return "";
+function DB_get_passwd_by_userid($id)
+ $r = DB_query_array("SELECT password FROM User WHERE id=".DB_quote_smart($id)."");
+ if($r)
+ return $r[0];
+ else
+ return "";
function DB_check_recovery_passwords($password,$email)
$r = DB_query_array("SELECT FROM User".
" WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='cardset'" );
- if($r[0]=="germancards" && (time()-strtotime( "2009-12-31 23:59:59")<0) ) /* licence only valid until then */
+ /* licence only valid until then */
+ if($r[0]=="altenburg" && (time()-strtotime( "2009-12-31 23:59:59")<0) )
echo "<hr /> <a href=\"".$INDEX."?action=new\">Start a new game</a>\n";
+ echo "<hr /> <a href=\"".$INDEX."?action=prefs\">Change settings</a>\n";
echo "<hr /> <a href=\"".$INDEX."?action=stats\">Statistics</a>\n";
/* functions which only ouput html */
-function output_user_settings()
- global $PREF;
- echo "<div class=\"useroptions\">\n";
- echo "<h4> Settings </h4>\n";
- echo "<a href=\"index.php?passwd=ask\">Change password</a><br />";
- echo "<h5> Card set </h5>\n";
- if( $PREF["cardset"] == "english" )
- echo "<a href=\"index.php?setpref=germancards\">Change to German cards</a><br />";
- else
- echo "<a href=\"index.php?setpref=englishcards\">Change to English cards</a> <br />";
- echo "<h5> Email </h5>\n";
- if( $PREF["email"] == "emailaddict" )
- echo "<a href=\"index.php?setpref=emailnonaddict\">Change to non-addicted mode (emails for each move)</a><br />";
- else
- echo "<a href=\"index.php?setpref=emailaddict\">Change to addicted mode (minimal amount of emails)</a> <br />";
- echo "</div>\n";
- return;
function output_ask_for_new_game($playerA,$playerB,$playerC,$playerD,$oldgameid)
global $RULES;
+function output_select_timezone($name,$timezone="")
+ $Tzone = array ( "Europe/London" => "London",
+ "Europe/Berlin" => "Berlin",
+ "America/Vancouver" => "Berkeley",
+ "Pacific/Auckland" => "Wellington" );
+ echo " <select id=\"$name\" name=\"$name\" size=\"1\">\n";
+ foreach($Tzone as $zone=>$city)
+ {
+ if($timezone==$zone)
+ echo " <option value=\"$zone\" selected=\"selected\">$city</option>\n";
+ else
+ echo " <option value=\"$zone\">$city</option>\n";
+ }
+ echo " </select>\n";
+ return;
function output_password_recovery($email,$password)
--- /dev/null
+/* make sure that we are not called from outside the scripts,
+ * use a variable defined in config.php to check this
+ */
+ exit;
+$name = $_SESSION["name"];
+$email = DB_get_email('name',$name);
+$myid = DB_get_userid('email',$email);
+ return;
+/* track what got changed */
+$changed_notify = 0;
+$changed_password = 0;
+$changed_cards = 0;
+$changed_timezone = 0;
+/* get old infos */
+$PREF = DB_get_PREF($myid);
+$timezone = DB_get_user_timezone($myid);
+/* does the user want to change some preferences? */
+ {
+ $newtimezone=$_REQUEST['timezone'];
+ if($newtimezone != $timezone)
+ {
+ DB_query("UPDATE User SET timezone=".DB_quote_smart($newtimezone).
+ " WHERE id=".DB_quote_smart($myid));
+ $changed_timezone = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ $cards=$_REQUEST['cards'];
+ if($cards != $PREF['cardset'])
+ {
+ /* check if we already have an entry for the user, if so change it, if not create new one */
+ $result = DB_query("SELECT * from User_Prefs".
+ " WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='cardset'" );
+ if( DB_fetch_array($result))
+ $result = DB_query("UPDATE User_Prefs SET value=".DB_quote_smart($cards).
+ " WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='cardset'" );
+ else
+ $result = DB_query("INSERT INTO User_Prefs VALUES(NULL,'$myid','cardset',".
+ DB_quote_smart($cards).")");
+ $changed_cards = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ $notify=$_REQUEST['notify'];
+ if($notify != $PREF['email'])
+ {
+ /* check if we already have an entry for the user, if so change it, if not create new one */
+ $result = DB_query("SELECT * from User_Prefs".
+ " WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='email'" );
+ if( DB_fetch_array($result))
+ $result = DB_query("UPDATE User_Prefs SET value=".DB_quote_smart($notify).
+ " WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='email'" );
+ else
+ $result = DB_query("INSERT INTO User_Prefs VALUES(NULL,'$myid','email',".
+ DB_quote_smart($notify).")");
+ $changed_notify=1;
+ }
+ }
+if(myisset("password0") && $_REQUEST["password0"]!="" )
+ {
+ $changed_password = 1;
+ /* check if old password matches */
+ $oldpasswd = md5($_REQUEST["password0"]);
+ $password = DB_get_passwd_by_userid($myid);
+ if(!( ($password == $oldpasswd) || DB_check_recovery_passwords($oldpasswd,$email) ))
+ $changed_password = -1;
+ /* check if new passwords are types the same twice */
+ if($_REQUEST["password1"] != $_REQUEST["password2"] )
+ $changed_password = -2;
+ if($changed_password==1)
+ {
+ DB_query("UPDATE User SET password='".md5($_REQUEST["password1"]).
+ "' WHERE id=".DB_quote_smart($myid));
+ }
+ /* error output below */
+ }
+/* get infos again in case they have changed */
+$PREF = DB_get_PREF($myid);
+$timezone = DB_get_user_timezone($myid);
+/* output settings */
+echo "<div class=\"user\">\n";
+echo " <form action=\"index.php?action=prefs\" method=\"post\">\n";
+echo " <h2>Your settings are</h2>\n";
+echo " <table>\n";
+echo " <tr><td>Email: </td><td> $email </td></tr>\n";
+echo " <tr><td>Timezone: </td><td>";
+if($changed_timezone) echo "changed";
+echo "</td></tr>\n";
+echo " <tr><td>Notification: </td><td>";
+echo " <select id=\"notify\" name=\"notify\" size=\"1\">\n";
+ if($PREF['email']=="emailaddict")
+ {
+ echo " <option value=\"emailaddict\" selected=\"selected\">lots of emails</option>\n";
+ echo " <option value=\"emailnonaddict\">less emails</option>\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo " <option value=\"emailaddict\">lots of email</option>\n";
+ echo " <option value=\"emailnonaddict\" selected=\"selected\">less email</option>\n";
+ }
+ echo " </select>\n";
+if($changed_notify) echo "changed";
+echo " </td></tr>\n";
+echo " <tr><td>Card set: </td><td>";
+echo " <select id=\"cards\" name=\"cards\" size=\"1\">\n";
+ if($PREF['cardset']=="altenburg")
+ {
+ echo " <option value=\"altenburg\" selected=\"selected\">German cards</option>\n";
+ echo " <option value=\"english\">English cards</option>\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ echo " <option value=\"altenburg\">German cards</option>\n";
+ echo " <option value=\"english\" selected=\"selected\">English cards</option>\n";
+ }
+ echo " </select>\n";
+if($changed_cards) echo "changed";
+echo " </td></tr>\n";
+echo " <tr><td>Password(old): </td><td>",
+ "<input type=\"password\" id=\"password0\" name=\"password0\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"30\" />";
+ {
+ case '-2':
+ echo "The new passwords don't match.";
+ break;
+ case '-1':
+ echo "The old password is not correct.";
+ break;
+ case '1':
+ echo "changed";
+ break;
+ }
+echo " </td></tr>\n";
+echo " <tr><td>Password(new): </td><td>",
+ "<input type=\"password\" id=\"password1\" name=\"password1\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"30\" />",
+ " </td></tr>\n";
+echo " <tr><td>Password(new, retype): </td><td>",
+ "<input type=\"password\" id=\"password2\" name=\"password2\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"30\" />",
+ " </td></tr>\n";
+echo " <tr><td><input type=\"submit\" class=\"submitbutton\" name=\"passwd\" value=\"set\" /></td>",
+ "<td></td></tr>\n";
+echo " </table>\n";
+echo " </form>\n";
+echo "</div>\n";
\ No newline at end of file
<td><label for="Rtimezone">Timezone:</label></td>
- <select id="Rtimezone" name="Rtimezone" size="1">
- <option value="Europe/London">Berlin</option>
- <option value="Europe/Berlin">Berlin</option>
- <option value="America/Vancouver">Berkeley</option>
- <option value="Pacific/Auckland">Wellington</option>
- </select>
- (If your timezone is not listed, just select whatever you want and email the admin your correct time zone.)
+ output_select_timezone("Rtimezone");
<td colspan="2"> <input type="submit" value="register" /></td>
{ /* normal user page */
/* verify password and email */
$password = md5($password);
$PREF = DB_get_PREF($myid);
- /* does the user want to change some preferences? */
- if(myisset("setpref"))
+ DB_update_user_timestamp($myid);
+ display_user_menu();
+ /* display all games the user has played */
+ echo "<div class=\"user\">";
+ echo "<h4>These are all your games:</h4>\n";
+ echo "<p>Session: <br />\n";
+ echo "<span class=\"gamestatuspre\"> p </span> = pre-game phase ";
+ echo "<span class=\"gamestatusplay\">P </span> = game in progess ";
+ echo "<span class=\"gamestatusover\">F </span> = game finished <br />";
+ echo "</p>\n";
+ $output = array();
+ $result = DB_query("SELECT Hand.hash,Hand.game_id,Game.mod_date,Game.player,Game.status from Hand".
+ " LEFT JOIN Game ON".
+ " WHERE user_id='$myid'".
+ " ORDER BY Game.session,Game.create_date" );
+ $gamenrold = -1;
+ echo "<table>\n <tr><td>\n";
+ while( $r = DB_fetch_array($result))
- $setpref=$_REQUEST["setpref"];
- switch($setpref)
+ $game = DB_format_gameid($r[1]);
+ $gamenr = (int) $game;
+ if($gamenrold < $gamenr)
- case "germancards":
- case "englishcards":
- $result = DB_query("SELECT * from User_Prefs".
- " WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='cardset'" );
- if( DB_fetch_array($result))
- $result = DB_query("UPDATE User_Prefs SET value=".DB_quote_smart($setpref).
- " WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='cardset'" );
- else
- $result = DB_query("INSERT INTO User_Prefs VALUES(NULL,'$myid','cardset',".
- DB_quote_smart($setpref).")");
- echo "Ok, changed you preferences for the cards.\n";
- break;
- case "emailaddict":
- case "emailnonaddict":
- $result = DB_query("SELECT * from User_Prefs".
- " WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='email'" );
- if( DB_fetch_array($result))
- $result = DB_query("UPDATE User_Prefs SET value=".DB_quote_smart($setpref).
- " WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='email'" );
+ if($gamenrold!=-1)
+ echo "</td></tr>\n <tr> <td>$gamenr:</td><td> ";
- $result = DB_query("INSERT INTO User_Prefs VALUES(NULL,'$myid','email',".
- DB_quote_smart($setpref).")");
- echo "Ok, changed you preferences for sending out emails.\n";
- break;
+ echo "$gamenr:</td><td> ";
+ $gamenrold = $gamenr;
- }
- /* user wants to change his password or request a temporary one */
- else if(myisset("passwd"))
- {
- if( $_REQUEST["passwd"]=="ask" )
+ if($r[4]=='pre')
- /* reset password form*/
- output_password_recovery($email,$password);
+ echo "\n <span class=\"gamestatuspre\"><a href=\"".$INDEX."?action=game&me=".$r[0]."\">p </a></span> ";
- else if($_REQUEST["passwd"]=="set")
+ else if ($r[4]=='gameover')
+ echo "\n <span class=\"gamestatusover\"><a href=\"".$INDEX."?action=game&me=".$r[0]."\">F </a></span> ";
+ else
- /* reset password */
- $ok = 1;
- /* check if old password matches */
- $oldpasswd = md5($_REQUEST["password0"]);
- if(!( ($password == $oldpasswd) || DB_check_recovery_passwords($oldpasswd,$email) ))
- $ok = -1;
- /* check if new passwords are types the same twice */
- if($_REQUEST["password1"] != $_REQUEST["password2"] )
- $ok = -2;
- switch($ok)
- {
- case '-2':
- echo "The new passwords don't match. <br />";
- break;
- case '-1':
- echo "The old password is not correct. <br />";
- break;
- case '1':
- echo "Changed the password.<br />";
- DB_query("UPDATE User SET password='".md5($_REQUEST["password1"]).
- "' WHERE id=".DB_quote_smart($myid));
- break;
- }
- /* set password */
+ echo "\n <span class=\"gamestatusplay\"><a href=\"".$INDEX."?action=game&me=".$r[0]."\">P </a></span> ";
- }
- else /* output default user page */
- {
- /* display links to settings */
- output_user_settings();
- DB_update_user_timestamp($myid);
- display_user_menu();
- /* display all games the user has played */
- echo "<div class=\"user\">";
- echo "<h4>These are all your games:</h4>\n";
- echo "<p>Session: <br />\n";
- echo "<span class=\"gamestatuspre\"> p </span> = pre-game phase ";
- echo "<span class=\"gamestatusplay\">P </span> = game in progess ";
- echo "<span class=\"gamestatusover\">F </span> = game finished <br />";
- echo "</p>\n";
- $output = array();
- $result = DB_query("SELECT Hand.hash,Hand.game_id,Game.mod_date,Game.player,Game.status from Hand".
- " LEFT JOIN Game ON".
- " WHERE user_id='$myid'".
- " ORDER BY Game.session,Game.create_date" );
- $gamenrold = -1;
- echo "<table>\n <tr><td>\n";
- while( $r = DB_fetch_array($result))
+ if($r[4] != 'gameover')
- $game = DB_format_gameid($r[1]);
- $gamenr = (int) $game;
- if($gamenrold < $gamenr)
- {
- if($gamenrold!=-1)
- echo "</td></tr>\n <tr> <td>$gamenr:</td><td> ";
- else
- echo "$gamenr:</td><td> ";
- $gamenrold = $gamenr;
- }
- if($r[4]=='pre')
- {
- echo "\n <span class=\"gamestatuspre\"><a href=\"".$INDEX."?action=game&me=".$r[0]."\">p </a></span> ";
- }
- else if ($r[4]=='gameover')
- echo "\n <span class=\"gamestatusover\"><a href=\"".$INDEX."?action=game&me=".$r[0]."\">F </a></span> ";
+ echo "</td><td>\n ";
+ if($r[3]==$myid || !$r[3])
+ echo "(it's <strong>your</strong> turn)\n";
- echo "\n <span class=\"gamestatusplay\"><a href=\"".$INDEX."?action=game&me=".$r[0]."\">P </a></span> ";
- }
- if($r[4] != 'gameover')
- {
- echo "</td><td>\n ";
- if($r[3]==$myid || !$r[3])
- echo "(it's <strong>your</strong> turn)\n";
- else
- {
- $name = DB_get_name('userid',$r[3]);
- $gameid = $r[1];
- if(DB_get_reminder($r[3],$gameid)==0)
- if(time()-strtotime($r[2]) > 60*60*24*7)
- echo "".
- "<a href=\"$INDEX?action=reminder&me=".$r[0]."\">Send a reminder.</a>";
- echo "(it's $name's turn)\n";
- };
- if(time()-strtotime($r[2]) > 60*60*24*30)
- echo "".
- "<a href=\"$INDEX?action=cancel&me=".$r[0]."\">Cancel?</a>".
- " (clicking here is final and can't be restored)";
- }
+ $name = DB_get_name('userid',$r[3]);
+ $gameid = $r[1];
+ if(DB_get_reminder($r[3],$gameid)==0)
+ if(time()-strtotime($r[2]) > 60*60*24*7)
+ echo "".
+ "<a href=\"$INDEX?action=reminder&me=".$r[0]."\">Send a reminder.</a>";
+ echo "(it's $name's turn)\n";
+ };
+ if(time()-strtotime($r[2]) > 60*60*24*30)
+ echo "".
+ "<a href=\"$INDEX?action=cancel&me=".$r[0]."\">Cancel?</a>".
+ " (clicking here is final and can't be restored)";
- echo "</td></tr>\n</table>\n";
- /* display last 5 users that have signed up to e-DoKo */
- $names = DB_get_names_of_new_logins(5);
- echo "<h4>New Players:</h4>\n<p>\n";
- echo implode(", ",$names).",...\n";
- echo "</p>\n";
- /* display last 5 users that logged on */
- $names = DB_get_names_of_last_logins(5);
- echo "<h4>Players last logged in:</h4>\n<p>\n";
- echo implode(", ",$names).",...\n";
- echo "</p>\n";
- echo "</div>\n";
+ echo "</td></tr>\n</table>\n";
+ /* display last 5 users that have signed up to e-DoKo */
+ $names = DB_get_names_of_new_logins(5);
+ echo "<h4>New Players:</h4>\n<p>\n";
+ echo implode(", ",$names).",...\n";
+ echo "</p>\n";
+ /* display last 5 users that logged on */
+ $names = DB_get_names_of_last_logins(5);
+ echo "<h4>Players last logged in:</h4>\n<p>\n";
+ echo implode(", ",$names).",...\n";
+ echo "</p>\n";
+ echo "</div>\n";
case 'register':
require './include/register.php';
+ case 'prefs':
+ require './include/preferences.php';
+ break;
case 'game':
require './include/game.php';