<td colspan="3">
<table style="width: 100%;">
- <td class="index_header"style="width: 80%;">
+ <td class="index_header">
<b>Photo Index,</b>
{if ! $searchfor }
{if $count == 1}
- <td class="index_header" style="text-align: right;">
+ <td class="index_header" style="text-align: right">
+ <form action="" onsubmit="setViewMode(document.getElementsByName('view')[0].options[document.getElementsByName('view')[0].selectedIndex].value); return false;">
{if $extern_link }
- <a href="{$extern_link}" title="Copy this link to get directly into the current view"><img src="resources/link.png" /></a>
+ <a href="{$extern_link}" title="Use this link to return to the current view"><img src="resources/link.png" /></a>
+ <select name="view">
+ <option value="photos" selected="selected">Photos</option>
+ <option value="html">HTML source</option>
+ <option value="moinmoin">MoinMoin markup</option>
+ </select>
+ <input type="image" src="resources/doit.png" alt="Switch View" />
+ </form>
<td colspan="3">
+ <div id="adinfo"></div>
<div id="matrix">
{section name="row" loop=$rows step=1}