function showImage(id) { content = document.getElementById("content"); content.innerHTML = HTML_AJAX.grab('rpc.php?action=showphoto&id=' + id); } function showCredits() { content = document.getElementById("content"); content.innerHTML = HTML_AJAX.grab('rpc.php?action=showcredits'); } function Tags(mode, id) { if(mode == "add") { // add the tag to users session HTML_AJAX.grab('rpc.php?action=addtag&id=' + id); } else if(mode == "del") { // del the tag from users session HTML_AJAX.grab('rpc.php?action=deltag&id=' + id); } else if(mode == "reset") { HTML_AJAX.grab('rpc.php?action=resettags'); } refreshAvailableTags(); refreshSelectedTags(); refreshPhotoIndex(); } function refreshAvailableTags() { // update available tags content = document.getElementById("available_tags"); content.innerHTML = HTML_AJAX.grab('rpc.php?action=show_available_tags'); } function refreshSelectedTags() { // update selected tags content = document.getElementById("selected_tags"); content.innerHTML = HTML_AJAX.grab('rpc.php?action=show_selected_tags'); } function showPhotoIndex() { HTML_AJAX.replace(document.getElementById("content"), 'rpc.php?action=show_photo_index'); } function showBubbleDetails(object, id, direction) { HTML_AJAX.replace(object, 'rpc.php?action=showbubbledetails&id=' + id + '&direction=" + direction'); } // if photo index is currently shown, refresh it function refreshPhotoIndex() { if(document.getElementById("matrix") != undefined) { showPhotoIndex(); } } function click(object) { if(object.blur) object.blur(); }