notification. All files are under GPL, the only expection are the
images of the german card deck. These have been provided by ASS
Altenburg GmbH (email: under a free (as in beer)
-license. If you want to use them too you need to email them and sign a license!
\ No newline at end of file
+license. If you want to use them too you need to email them and sign a license!
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo " <tr><td>Language: </td><td>\n";
+if($changed_language == 1) echo "changed";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
echo " <tr><td>Password(old): </td><td>",
"<input type=\"password\" id=\"password0\" name=\"password0\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"30\" />";
echo " </fieldset>\n";
echo " <fieldset><legend>Submit</legend><input type=\"submit\" name=\"passwd\" value=\"set\" /></fieldset>\n";
echo " </form>\n";
-echo " <p>E-DoKo uses <a href=\"\">gravatars</a> as icons. I</p>";
+echo " <p>E-DoKo uses <a href=\"\">gravatars</a> as icons.</p>";
echo "</div>\n";