} // getPhotoName()
+ /**
+ * get photo rating level
+ *
+ * this function will return the integer-based rating
+ * level of the photo. This can only be done, if the F-Spot
+ * database is at a specific level. If rating value can not
+ * be found, zero will be returned indicating no rating value
+ * is available.
+ * @param integer idx
+ * @return integer
+ */
+ public function get_photo_rating($idx)
+ {
+ if($detail = $this->get_photo_details($idx)) {
+ if(isset($detail['rating']))
+ return $detail['rating'];
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } // get_photo_rating()
* shrink text according provided limit
$this->tmpl->assign('description', $details['description']);
$this->tmpl->assign('image_name', $this->parse_uri($details['uri'], 'filename'));
+ $this->tmpl->assign('image_rating', $this->get_photo_rating($photo));
$this->tmpl->assign('width', $info_thumb[0]);
$this->tmpl->assign('height', $info_thumb[1]);
$img_name[$thumbs] = Array();
$img_fullname[$thumbs] = Array();
$img_title = Array();
+ $img_rating = Array();
for($i = $begin_with; $i < $end_with; $i++) {
$img_name[$thumbs] = htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 15));
$img_fullname[$thumbs] = htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 0));
$img_title[$thumbs] = "Click to view photo ". htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 0));
+ $img_rating[$thumbs] = $this->get_photo_rating($photos[$i]);
$thumb_path = $this->get_thumb_path($this->cfg->thumb_width, $photos[$i]);
$this->tmpl->assign('img_name', $img_name);
$this->tmpl->assign('img_fullname', $img_fullname);
$this->tmpl->assign('img_title', $img_title);
+ $this->tmpl->assign('img_rating', $img_rating);
$this->tmpl->assign('thumbs', $thumbs);
$this->tmpl->assign('selected_tags', $this->getSelectedTags('img'));
<br />
+ <!-- show lightbox eyes, if enabled -->
{ if $use_lightbox }
<a href="{$web_path}/phpfspot_img.php?idx={$images[thumb]}&width={$preview_width}" alt="thumb_{$images[thumb]}" rel="lightbox[photoidx]" title="Preview of {$img_fullname[thumb]}"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/eyes.png" /></a>
{ /if }
+ <!-- show F-Spot photo rating value, if available -->
+ { if $img_rating[thumb] }
+ <br />
+ {section name="rating" loop=$img_rating[thumb] step=1}
+ <img src="{$web_path}/resources/star.png" />
+ {/section}
+ { /if }