-function preloadPhotos(lbImg) {
+function preloadPhotos(image_url) {
- var d=document;
- if(d.images)
- if(!d.photos)
- d.photos=new Array();
- var i, j=d.photos.length;
+ var i;
+ var timeout = 1000;
+ var waiting = 100;
+ var counting;
- d.photos[j]=new Image;
- d.photos[j].src=lbImg[i].src;
- j++;
+ lbImg[i].src=image_url[i];
+ // to not bomb the server with requests, give the page some time
+ // to load the images one by one. if a image exceeds the timeout,
+ // the next image will be loaded.
+ if(lbImg[i].complete != undefined && lbImg[i].complete != true) {
+ counting = 0;
+ while(lbImg[i].complete != true && counting < timeout) {
+ window.setTimeout("noop()", waiting);
+ counting+=waiting;
+ }
+ }
+/* a function that does nothing */
+function noop() {}
function startSlideShow()
if(!sliding) {
<div class="thumb" onmouseover="setBackGrdColor(this, 'mouseover');" onmouseout="setBackGrdColor(this, 'mouseout');" style="width: { $thumb_container_width }px; height: { $thumb_container_height }px;">
<a href="javascript:showImage({$images[thumb]}, 'scrollup');" id="thumblink{$images[thumb]}" name="image{$img_id[thumb]}" class="thumblink" onclick="click(this);" title="{$img_title[thumb]}">
- <img class="thumb" id="thumbimg{$images[thumb]}" src="phpfspot_img.php?idx={$images[thumb]}&width={$width}" alt="thumb_{$images[thumb]}" width="{$img_width[thumb]}" height="{$img_height[thumb]}" />
+ <img class="thumb" id="thumbimg{$images[thumb]}" width="{$img_width[thumb]}" height="{$img_height[thumb]}" />
<br />
<br class="clearboth" />
-<script type="text/javascript">
+<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
- preloadPhotos();
+ { counter start=-1 }
+ var current;
+ var image_urls = new Array();
+ {section name="thumb" loop=$thumbs step=1}
+ {if $images[thumb] }
+ image_urls[{counter}] = 'phpfspot_img.php?idx={$images[thumb]}&width={$width}';
+ {/if}
+ {/section}
+ preloadPhotos(image_urls);
<!-- /Photo Index -->