[phpfspot.git] / themes / default / templates / single_photo.tpl
1 <!-- Single photo -->
2 <table>
3  <tr>
4   <td class="content_title" style="text-align: left;">
5    <b>Photo {$image_name}</b><br />
6    {if $photo_count > 0}
7     {$photo_number} of {$photo_count}
8     {if $photo_count == 1}
9      Photo
10     {else}
11      Photos
12     {/if}
13     {if $description}
14      &nbsp;{$description}<br />
15     {/if}
16    {/if}
17   </td>
18   <td class="index_header" style="text-align: right;">
19    <a href="javascript:startAutoBrowse();" title="auto browsing"><img id="autobrowse_ico" src="resources/32_play.png" /></a>
20    {if $extern_link }
21     <a href="{$extern_link}" title="Use this link to return to the current view"><img src="resources/link.png" /></a>
22    {/if}
23    <a href="{$image_url_full}" target="_blank" onclick="click(this);">
24     <img src="resources/original.png" alt="original resolution" />
25    </a>
26   </td>
27  </tr>
28  <tr>
29   <td>
30    <div id='single'>
31    <table>
32     <tr>
33      <td colspan="3">
34      { if $next_url == "" }
35       <a href="javascript:showPhotoIndex();" onclick="click(this);">
36      { else }
37       <a href="{$next_url}" onclick="click(this);" title="click for the next photo"> 
38      { /if }
39        <img src="{$image_url}" width="{$width}" height="{$height}" alt="photo" />
40       </a>
41      </td>
42     </tr>
43     <tr>
44      <td style="text-align: left; width: 33%;">
45       { if $previous_url == "" }
46        <img src="resources/arrow_left_gray.png" alt="first photo reached" />
47       { else }
48       <a href="{$previous_url}" onclick="click(this);" title="click for the previous photo">
49        <img src="resources/arrow_left.png" alt="previous photo" />
50       </a>
51       { /if }
52      </td>
53      <td style="text-align: center; width: 33%;">
54       <a href="javascript:showPhotoIndex({$current});" onclick="click(this);" title="click to go back to the index">
55        <img src="resources/arrow_up.png" alt="photo index" />
56       </a>
57      </td>
58      <td style="text-align: right; width: 33%;">
59       { if $next_url == "" }
60        <img src="resources/arrow_right_gray.png" alt="last photo reached" />
61       { else }
62       <a href="{$next_url}" onclick="click(this);" title="click for the next photo"> 
63        <img src="resources/arrow_right.png" alt="next photo" />
64       </a>
65       { /if}
66      </td>
67     </tr>
68    </table>
69    </div>
70   </td>
71   <td style="width: 150px; padding-top: 20px;">
72    <div id="photo_details">
73    { if $ExifMadeWith }
74    <u><img src="resources/camera.png" alt="camera icon" />&nbsp;Image taken with:</u><br />
75    {$ExifMadeWith}<br />
76    { /if }
77    { if $ExifMadeOn }
78    <u><img src="resources/date.png" alt="calendar icon" />&nbsp;Image made on:</u><br />
79    {$ExifMadeOn}<br />
80    { /if }
81    { if $ExifOrigResolution }
82    <u><img src="resources/image.png" alt="resolution icon" />&nbsp;Original resolution:</u><br />
83    {$ExifOrigResolution}<br />
84    { /if }
85    <u>Size:</u>&nbsp;{$ExifFileSize}<br />
86    { if $tags }
87     <br />
88     <u><img src="resources/small_available_tags.png" alt="available tags" />&nbsp;Tagged with:</u><br />
89     { foreach from=$tags key=id item=name }
90     <a class="smalltag" href="javascript:Tags('add', '{$id}');" onclick="click(this);" onclick="click(this);">{$name}</a><br />
91     { /foreach }
92    { /if }
93    <hr>
94    { if $prev_img }
95     <u><img src="resources/photo.png" alt="photo icon" />&nbsp;Previous:</u><br />
96     <a href="{$previous_url}" onclick="click(this);">
97      <img src="phpfspot_img.php?idx={$prev_img}&amp;width={$mini_width}" /><br />
98     </a>
99    { /if}
100    { if $next_img }
101     <u><img src="resources/photo.png" alt="photo icon" />&nbsp;Next:</u><br />
102     <a href="{$next_url}" onclick="click(this);" id="next_link">
103      <img src="phpfspot_img.php?idx={$next_img}&amp;width={$mini_width}" /><br />
104     </a>
105    { /if}
106    </div>
107   </td>
108  </tr>
109 </table>
110 <!-- /Single photo -->