    echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"card\" value=\"".$card."\" /><img src=\"".$base."cards/".($card-1).".png\" alt=\"\" />\n";
-  return;
-function save_status()
-  global $player,$game,$hash,$history;
-  $output = fopen("status.txt","w");
-  if ($output)
-    {
-      foreach($hash as $key)
-       {
-         /* sorting the options, not sure why I do that actually */
-         $tmp="";
-         if( ereg("i",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="i";
-         if( ereg("s",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="s";
-         if( ereg("t",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="t";
-         if( ereg("c",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="c";
-         if( ereg("N",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="N";
-         if( ereg("W",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="W";
-         if( ereg("P",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="P";
-         if( ereg("O",$player[$key]["option"]) ) 
-           $tmp.="O";
-         if( ereg("S",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="S";
-         if( ereg("Q",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="Q";
-         if( ereg("J",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="J";
-         if( ereg("C",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="C";
-         if( ereg("A",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="A";
-         if( ereg("H",$player[$key]["option"]) )
-           $tmp.="H";
-         $player[$key]["option"]=$tmp;
-         /* saving the player stats */
-         fwrite($output,"".$player[$key]["hash"].":" );
-         fwrite($output,"".$player[$key]["name"].":" );
-         fwrite($output,"".$player[$key]["email"].":" );
-         fwrite($output,"".$player[$key]["option"].":" );
-         fwrite($output,"".$player[$key]["points"].":" );
-         fwrite($output,"".$player[$key]["cards"] .":");
-         fwrite($output,"\n");
-       }
-      fwrite($output,"\n");
-      foreach($history as $line)
-       fwrite($output,$line);
-      fwrite($output,"\n");
-      fclose($output);
-    }
-  else
-    echo "can't open file for writing, please inform the admin.errorcode3";
-  return;
 /*****************  M A I N **************************/
-/* check for status file and read it, if possible */
+/* check if we want to start a new game */
+  {
+    <p> no game in progress, please input 4 names and email addresses, please make sure that the addresses are correct! </p>
+ <form action="index.php" method="post">
+   Name:  <input name="PlayerA" type="text" size="10" maxlength="20" /> 
+   Name:  <input name="PlayerB" type="text" size="10" maxlength="20" /> 
+   Name:  <input name="PlayerC" type="text" size="10" maxlength="20" /> 
+   Name:  <input name="PlayerD" type="text" size="10" maxlength="20" /> 
-  $lines = file("status.txt");
-  die("no file");
+   <input type="submit" value="start game" />
+ </form>
+  } 
+/* end start a new game */
-/* check if we want to start a new game */
-if( isset($_REQUEST["PlayerA"]) && 
+/*check if everything is ready to set up a new game */
+else if( isset($_REQUEST["PlayerA"]) && 
     isset($_REQUEST["PlayerB"]) && 
     isset($_REQUEST["PlayerC"]) && 
-    isset($_REQUEST["PlayerD"]) && 
-    isset($_REQUEST["EmailA"]) && 
-    isset($_REQUEST["EmailB"]) && 
-    isset($_REQUEST["EmailC"]) && 
-    isset($_REQUEST["EmailD"]) && sizeof($lines<2))
+    isset($_REQUEST["PlayerD"]) )
     $PlayerA = $_REQUEST["PlayerA"];
     $PlayerB = $_REQUEST["PlayerB"];
     $PlayerC = $_REQUEST["PlayerC"];
     $PlayerD = $_REQUEST["PlayerD"];
-    $EmailA  = $_REQUEST["EmailA"] ;
-    $EmailB  = $_REQUEST["EmailB"] ;
-    $EmailC  = $_REQUEST["EmailC"] ;
-    $EmailD  = $_REQUEST["EmailD"] ;
-    $hashA = md5("AGameOfDoko".$PlayerA.$EmailA);
-    $hashB = md5("AGameOfDoko".$PlayerB.$EmailB);
-    $hashC = md5("AGameOfDoko".$PlayerC.$EmailC);
-    $hashD = md5("AGameOfDoko".$PlayerD.$EmailD);
+    $EmailA  = DB_get_email_by_name($PlayerA);
+    $EmailB  = DB_get_email_by_name($PlayerB);
+    $EmailC  = DB_get_email_by_name($PlayerC);
+    $EmailD  = DB_get_email_by_name($PlayerD);
+    if($EmailA=="" || $EmailB=="" || $EmailC=="" || $EmailD=="")
+      {
+       echo "couldn't find one of the names, please start a new game";
+       exit();
+      }
+    $useridA  = DB_get_userid_by_name($PlayerA);
+    $useridB  = DB_get_userid_by_name($PlayerB);
+    $useridC  = DB_get_userid_by_name($PlayerC);
+    $useridD  = DB_get_userid_by_name($PlayerD);
+    /* create random numbers */
+    $randomNR       = create_array_of_random_numbers();
+    $randomNRstring = join(":",$randomNR);
+    /* create game */
+    mysql_query("INSERT INTO Game VALUES (NULL, NULL, '$randomNRstring', NULL, NULL, NULL)");
+    $game_id = mysql_insert_id();
+    $hashA = md5("AGameOfDoko".$game_id.$PlayerA.$EmailA);
+    $hashB = md5("AGameOfDoko".$game_id.$PlayerB.$EmailB);
+    $hashC = md5("AGameOfDoko".$game_id.$PlayerC.$EmailC);
+    $hashD = md5("AGameOfDoko".$game_id.$PlayerD.$EmailD);
+    /* create hands */
+    mysql_query("INSERT INTO Hand VALUES (NULL,".DB_quote_smart($game_id).",".DB_quote_smart($useridA).
+               ", ".DB_quote_smart($hashA).", 'start','1',NULL,NULL,NULL,'false','false',NULL)");
+    $hand_idA = mysql_insert_id();                                                            
+    mysql_query("INSERT INTO Hand VALUES (NULL,".DB_quote_smart($game_id).",".DB_quote_smart($useridB).
+               ", ".DB_quote_smart($hashB).", 'start','2',NULL,NULL,NULL,'false','false',NULL)");
+    $hand_idB = mysql_insert_id();                                                            
+    mysql_query("INSERT INTO Hand VALUES (NULL,".DB_quote_smart($game_id).",".DB_quote_smart($useridC).
+               ", ".DB_quote_smart($hashC).", 'start','3',NULL,NULL,NULL,'false','false',NULL)");
+    $hand_idC = mysql_insert_id();                                                            
+    mysql_query("INSERT INTO Hand VALUES (NULL,".DB_quote_smart($game_id).",".DB_quote_smart($useridD).
+               ", ".DB_quote_smart($hashD).", 'start','4',NULL,NULL,NULL,'false','false',NULL)");
+    $hand_idD = mysql_insert_id();
+    /* save cards */
+    for($i=0;$i<12;$i++)
+      mysql_query("INSERT INTO Hand_Card VALUES (NULL, '$hand_idA', '".$randomNR[$i]."', 'false')");
+    for($i=12;$i<24;$i++)
+      mysql_query("INSERT INTO Hand_Card VALUES (NULL, '$hand_idB', '".$randomNR[$i]."', 'false')");
+    for($i=24;$i<36;$i++)
+      mysql_query("INSERT INTO Hand_Card VALUES (NULL, '$hand_idC', '".$randomNR[$i]."', 'false')");
+    for($i=36;$i<48;$i++)
+      mysql_query("INSERT INTO Hand_Card VALUES (NULL, '$hand_idD', '".$randomNR[$i]."', 'false')");
     /* send out email, check for error with email */
     $message = "\n".
       "you are invited to play a game of DoKo (that is to debug the program ;).\n".
       "Place comments and bug reports here:\n".
@@ -525,672 +140,437 @@ if( isset($_REQUEST["PlayerA"]) &&
       "If you want to join this game, please follow this link:\n\n".
-      " ".$host."?a=";
+      " ".$host."?me=";
     mymail($EmailA,"You are invited to a game of DoKo","Hello $PlayerA,\n".$message.$hashA);
     mymail($EmailB,"You are invited to a game of DoKo","Hello $PlayerB,\n".$message.$hashB);
     mymail($EmailC,"You are invited to a game of DoKo","Hello $PlayerC,\n".$message.$hashC);
     mymail($EmailD,"You are invited to a game of DoKo","Hello $PlayerD,\n".$message.$hashD);
-    /* read in random.txt */
-    if(file_exists("random.txt"))
-      $random = file("random.txt");
-    else
-      die("no random file");
-    $randomNR = explode( ":", $random[4] );
+    /*
+   do things like:
+     select fullname,strength,suite,game_id from hand_card left join hand on left join user on left join card on where game_id='4'
+    */
+  }    
+/* end set up a new game */
+else if(isset($_REQUEST["me"]))
+  {
+     /* handle request from one specifig player,
+      * the hash is set on a  per game base, so first just handle this game
+      * perhaps also show links to other games in a sidebar
+      */
+    $me = $_REQUEST["me"];
+    $myid = DB_get_userid_by_hash($me);
+    if(!$myid)
+      {
+       echo "Can't find you in the database, please check the url.<br />\n";
+       echo "perhaps the game has been cancled.";
+        exit();
+      }
-    /* write initial status into file */
-    $output = fopen("status.txt","w");
-    if ($output)
+    $myname   = DB_get_name_by_hash($me);
+    $mystatus = DB_get_status_by_hash($me);
+    switch($mystatus)
-       fwrite($output, "$hashA:$PlayerA:$EmailA:::" );
-       for($i=0;$i<11;$i++)
-         fwrite($output,"$randomNR[$i];" );
-       fwrite($output,"$randomNR[11]:" ); $i++;
-       fwrite($output,"\n");
+      case 'start':
+       check_want_to_play($me);
+       DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'init');
+       break;
+      case 'init':
+       if( !isset($_REQUEST["in"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["update"]))
+         {
+           DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'start');
+           echo "you need to answer both question";
+         }
+       else
+         {
+           if($_REQUEST["in"] == "no")
+             {
+               echo "TODO: email everyone that the game has been canceld<br />";
+                /*something like
+                for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
+                  {
+                    $message = "Hello ".$player[$hash[$i]]["name"].",\n\n".
+                      "the game has been canceled due to the request of one of the players.\n";
+                    mymail($player[$hash[$i]]["email"],"[DoKo-Debug] the game has been canceled",$message); 
+                  }
+                */
+               DB_cancel_game($me);
+             }
+           else
+             {
+               echo "thanks for joining the game... please scroll down";
+               echo "TODO: make this page nicer<br />";
+               echo "TODO: set card pref<br />";
+               $mycards = DB_get_hand($me);
+               sort($mycards);
+               echo "<p class=\"mycards\">your cards are: <br />\n";
+               foreach($mycards as $card) 
+                 display_card($card);
+               echo "</p>\n";   
+               check_for_sickness($me,$mycards);
+               DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'check');
+             }
+          }
+       break;
+      case 'check':
+       echo "no checking at the moment... you need to play a normal game";
+       if(!isset($_REQUEST["solo"])    || 
+          !isset($_REQUEST["wedding"]) ||
+          !isset($_REQUEST["poverty"]) ||
+          !isset($_REQUEST["nines"]) )
+         {
+           DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'init');
+           /* problem: by setting it back to init, variables "in" and "update" are 
+            * not set, so the player will be send back to the start, after seeing his hand
+            */
+           echo "you need to fill out the form";
+         }
+       else
+         {
+           if( $_REQUEST["solo"]!="No")
+             {
+               DB_set_solo_by_hash($me,$_REQUEST["solo"]);
+               DB_set_sickness_by_hash($me,"solo");
+             }
+           else if($_REQUEST["wedding"] == "yes")
+             {
+               echo "wedding was chosen<br />\n";
+               DB_set_sickness_by_hash($me,"wedding");
+             }
+           else if($_REQUEST["poverty"] == "yes")
+             {
+               echo "poverty was chosen<br />\n";
+               DB_set_sickness_by_hash($me,"poverty");
+             }
+           else if($_REQUEST["nines"] == "yes")
+             {
+               echo "nines was chosen<br />\n";
+                DB_set_sickness_by_hash($me,"nines");
+             }
+         }
+       DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'poverty');
-       fwrite($output, "$hashB:$PlayerB:$EmailB:::" );
-       for(;$i<23;$i++)
-         fwrite($output,"$randomNR[$i];" );
-       fwrite($output,"$randomNR[23]:" ); $i++;
-       fwrite($output,"\n");
+       /* check all players and set game to final result, e.g. solo, wedding, povert, redeal */
-       fwrite($output, "$hashC:$PlayerC:$EmailC:::" );
-       for(;$i<35;$i++)
-         fwrite($output,"$randomNR[$i];" );
-       fwrite($output,"$randomNR[35]:" ); $i++;
-       fwrite($output,"\n");
+       /* reset solo, etc from players who did say something, but it didn't matter? */
+       break;
+      case 'poverty':
+       echo "<br />poverty not handeled at the moment... you need to play a normal game<br />";
+       /* only set this after all poverty, etc. are handeled*/
+       DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'play');
+       break;
+      case 'play':
+       display_news();
+       display_status();
+        /* get game id */
+       $gameid = DB_get_gameid_by_hash($me);
+       /* get trick ids */
+       $result = mysql_query("SELECT hand_card.card_id as card,".
+                             "       user.fullname as name,".
+                             "       hand.position as position,".
+                             "       play.sequence as sequence, ".
+                             "       hand.hash     as hash,     ".
+                             " ".
+                             "FROM trick ".
+                             "LEFT JOIN play ON ".
+                             "LEFT JOIN hand_card ON ".
+                             "LEFT JOIN hand ON ".
+                             "LEFT JOIN user ON ".
+                             "WHERE trick.game_id='".$gameid."' ".
+                             "ORDER BY,sequence ASC");
+       $trickNR = 1;
+       $lasttrick = DB_get_max_trickid($gameid);
+       $play = array(); /* needed to calculate winner later  */
+       $seq=1;          
+       $pos=0;
+       echo "\n<ul class=\"oldtrick\">\n";
+       echo "  <li> Hello $myname!   History: </li>\n";
+       while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM))
+         {
+           $seq   = $r[3];
+           $pos   = $r[2];
+           $trick = $r[5];
+           if($trick!=$lasttrick && $seq==1)
+             {
+               /* start of an old trick? */
+               echo "  <li onclick=\"hl('$trickNR');\"><a href=\"#\">Trick $trickNR</a>\n".
+                 "    <div class=\"table\" id=\"trick".$trickNR."\">\n".
+                 "      <img class=\"table\" src=\"pics/table".($pos-1).".png\" alt=\"table\" />\n";
+             }
+           else if($trick==$lasttrick && $seq==1)
+             {
+               /* start of a last trick? */
+               echo "  <li onclick=\"hl('$trickNR');\"><a href=\"#\">Current Trick</a>\n".
+                 "    <div class=\"table\" id=\"trick".$trickNR."\">\n".
+                 "      <img class=\"table\" src=\"pics/table".($pos-1).".png\" alt=\"table\" />";
+             }
+           /* display card */
+           echo "      <div class=\"card".($pos-1)."\">\n";
+           $play[$pos]=$r[0];
+           $comment=0;
+           if($comment)
+             echo "        <span class=\"comment\">";
+           else
+             echo "        <span>";
+           /* print name */
+           echo $r[1];
+           /* check for comment */
+           if($comment)
+             echo "<span>".$comment."</span>";
+           echo "</span>\n        ";
+           display_card($r[0]);
+           echo "      </div>\n"; /* end div card */
+           /* end of trick? */
+           if($seq==4)
+             {
+               $trickNR++;
+               echo "    </div>\n  </li>\n";  /* end div table, end li table */
+             }
+         }
+       if($seq!=4) 
+         echo "    </div>\n  </li>\n";  /* end div table, end li table */
+       echo "</ul>\n";
+       /* whos turn is it? */
+       if($seq==4)
+         {
+            $winner = get_winner($play); /* returns the position */
+            $next = $winner;
+         }
+       else
+         {
+           $next = $pos+1;
+         }
+       if($next==5) $next=1;
+       /* my turn?, display cards as links, ask for comments*/
+       if(DB_get_pos_by_hash($me) == $next)
+         $myturn = 1;
+       else
+         $myturn = 0;
+       /* do we want to play a card? */
+       if(isset($_REQUEST["card"]) && $myturn)
+         {
+           $card   = $_REQUEST["card"];
+           $handid = DB_get_handid_by_hash($me); 
+           /* check if we have card */
+           /* set played in hand_card to true where hand_id and card_id*/
+           $result = mysql_query("SELECT id from hand_card WHERE hand_id='$handid' AND card_id=".DB_quote_smart($card));
+           $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM);
+           $handcardid = $r[0];
+           if($handcardid)
+             {
+               mysql_query("UPDATE hand_card SET played='true' WHERE hand_id='$handid' AND card_id=".DB_quote_smart($card));
+               /* get trick id or start new trick */
+               $a = DB_get_current_trickid($gameid);
+               $trickid  = $a[0];
+               $sequence = $a[1];
+               DB_play_card($trickid,$handcardid,$sequence);
+               echo "<div class=\"card\">";
+               echo " you played  <br />";
+               display_card($card);
+               echo "</div>\n";
+               if(sizeof(DB_get_hand($me))==0)
+                 DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'gameover');
+               echo "TODO: email next player<br />";
+             }
+           else
+             {
+               echo "couldn't find card <br />\n";
+             }
+         }
+       else if(isset($_REQUEST["card"]) && !$myturn )
+         {
+           echo "please wait until it is your turn! <br />\n";
+         }
+       $mycards = DB_get_hand($me);
+       sort($mycards);
+       echo "<div class=\"mycards\">\n";
+       if($myturn && !isset($_REQUEST["card"]))
+         {
+           echo "Hello ".DB_get_name_by_hash($me).", it's your turn!  <br />\n";
+           echo "Your cards are: <br />\n";
+           echo "<form action=\"index.php?me=$me\" method=\"post\">\n";
+           foreach($mycards as $card) 
+             display_link_card($card);
+    <br />A short comment:<input name="comment" type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" /> 
+    <input type="hidden" name="me" value="<?php echo $me; ?>" />
+    <input type="submit" value="move" />
+ </form>
+ <?php
+         }
+       else
+         {
+           echo "Your cards are: <br />\n";
+           foreach($mycards as $card) 
+             display_card($card);
+         }
+       echo "</div>\n";
+       /*check if we still have cards left, else set status to gameover */
-       fwrite($output, "$hashD:$PlayerD:$EmailD:::");
-       for(;$i<47;$i++)
-         fwrite($output,"$randomNR[$i];" );
-       fwrite($output,"$randomNR[47]:" );
-       fwrite($output,"\n");
+       break;
+      case 'gameover':
+       echo "the game is over... guess the final score should be displayed here...<br />\n";
+       echo "TODO: suggest a new game with the next person as dealer <br />\n";
+       break;
+      default:
+       echo "error in testing the status";
+      }
+    exit();
+  } 
+ else if(isset($_REQUEST["email"]) && isset($_REQUEST["password"]))
+  {
+    $ok=1;
+    $uid = DB_get_userid_by_email($_REQUEST["email"]);
+    if(!$uid)
+      $ok=0;
+    if(!DB_get_userid_by_passwd(md5($_REQUEST["password"])))
+      $ok=0;
+    if($ok)
+      {
+       echo "ok. your logged in, now what? :)<br />";
-       fclose($output);
-      echo "can't open file for writing";
-  };
-/* reread file */
-  $lines = file("status.txt");
- else
-   die("no file");
-/* test if a game is running, else output everything for a new game */
+      {
+       echo "sorry email and password don't match <br />";
+      }
+    exit();
+  }
+else if(isset($_REQUEST["register"]) )
+    echo "TODO: convert timezone into a menu<br />\n";
+    echo "TODO: figure out a way to handle passwrods <br />\n";
-    <p> no game in progress, please input 4 names and email addresses, please make sure that the addresses are correct! </p>
- <form action="index.php" method="post">
-   Name:  <input name="PlayerA" type="text" size="10" maxlength="20" /> 
-   Email: <input name="EmailA"  type="text" size="20" maxlength="30" /> <br />
-   Name:  <input name="PlayerB" type="text" size="10" maxlength="20" /> 
-   Email: <input name="EmailB"  type="text" size="20" maxlength="30" /> <br />
-   Name:  <input name="PlayerC" type="text" size="10" maxlength="20" /> 
-   Email: <input name="EmailC"  type="text" size="20" maxlength="30" /> <br />
-   Name:  <input name="PlayerD" type="text" size="10" maxlength="20" /> 
-   Email: <input name="EmailD"  type="text" size="20" maxlength="30" /> <br />
-   <input type="submit" value="start game" />
- </form>
+        <form action="index.php" method="post">
+          <fieldset>
+            <legend>Register</legend>
+             <table>
+              <tr>
+               <td><label for="Rfullname">Full name:</label></td>
+              <td><input type="text" id="Rfullname" name="Rfullname" size="20" maxsize="30" /> </td>
+              </tr><tr>
+               <td><label for="Remail">Email:</label></td>
+              <td><input type="text" id="Remail" name="Remail" size="20" maxsize="30" /></td>
+              </tr><tr>
+              <td><label for="Rpassword">Password(will be displayed in cleartext on the next page):</label></td>
+               <td><input type="password" id="Rpassword" name="Rpassword" size="20" maxsize="30" /></td>
+              </tr><tr>
+              <td><label for="Rtimezone">Timezone:</label></td>
+               <td><input type="text" id="Rtimezone" name="Rtimezone" size="4" maxsize="4" value="+1"/></td>
+              </tr><tr>
+               <td colspan="2"> <input type="submit" value="register" /></td>
+             </table>
+          </fieldset>
+        </form>
-   }
-  { /* load game status */
-    parse_status();
-/*     **
- *    *  *
- *    ****
- *    *  *
- *
- * check if a player wants to accept a game 
- */
-    if(isset($_REQUEST["a"]))
-      {
-       $a = $_REQUEST["a"];
-       if( ereg("[is]",$player[$a]["option"]) &&  $game["init"]<4)
+  }
+else if(isset($_REQUEST["Rfullname"]) && 
+       isset($_REQUEST["Remail"]   ) && 
+       isset($_REQUEST["Rpassword"]) && 
+       isset($_REQUEST["Rtimezone"]) )
+  {
+       $ok=1;
+       if(DB_get_userid_by_name($_REQUEST["Rfullname"]))
-           echo "just wait for the game to start";
+           echo "please chose another name<br />";
+           $ok=0;
-       else if( !ereg("[is]",$player[$a]["option"]) )
+       if(DB_get_userid_by_email($_REQUEST["Remail"]))
- ?>
- <form action="index.php" method="post">
-   Do you want to play a game of DoKo?
-   yes<input type="radio" name="in" value="yes" />
-   no<input type="radio" name="in" value="no" /> <br />
-   Do you want to get an email for every card played or only if it your move?
-   every card<input type="radio" name="update" value="card" />
-   only on my turn<input type="radio" name="update" value="turn" /> <br />
-            echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"b\" value=\"$a\" />\n";
-            echo "\n";
-            echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"count me in\" />\n";
-            echo " </form>\n";
-          }
-       }
-/*   ***
- *   *  *
- *   ***
- *   *  *
- *   ***
- * yes? email him his hand, ask for solo, poverty, email every move or every card? 
- */
-     if(isset($_REQUEST["b"]))
-       {
-        $b = $_REQUEST["b"];
-        if( ereg("s",$player[$b]["option"])  && $game["init"]<4)
-          { /* the player already filled out everything */
-            echo "just wait for the game to start";
-          }
-        else if( (!isset($_REQUEST["in"])|| !isset($_REQUEST["update"])) && !ereg("i",$player[$b]["option"]))
-          { /* the player didn't fill out the form at "a" correctly */
-            echo "go back to ";
-            echo "<a href=\"index.php?a=$b\"> here and fill out the form </a> <br />\n";
-          }
-        else
-          { /* show the hand and check if the player is sick*/
-            if($_REQUEST["in"]=="no")
-              { /* player doesn't want to play, cancel the game */
-                for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-                  {
-                    $message = "Hello ".$player[$hash[$i]]["name"].",\n\n".
-                      "the game has been canceled due to the request of one of the players.\n";
-                    mymail($player[$hash[$i]]["email"],"[DoKo-Debug] the game has been canceled",$message); 
-                  }
-                /* canceling the game is as easy as removing the contents of the status file*/
-                $output = fopen("status.txt","w");
-                if($output)
-                  fclose($output);
-                else
-                  echo "problem opening file";
-              }
-            else
-              {
-                /* player wants to play, save information from "a"*/
-                if($_REQUEST["update"]=="card") 
-                  $player[$b]["option"] .= "c";
-                else
-                  $player[$b]["option"] .= "t";
-                $player[$b]["option"] .= "i"; /* player finished stage "a" */
-                save_status();
-                $allcards = $player[$b]["cards"];
-                $mycards  = explode(";",$allcards);
-                sort($mycards);
-                echo "<p class=\"mycards\">your cards are: <br />\n";
-                foreach($mycards as $card) 
-                  display_card($card);
-                echo "</p>\n";   
- ?>
- <p> aehm... at the moment poverty is not implented. so I guess you need to play a normal game, even if you have less than 3 trump :(...sorry </p>               
- <form action="index.php" method="post">
-   do you want to play solo? 
-   <select name="solo" size="1">
-     <option>No</option>
-     <option>No trump</option>
-     <option>Normal solo</option>
-     <option>Queen solo</option>
-     <option>Jack solo</option>
-     <option>Club solo</option>
-     <option>Spade solo</option>
-     <option>Heart solo</option>
-   </select>     
-   <br />
-                 echo "wedding?";
-                if(check_wedding($player[$b]["cards"]))
-                  {
-                    echo " yes<input type=\"radio\" name=\"wedding\" value=\"yes\" />";
-                    echo " no <input type=\"radio\" name=\"wedding\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
-                  }
-                else
-                  {
-                    echo " no <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wedding\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
-                  };
-                 echo "do you have poverty?";
-                if(count_trump($player[$b]["cards"])<4)
-                  {
-                    echo " yes<input type=\"radio\" name=\"poverty\" value=\"yes\" />";
-                    echo " no <input type=\"radio\" name=\"poverty\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
-                  }
-                else
-                  {
-                    echo " no <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"poverty\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
-                  };
-                 echo "do you have too many nines?";
-                if(count_nines($player[$b]["cards"])>4)
-                  {
-                    echo " yes<input type=\"radio\" name=\"nines\" value=\"yes\" />";
-                    echo " no <input type=\"radio\" name=\"nines\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
-                  }
-                else
-                  {
-                    echo " no <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nines\" value=\"no\" /> <br />\n";
-                  };
-                 echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"c\" value=\"$b\" />\n";
-                echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"count me in\" />\n";
-                echo "</form>\n";
-              }
-          }
-       }
-     if(isset($_REQUEST["c"]))
-       {
-        $c = $_REQUEST["c"];
-        if( ereg("s",$player[$c]["option"]) && $game["init"]<4 )
-          { /* the player already filled out everything */
-            echo "<p>just wait for the game to start</p>\n";
-          }
-        else if(!isset($_REQUEST["solo"])    || 
-                !isset($_REQUEST["wedding"]) ||
-                !isset($_REQUEST["poverty"]) ||
-                !isset($_REQUEST["nines"]) )
-          {/* player still needs to fill out the form */
-            echo "go back to ";
-            echo "<a href=\"index.php?b=$c\"> here and fill out the form </a> <br />\n";
-          }
-        else if($game["init"]<4)
-          { /* save information */
-            if( $_REQUEST["solo"]!="No")
-              {
-                switch($_REQUEST["solo"])
-                  {
-                  case "No trump":
-                    $player[$c]["option"].="O";
-                    break;
-                  case "Normal solo":
-                    $player[$c]["option"].="S";
-                    break;
-                  case "Queen solo":
-                    $player[$c]["option"].="Q";
-                    break;
-                  case "Jack solo":
-                    $player[$c]["option"].="J";
-                    break;
-                  case "Club solo":
-                    $player[$c]["option"].="C";
-                    break;
-                  case "Spade solo":
-                    $player[$c]["option"].="A";
-                    break;
-                  case "Hear solo":
-                    $player[$c]["option"].="H";
-                    break;
-                  }
-              }
-            else if($_REQUEST["wedding"] == "yes")
-              {
-                echo "wedding was chosen<br />\n";
-                $player[$c]["option"].="W";
-              }
-            else if($_REQUEST["poverty"] == "yes")
-              {
-                echo "poverty was chosen<br />\n";
-                $player[$c]["option"].="P"; 
-              }
-            else if($_REQUEST["nines"] == "yes")
-              {
-                echo "nines was chosen<br />\n";
-                $player[$c]["option"].="N";
-              }
-            /* player finished setup */
-            $player[$c]["option"].="s";
-            save_status();
-            /* reread status file, to get the correct startplayer, etc */
-            if(file_exists("status.txt"))
-              $lines = file("status.txt");
-            else
-              die("no file");
-            parse_status();
-            if($game["init"]==4 && $player[$c]["number"]==$game["startplayer"])
-              {
-                echo "<p> The game can start now, it's your turn, please use this <a href=\"".
-                  $host."?me=".$hash[$c]."\">link</a> to play a card.</p>\n";
-              }
-            else if($game["init"]==4)
-              {
-                $message = "The game can start now, it's your turn, please use this link to play a card:\n".
-                  $host."?me=".$hash[$game["startplayer"]]."\n";
-                mymail($player[$hash[$game["startplayer"]]]["email"],"[DoKo-debug] let's go",$message);
-                echo "<p> The game has started. An email has been sent out to the first player.</p>\n";
-              }
-            else
-              {
-                echo "<p>You're in. Once everyone has filled out the form, ".
-                  "the game will start and you'll get an eamil on your turn.</p>\n";
-              }
-          }
-       }
-     /* END SETUP */
-     /* the game */
-     if($game["init"]==4)
-       {
-        /* check for sickness, only would need to do this on the first trick really...*/
-        /***** someone has 5 nines and no one is playing solo => cancel game */
-        if($game["nines"]>=0 && $game["solo-who"]<0)
-          {
-            $message = $player[$hash[$game["poverty"]]]["nines"]." has more than 4 nines. Game aborted!\n";
-            for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-              mymail($player[$hash[$i]]["email"],"[DoKo-debug] the game has been canceled",$message); 
-            $output = fopen("status.txt","w");
-            if($output)
-              fclose($output);
-            else
-              echo "problem opening file";
-          };
-        /* who is requesting this*/
-        if(!isset($_REQUEST["me"]))
-          {    
-            if(!isset($_REQUEST["recovery"]))
-              {
-                echo "A game is in progress and kibitzing is not allowed. Sorry!.<br />\n";
-                echo "In case you are playing, but lost your email or can't access the game anymore, please input your email here:<br />\n";
-                ?>
- <form action="index.php" method="post">
-   recorvery: <input name="recovery"  type="text" size="20" maxlength="30" /> <br />
-   <input type="submit" value="get me back into the game" />
- </form>
-               }
-            else
-              {
-                $recovery = $_REQUEST["recovery"];
-                $ok = -1;
-                for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-                  if(trim($recovery)==trim($player[$hash[$i]]["email"]))
-                    $ok = $i;
-                if($ok>=0)
-                  {
-                    $message = "Please try this link: ".$host."?me=".$hash[$ok]."\n".
-                      "\n if this doesn't work, contact the admin.error4\n";
-                    mymail($recovery,"[DoKo-Debug] recovery ",$message);
-                    echo "<p> An email with the game information has been sent.</p>\n";
-                  }
-                else
-                  {
-                    echo "<p> can't find this email address, sorry.</p>\n";
-                  }; 
-              } /* end recovery */
-          }
-        else
-          { /* $me is set */ 
-            $me = $_REQUEST["me"];
-            /* show history */
-            /* old tricks as list */
-            echo "<ul class=\"oldtrick\">\n";
-            echo "  <li> History: </li>\n";
-            $j=0;
-            foreach($history as $play) 
-              {
-                $j++;
-                $trick = explode(":",$play);
-                /* found old trick, display it */
-                if(sizeof($trick)==5)
-                  echo "  <li onclick=\"hl('$j');\"><a href=\"#\">Trick $j</a>\n    <div class=\"table\" id=\"trick".$j."\">\n      <img class=\"table\" src=\"".$base."pics/table".$play[0].".png\" alt=\"table\" />\n";
-                else
-                  {
-                    /* display current trick */
-                    echo "<li onclick=\"hl('$j');\"><a href=\"#\">Current Trick</a>\n  <div class=\"table\" id=\"trick".$j."\">\n      <img class=\"table\" src=\"".$base."pics/table".$play[0].".png\" alt=\"table\" />";
-                  }
-                for($i=0;$i<sizeof($trick)-1;$i++)
-                  {
-                    $card = $trick[$i];
-                    $last=-2;
-                    /* has a card been played? */
-                    if(ereg("->",$card))
-                      {
-                        $tmp = explode("->",$card);
-                        echo "      <div class=\"card".$tmp[0]."\">\n";
-                        if(strlen($tmp[2])>0)
-                          echo "        <span class=\"comment\">";
-                        else
-                          echo "        <span>";
-                        echo $player[$hash[$tmp[0]]]["name"];
-                        /* check for comment */
-                        if(strlen($tmp[2])>0)
-                          echo "<span>".$tmp[2]."</span>";
-                        echo "</span>\n        ";
-                        display_card($tmp[1]);
-                        $last = $tmp[0];
-                        echo "      </div>\n";
-                      }
-                  }
-                echo "    </div>\n  </li>\n";
-              }
-            echo "</ul> <hr />\n";
-            echo "<div class=\"line\"></div>";
-            /* output if we are playing a solo or a wedding */
-            echo "<div class=\"info\">";
-            if($game["solo-who"]>=0)
-              echo $player[$hash[$game["solo-who"]]]["name"]." is playing a ".$game["solo-what"]." solo!<br />\n";
-            else if($game["wedding"]>=0)
-              echo $player[$hash[$game["wedding"]]]["name"]." is playing a wedding!<br />\n";
-            echo "</div>";
-            echo "<div class=\"bug\"> Poverty not working yet! <br />".
-              " Schweinchen not working yet <br />".
-              "Bug: at the end of the game the winner of the last trick can add more points to his score by reloading the page <br />".
-              "If you find more bugs, please list them in the <a href=\"".$wiki.
-              "\">wiki</a>.Hit shift reload every now and then too.</div>\n";
-            /* figure out who needs to play next */
-            $next = $last + 1;
-            if ($next>=4) 
-              $next -= 4 ;
-            /* if no one has played yet or we are at the start of a new trick */
-            if($last<0)
-              $next = $history[sizeof($history)-1][0];
-            /* are we trying to play a card? */
-            if(isset($_REQUEST["card"]))
-              {
-                if($hash[$next]==$me)
-                  {
-                    $card    = $_REQUEST["card"];
-                    $mycards = explode(";",$player[$me]["cards"]);
-                    $comment = $_REQUEST["comment"];
-                    $comment = str_replace(":","",$comment);           /*can't have ":" in comments */
-                    /* do we have that card */
-                    if(in_array($card,$mycards))
-                      {
-                        /* delete card from array */
-                        $tmp = array();
-                        foreach($mycards as $m)
-                          if($m != $card)
-                            $tmp[]=$m;
-                        $tmp2="";
-                        for($i=0;$i<sizeof($tmp)-1;$i++)
-                          {
-                            $tmp2.=$tmp[$i].";";
-                          }
-                        $tmp2.=$tmp[$i];
-                        $player[$me]["cards"]=$tmp2;
-                        /* add card to history, special case if this is the first card */
-                        if($last<0)
-                          {
-                            $history[sizeof($history)-1]="".$player[$me]["number"]."->".$card."->$comment:\n";
-                          }
-                        else
-                          {
-                            $tmp = explode(":",$history[sizeof($history)-1]);
-                            $tmp[sizeof($tmp)-1] = "".$player[$me]["number"]."->".$card."->$comment:";
-                            $history[sizeof($history)-1]=join(":",$tmp);
-                          }
-                        save_status();
-                        echo "<div class=\"card\">";
-                        echo " you played  <br />";
-                        display_card($card);
-                        echo "</div>\n";
-                        /* send out email to players who want/need to get informed */
-                         /* check if we are in a trick, if trick is done, this needs to be handelt in the
-                         * who-won-the-trick section further down */
-                         $tmp = explode(":",$history[sizeof($history)-1]);
-                        if(sizeof($tmp)<5)
-                          for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-                            {
-                              $mynext = $next+1; if($mynext>3)$mynext-=4;
-                              if((ereg("c",$player[$hash[$i]]["option"]) || $i==$mynext) && $hash[$i]!=$me)
-                                {
-                                  $message = " Hello ".$player[$hash[$i]]["name"].",\n\n";
-                                  if($i==$mynext)
-                                    {
-                                      $message .= "it's your turn  now.\n".
-                                        "Use this link to play a card: ".$host."?me=".$hash[$i]."\n\n" ;
-                                    }
-                                  $message .= $player[$me]["name"]." has played the following card ".
-                                    card_to_name($card)."\n";
-                                  if($game["solo-who"]>=0)
-                                    $message .= $player[$hash[$game["solo-who"]]]["name"]." is playing a ".
-                                      $game["solo-what"]." solo!\n";
-                                  mymail($player[$hash[$i]]["email"],"[DoKo-debug] a card has been played",$message);
-                                  if($debug)
-                                    echo "<a href=\"index.php?me=".$hash[$mynext]."\"> next player </a> <br />\n";
-                                }
-                            }
-                      }
-                    else
-                      echo "seems like you don't have that card<br />\n";
-                  }
-              } /* end if card is set */
-           if(substr_count($history[sizeof($history)-1],":")==4)
-              { /* count points, email winner */
-                $p = array();
-                $c = array();
-                $tmp  = explode(":",$history[sizeof($history)-1]); /*last played trick */
-                /* get player and cards of last trick */
-                for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-                  {
-                    $tmp2 = explode("->",$tmp[$i]);
-                    $p[] = $tmp2[0];
-                    $c[] = $tmp2[1];
-                  };
-                $win = $p[get_winner($c)];
-                if(strlen($player[$hash[0]]["cards"]))
-                  $history[] = "\n".$win.":\n"; /* not sure why I need the first \n here */
-                /* check if game is done */
-                $end = 1;
-                for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-                  if(strlen(trim($player[$hash[$i]]["cards"]))!=0)
-                    $end = 0;
-                /* email the player who needs to move next*/
-                if(!$end)
-                for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-                  {
-                    if((ereg("c",$player[$hash[$i]]["option"]) || $i==$win) )
-                      {
-                        $message = " Hello ".$player[$hash[$i]]["name"].",\n\n";
-                        if($i == $win)
-                          {
-                            $message .= "You won the last trick,it's your turn  now.\n".
-                              "Use this link to play a card: ".$host."?me=".$hash[$i]."\n\n" ;
-                          }
-                        else
-                          $message .= $player[$hash[$win]]["name"]." has won the last trick\n".
-                            "Use this link to look at the game: ".$host."?me=".$hash[$i]."\n\n" ;
-                        if($game["solo-who"]>=0)
-                          $message.= $player[$hash[$game["solo-who"]]]["name"]." is playing a ".
-                            $game["solo-what"]." solo!\n";
-                        mymail($player[$hash[$i]]["email"],"[DoKo-debug] a card has been played",$message);
-                        if($debug)
-                          echo "<a href=\"index.php?me=".$hash[$win]."\"> next player </a> <br />\n";
-                      }
-                  }
-                /* count points of the last trick */
-                $points = 0;
-                $tmp = explode(":",$history[sizeof($history)-2]);
-                for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-                  {
-                    $tmp2 = explode("->",$tmp[$i]);
-                    $c = $tmp2[1];
-                    $points += card_value($c);
-                  }
-                $player[$hash[$win]]["points"] += $points;
-                echo "<br />\n ".$player[$hash[$win]]["name"]." won: $points Points <br />\n";
-                save_status();
-              }; /* end if win is set */
-            echo "<br />\n";
-            /* check if game is done */
-            $end = 1;
-            for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-              if(strlen(trim($player[$hash[$i]]["cards"]))!=0)
-                $end = 0;
-            if($end)
-              { 
-                echo "<br /> game over, count points <br />\n";
-                for($i=0;$i<4;$i++)
-                  {
-                    echo $player[$hash[$i]]["name"]." got ".$player[$hash[$i]]["points"]."<br />\n";
-                  }
-              }
-            /* check end of game */
-            /* do we still have cards? display them */
-            if(strlen(trim($player[$me]["cards"]))>0 )
-              {
-                $allcards = trim($player[$me]["cards"]);
-                $mycards  = explode(";",$allcards);
-                sort($mycards);
-                echo "<div class=\"mycards\">\n";
-                /* is it our turn? */
-                if($hash[$next]==$me && !isset($_REQUEST["card"])) 
-                  {
-                    echo "Hello ".$player[$me]["name"].", it's your turn!  <br />\n";
-                    echo "Your cards are: <br />\n";
-                    echo "<form action=\"index.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
-                    foreach($mycards as $card) 
-                      display_link_card($card,$me);
+           echo "this email address is already used ?!<br />";
+           $ok=0;
+         }
+       if($ok)
+         {
+           $r=mysql_query("INSERT INTO user VALUES(NULL,".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Rfullname"]).
+                     ",".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Remail"]).
+                     ",".DB_quote_smart(md5($_REQUEST["Rpassword"])).
+                     ",".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Rtimezone"]).",NULL)"); 
+           if($r)
+             echo "  added you to the database";
+           else
+             echo " something went wrong";
+         }
+  }
+  { /* no new game, not in a game */
-   <br />A short comment:<input name="comment" type="text" size="30" maxlength="50" /> 
-   <input type="hidden" name="me" value="<?php echo $me; ?>" />
-   <input type="submit" value="move" />
-                  }
-                else 
-                  { /* not our turn, just show the hand */
-                    echo "Your cards are: <br />\n";
-                    foreach($mycards as $card) 
-                      display_card($card);
-                  }
-                echo "</div>\n";   
-              }
-          }
-       }
+    <p> If you want to play a game of Doppelkopf, you found the right place ;) </p>
+    <p> Please <a href="index.php?register">register</a>, in case you haven't done yet  <br />
+        or login with you email-address or name and password here:
+        <form action="index.php" method="post">
+          <fieldset>
+            <legend>Login</legend>
+             <table>
+              <tr>
+               <td><label for="email">Email:</label></td><td><input type="text" id="email" name="email" size="20" maxsize="30" /> </td>
+              </tr><tr>
+               <td><label for="password">Password:</label></td><td><input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="20" maxsize="30" /></td>
+              </tr><tr>
+               <td> <input type="submit" value="login" /></td>
+             </table>
+          </fieldset>
+        </form>
+    </p>
- } 
+  }
  *Local Variables: 
  *mode: php
@@ -1198,3 +578,5 @@ else
diff --git a/random.txt b/random.txt
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4c57a78..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
index 4e6650aa9e6e12ff1775045e74806e26f56f48df..e8b0216d6dd6b7a64e678b251615a98e09c0a826 100644 (file)
 ul.oldtrick {
-  position:relative;
 ul.oldtrick a { text-decoration:none; color:#000;}
 ul.oldtrick li {
-  margin:0.2em 0.5em;  
+  margin:0 0.5em;  
 ul.oldtrick li:hover {
@@ -41,9 +39,9 @@ ul.oldtrick li div.table img.table {
-  top: 4em;
-  left: 3em;
-  height:22em;
+  top: 3em;
+  left: 4em;
+  height:24em;
@@ -60,9 +58,8 @@ ul.oldtrick li div.table {
-hr {clear:both;}
-/*ul.oldtrick li:hover div.table{ display:block; }*/
+/*ul.oldtrick li:hover div.table{ display:block; }
 ul.oldtrick li div div.card0 {
@@ -70,7 +67,7 @@ ul.oldtrick li div div.card0 {
   /*border: 1px solid red;*/
   top: 14em;
-  right:25em;
+  right:26em;
 ul.oldtrick li div div.card1 {
@@ -88,7 +85,7 @@ ul.oldtrick li div div.card2 {
   /*border: 1px solid red;*/
   top: 14em;
-  right:0em;
+  left:26em;
 ul.oldtrick li div div.card3 {
@@ -175,7 +172,7 @@ ul.oldtrick li div div.card3 span span{
 .mycards {
-  margin-top:38em;
+  margin-top:33em;
   border:1px solid red;