<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<title>E-DoKo Feed</title>
-<subtitle>Know when it is your turn</subtitle>
+ /* set language */
+ $PREF = DB_get_PREF($id);
+ $lang = $PREF['language'];
+ switch($lang)
+ {
+ case 'de':
+ putenv("LC_ALL=de_DE");
+ setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE");
+ // Specify location of translation tables
+ bindtextdomain("edoko", "./locale");
+ // Choose domain
+ textdomain("edoko");
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* do nothing */
+ }
+echo '<subtitle>'._('Know when it is your turn')."</subtitle>\n";
global $WIKI,$INDEX, $HOST;
/* output last creation date */
while( $r = DB_fetch_array($result))
echo "<entry>\n";
- echo "<title>game ".DB_format_gameid($r[1])."</title>\n";
+ echo "<title>"._('game').' '.DB_format_gameid($r[1])."</title>\n";
echo "<link href=\"".$HOST.$url."\" />\n";
$date = DB_get_game_timestamp($r[1]);
$date = date("Y-m-d",$timestamp);
echo "<id>tag:doko.nubati.net,$date:$url</id>\n";
echo "<updated>".date(DATE_ATOM,$timestamp)."</updated>\n";
- echo "<summary>Please use the link to access the game.</summary>\n";
+ echo '<summary>'._('Please use the link to access the game.')."</summary>\n";
echo "</entry>\n\n";