var $tags;
var $avail_tags;
+ /**
+ * class constructor
+ *
+ * this function will be called on class construct
+ * and will check requirements, loads configuration,
+ * open databases and start the user session
+ */
public function __construct()
/* Check necessary requirements */
} // __destruct()
+ /**
+ * show - generate html output
+ *
+ * this function can be called after the constructor has
+ * prepared everyhing. it will load the index.tpl smarty
+ * template. if necessary it will registere pre-selects
+ * (photo index, photo, tag search, date search) into
+ * users session.
+ */
public function show()
$this->tmpl->assign('searchfor', $_SESSION['searchfor']);
$this->tmpl->assign('from_date', $this->get_calendar('from'));
} // show()
+ /**
+ * get_tags - grab all tags of f-spot's database
+ *
+ * this function will get all available tags from
+ * the f-spot database and store them within two
+ * arrays within this clase for later usage. in
+ * fact, if the user requests (hide_tags) it will
+ * opt-out some of them.
+ *
+ * this function is getting called once by show()
+ */
private function get_tags()
$this->avail_tags = Array();
$count = 0;
} // get_tags()
+ /**
+ * extract all photo details
+ *
+ * retrieve all available details from f-spot's
+ * database and return them as object
+ */
public function get_photo_details($idx)
$result = $this->db->db_query("
} // get_photo_details
+ /**
+ * returns aligned photo names
+ *
+ * this function returns aligned (length) names for
+ * an specific photo. If the length of the name exceeds
+ * $limit the name will be shrinked (...)
+ */
public function getPhotoName($idx, $limit = 0)
if($details = $this->get_photo_details($idx)) {
} // getPhotoName()
+ /**
+ * translate f-spoth photo path
+ *
+ * as the full-qualified path recorded in the f-spot database
+ * is usally not the same as on the webserver, this function
+ * will replace the path with that one specified in the cfg
+ */
public function translate_path($path, $width = 0)
return str_replace($this->cfg->path_replace_from, $this->cfg->path_replace_to, $path);
} // translate_path
+ /**
+ * control HTML ouput for a single photo
+ *
+ * this function provides all the necessary information
+ * for the single photo template.
+ */
public function showPhoto($photo)
+ /* get all photos from the current photo selection */
$all_photos = $this->getPhotoSelection();
$count = count($all_photos);
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
- if($get_next) {
+ // $get_next will be set, when the photo which has to
+ // be displayed has been found - this means that the
+ // next available is in fact the NEXT image (for the
+ // navigation icons)
+ if(isset($get_next)) {
$next_img = $all_photos[$i];
+ /* the next photo is our NEXT photo */
if($all_photos[$i] == $photo) {
$get_next = 1;
$thumb_path = $this->cfg->base_path ."/thumbs/". $this->cfg->photo_width ."_". $this->getMD5($photo);
+ /* get f-spot database meta information */
$meta = $this->get_meta_informations($orig_path);
/* If EXIF data are available, use them */
$meta_make = isset($meta['Make']) ? $meta['Make'] ." ". $meta['Model'] : "n/a";
$meta_size = isset($meta['FileSize']) ? round($meta['FileSize']/1024, 1) ."kbyte" : "n/a";
- $current_tags = $this->getCurrentTags();
$extern_link = "index.php?mode=showp&id=". $photo;
+ $current_tags = $this->getCurrentTags();
if($current_tags != "") {
$extern_link.= "&tags=". $current_tags;
} // showPhoto()
+ /**
+ * all available tags and tag cloud
+ *
+ * this function outputs all available tags (time ordered)
+ * and in addition output them as tag cloud (tags which have
+ * many photos will appears more then others)
+ */
public function getAvailableTags()
$result = $this->db->db_query("
} // getAvailableTags()
+ /**
+ * output all selected tags
+ *
+ * this function output all tags which have been selected
+ * by the user. the selected tags are stored in the
+ * session-variable $_SESSION['selected_tags']
+ */
public function getSelectedTags()
$output = "";
} // getSelectedTags()
+ /**
+ * add tag to users session variable
+ *
+ * this function will add the specified to users current
+ * tag selection. if a date search has been made before
+ * it will be now cleared
+ */
public function addTag($tag)
// if the result of a date search are displayed, reset them
} // addTag()
+ /**
+ * remove tag to users session variable
+ *
+ * this function removes the specified tag from
+ * users current tag selection
+ */
public function delTag($tag)
if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) {
} // delTag()
+ /**
+ * reset tag selection
+ *
+ * if there is any tag selection, it will be
+ * deleted now
+ */
public function resetTags()
} // resetTags()
+ /**
+ * reset single photo
+ *
+ * if a specific photo was requested (external link)
+ * unset the session variable now
+ */
public function resetPhotoView()
} // resetPhotoView();
+ /**
+ * reset tag search
+ *
+ * if any tag search has taken place, reset
+ * it now
+ */
public function resetTagSearch()
} // resetTagSearch()
+ /**
+ * reset date search
+ *
+ * if any date search has taken place, reset
+ * it now
+ */
public function resetDateSearch()
} // resetDateSearch();
+ /**
+ * return all photo according selection
+ *
+ * this function returns all photos based on
+ * the tag-selection, tag- or date-search.
+ * the tag-search also has to take care of AND
+ * and OR conjunctions
+ */
public function getPhotoSelection()
$matched_photos = Array();
} // getPhotoSelection()
+ /**
+ * control HTML ouput for photo index
+ *
+ * this function provides all the necessary information
+ * for the photo index template.
+ */
public function showPhotoIndex()
$photos = $this->getPhotoSelection();
} // showPhotoIndex()
+ /**
+ * show credit template
+ */
public function showCredits()
$this->tmpl->assign('version', $this->cfg->version);
} // showCredits()
+ /**
+ * create_thumbnails for the requested width
+ *
+ * this function creates image thumbnails of $orig_image
+ * stored as $thumb_image. It will check if the image is
+ * in a supported format, if necessary rotate the image
+ * (based on EXIF orientation meta headers) and re-sizing.
+ */
public function create_thumbnail($orig_image, $thumb_image, $width)
if(!file_exists($orig_image)) {
} // create_thumbnail()
+ /**
+ * return all exif meta data from the file
+ */
public function get_meta_informations($file)
return exif_read_data($file);
} // get_meta_informations()
+ /**
+ * create phpfspot own sqlite database
+ *
+ * this function creates phpfspots own sqlite database
+ * if it does not exist yet. this own is used to store
+ * some necessary informations (md5 sum's, ...).
+ */
public function check_config_table()
// if the config table doesn't exist yet, create it
} // gen_thumb()
+ /**
+ * returns stored md5 sum for a specific photo
+ *
+ * this function queries the phpfspot database for a
+ * stored MD5 checksum of the specified photo
+ */
public function getMD5($idx)
$result = $this->cfg_db->db_query("
} // getMD5()
+ /**
+ * set MD5 sum for the specific photo
+ */
private function setMD5($idx, $md5)
$result = $this->cfg_db->db_exec("
} // setMD5()
+ /**
+ * store current tag condition
+ *
+ * this function stores the current tag condition
+ * (AND or OR) in the users session variables
+ */
public function setTagCondition($mode)
$_SESSION['tag_condition'] = $mode;
} // setTagCondition()
+ /**
+ * invoke tag search
+ *
+ * this function will return all matching tags and store
+ * them in the session variable selected_tags.
+ * getPhotoSelection() will then only return the matching
+ * photos.
+ */
public function startTagSearch($searchfor)
$_SESSION['searchfor'] = $searchfor;
} // startTagSearch()
+ /**
+ * invoke date search
+ *
+ * this function in fact does nothing then only setting
+ * the from- and to-date in the users session variables.
+ * the result is generated by getPhotoSelection().
+ */
public function startDateSearch($from, $to)
$_SESSION['from_date'] = $from;
$_SESSION['to_date'] = $to;
+ /**
+ * rotate image
+ *
+ * this function rotates the image according the
+ * specified angel.
+ */
private function rotateImage($img, $degrees)
- if(function_exists("imagerotate"))
+ if(function_exists("imagerotate")) {
$img = imagerotate($img, $degrees, 0);
- else
- {
+ } else {
function imagerotate($src_img, $angle)
$src_x = imagesx($src_img);
- default: $rotate = $src_img;
+ default:
+ $rotate = $src_img;
+ break;
return $rotate;
} // rotateImage()
+ /**
+ * return all assigned tags for the specified photo
+ */
private function get_photo_tags($idx)
$result = $this->db->db_query("
} // get_photo_tags()
+ /**
+ * create on-the-fly images with text within
+ */
public function showTextImage($txt, $color=000000, $space=4, $font=4, $w=300)
if (strlen($color) != 6)
} // showTextImage()
+ /**
+ * check if all requirements are met
+ */
private function checkRequirements()
if(!function_exists("imagecreatefromjpeg")) {
} // _debug()
+ /**
+ * check if specified MIME type is supported
+ */
public function checkifImageSupported($mime)
if(in_array($mime, Array("image/jpeg")))
} // _warning()
+ /**
+ * output calendard input fields
+ */
private function get_calendar($mode)
$year = $_SESSION[$mode .'_date'] ? date("Y", strtotime($_SESSION[$mode .'_date'])) : date("Y");
} // get_calendar()
+ /**
+ * output calendar matrix
+ */
public function get_calendar_matrix($year = 0, $month = 0, $day = 0)
if (!isset($year)) $year = date('Y');
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Month/Weekdays.php';
require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Day.php';
// Build the month
$month = new Calendar_Month_Weekdays($year,$month);
} // get_calendar_matrix()
+ /**
+ * output export page
+ */
public function getExport($mode)
$pictures = $this->getPhotoSelection();
} // getExport()
+ /**
+ * return all selected tags as one string
+ */
private function getCurrentTags()
$current_tags = "";
} // getCurrentTags()
+ /**
+ * return the current photo
+ */
public function getCurrentPhoto()
if(isset($_SESSION['current_photo'])) {
} // getCurrentPhoto()
+ /**
+ * tells the client browser what to do
+ *
+ * this function is getting called via AJAX by the
+ * client browsers. it will tell them what they have
+ * to do next. This is necessary for directly jumping
+ * into photo index or single photo view when the are
+ * requested with specific URLs
+ */
public function whatToDo()
if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags']) && !empty($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) {
} // whatToDo()
+ /**
+ * return the current process-user
+ */
private function getuid()
if($uid = posix_getuid()) {