cfg = new PHPFSPOT_CFG; $this->db = new PHPFSPOT_DB(&$this, $this->cfg->fspot_db); $this->cfg_db = new PHPFSPOT_DB(&$this, $this->cfg->phpfspot_db); $this->check_config_table(); $this->tmpl = new PHPFSPOT_TMPL($this); $this->get_tags(); } // __construct() public function __destruct() { } // __destruct() public function show() { $this->tmpl->assign('page_title', $this->cfg->page_title); $this->tmpl->show("index.tpl"); } // show() private function get_tags() { $this->avail_tags = Array(); $count = 0; $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT id,name FROM tags ORDER BY sort_priority ASC "); while($row = $this->db->db_fetch_object($result)) { $tag_id = $row['id']; $tag_name = $row['name']; $this->tags[$tag_id] = $tag_name; $this->avail_tags[$count] = $tag_id; $count++; } } // get_tags() public function get_photo_details($idx) { $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id='". $idx ."' "); return $this->db->db_fetch_object($result); } // get_photo_details public function translate_path($path, $width = 0) { return str_replace($this->cfg->path_replace_from, $this->cfg->path_replace_to, $path); } // translate_path public function showPhoto($photo) { $all_photos = $this->getAllTagPhotos(); foreach($all_photos as $all_photo) { if($get_next) { $next_img = $all_photo; break; } if($all_photo == $photo) { $get_next = 1; } else { $previous_img = $all_photo; } } $details = $this->get_photo_details($photo); $meta = $this->get_meta_informations($this->translate_path($details['directory_path']) ."/". $details['name']); $info = getimagesize($this->translate_path($details['directory_path']) ."/thumbs/". $this->cfg->photo_width ."_". $details['name']); $this->tmpl->assign('width', $info[0]); $this->tmpl->assign('height', $info[1]); $this->tmpl->assign('c_date', $meta['DateTime']); $this->tmpl->assign('madewith', $meta['Make'] ." ". $meta['Model']); $this->tmpl->assign('image_name', $details['name']); $this->tmpl->assign('image_url', 'phpfspot_img.php?idx='. $photo ."&width=". $this->cfg->photo_width); $this->tmpl->assign('image_url_full', 'phpfspot_img.php?idx='. $photo); if($previous_img) { $this->tmpl->assign('previous_url', "javascript:showImage(". $previous_img .");"); } if($next_img) { $this->tmpl->assign('next_url', "javascript:showImage(". $next_img .");"); } $this->tmpl->show("single_photo.tpl"); } // showPhoto() public function getAvailableTags() { foreach($this->avail_tags as $tag) { if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags']) && in_array($tag, $_SESSION['selected_tags'])) continue; // return all available (= not selected) tags print "". $this->tags[$tag] ." "; } } // getAvailableTags() public function getSelectedTags() { foreach($this->avail_tags as $tag) { // return all selected tags if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags']) && in_array($tag, $_SESSION['selected_tags'])) { print "". $this->tags[$tag] ." "; } } } // getSelectedTags() public function addTag($tag) { if(!isset($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) $_SESSION['selected_tags'] = Array(); array_push($_SESSION['selected_tags'], $tag); } // addTag() public function delTag($tag) { if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) { $key = array_search($tag, $_SESSION['selected_tags']); unset($_SESSION['selected_tags'][$key]); } } // delTag() public function resetTags() { unset($_SESSION['selected_tags']); } // resetTags() public function getAllTagPhotos() { $tagged_photos = Array(); if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) { $selected = ""; foreach($_SESSION['selected_tags'] as $tag) $selected.= $tag .","; $selected = substr($selected, 0, strlen($selected)-1); $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT DISTINCT photo_id FROM photo_tags pt INNER JOIN photos p ON WHERE pt.tag_id IN (". $selected .") ORDER BY p.time ASC "); } else { $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT DISTINCT photo_id FROM photo_tags pt INNER JOIN photos p ON ORDER BY p.time ASC "); } while($row = $this->db->db_fetch_object($result)) { array_push($tagged_photos, $row['photo_id']); } return $tagged_photos; } // getAllTagPhotos() public function showPhotoIndex() { $photos = $this->getAllTagPhotos(); $count = count($photos); $rows = 0; $cols = 0; $images[$rows] = Array(); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $images[$rows][$cols] = $photos[$i]; if($cols == $this->cfg->thumbs_per_row-1) { $cols = 0; $rows++; $images[$rows] = Array(); } else { $cols++; } } // +1 for for smarty's selection iteration $rows++; //$images.= "
\n"; $this->tmpl->assign('count', $count); $this->tmpl->assign('width', $this->cfg->thumb_width); $this->tmpl->assign('images', $images); $this->tmpl->assign('rows', $rows); $this->tmpl->assign('columns', $this->cfg->thumbs_per_row); $this->tmpl->show("photo_index.tpl"); } // showPhotoIndex() public function showBubbleDetails($photo, $direction) { if($direction == "up") $direction = "bubbleimg_up"; else $direction = "bubbleimg_down"; $details = $this->get_photo_details($photo); $image_url = "phpfspot_img.php?idx=". $photo ."&width=200"; $filesize = filesize($this->translate_path($details['directory_path']) ."/". $details['name']); $filesize = rand($filesize/1024, 2); $img = getimagesize($this->translate_path($details['directory_path']) ."/". $details['name']); $this->tmpl->assign('file_size', $filesize); $this->tmpl->assign('width', $img[0]); $this->tmpl->assign('height', $img[1]); $this->tmpl->assign('file_name', $details['name']); $this->tmpl->assign('image_id', $direction); $this->tmpl->assign('image_url', $image_url); $this->tmpl->show("bubble_details.tpl"); } // showBubbleDetails() public function showCredits() { $this->tmpl->assign('version', $this->cfg->version); $this->tmpl->assign('product', $this->cfg->product); $this->tmpl->show("credits.tpl"); } // showCredits() public function create_thumbnail($image, $width) { // if thumbnail already exists, don't recreate it if(file_exists(dirname($image) ."/thumbs/". $width ."_". basename($image))) return; $src_img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($image); if($src_img) { /* grabs the height and width */ $new_w = imagesx($src_img); $new_h = imagesy($src_img); // If requested width is more then the actual image width, // do not generate a thumbnail if($width >= $new_w) { imagedestroy($src_img); return; } /* calculates aspect ratio */ $aspect_ratio = $new_h / $new_w; /* sets new size */ $new_w = $width; $new_h = abs($new_w * $aspect_ratio); /* creates new image of that size */ $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_w,$new_h); imagefill($dst_img, 0, 0, ImageColorAllocate($dst_img, 255, 255, 255)); /* copies resized portion of original image into new image */ imagecopyresampled($dst_img,$src_img,0,0,0,0,$new_w,$new_h,imagesx($src_img),imagesy($src_img)); /* write down new generated file */ if(!file_exists(dirname($image) ."/thumbs")) mkdir(dirname($image) ."/thumbs"); $newfile = dirname($image) ."/thumbs/". $width ."_". basename($image); imagejpeg($dst_img, $newfile, 75); /* free your mind */ imagedestroy($dst_img); imagedestroy($src_img); } } // create_thumbnail() public function get_meta_informations($file) { return exif_read_data($file); } // get_meta_informations() public function check_config_table() { // if the config table doesn't exist yet, create it if(!$this->cfg_db->db_check_table_exists("images")) { $this->cfg_db->db_exec(" CREATE TABLE images ( img_idx int primary key, img_md5 varchar(32) ) "); } } // check_config_table public function gen_thumbs($fromcmd = 0) { /* get all available photos */ $all = $this->getAllTagPhotos(); foreach($all as $photo) { $full_path = $this->translate_path($details['directory_path']) ."/". $details['name']; $file_md5 = md5_file($full_path); $details = $this->get_photo_details($photo); if($fromcmd) print "Image ". $details['name'] ." Thumbnails:"; /* if the file hasn't changed there is no need to regen the thumb */ if($file_md5 == $this->getMD5($photo)) { if($fromcmd) print " file has not changed - skipping\n"; continue; } /* set the new/changed MD5 sum for the current photo */ $this->setMD5($photo, $file_md5); /* create thumbnails for the requested resolutions */ foreach(Array($this->cfg->thumb_width, $this->cfg->photo_width) as $resolution) { if($fromcmd) print " ". $resolution ."px"; $this->create_thumbnail($full_path, $resolution); } if($fromcmd) print "\n"; } } // gen_thumbs() private function getMD5($idx) { $result = $this->cfg_db->db_query(" SELECT img_md5 FROM images WHERE img_idx='". $idx ."' "); if(!$result) return 0; $img = $this->cfg_db->db_fetch_object($result); return $img['img_md5']; } // getMD5() private function setMD5($idx, $md5) { $result = $this->cfg_db->db_exec(" REPLACE INTO images (img_idx, img_md5) VALUES ('". $idx ."', '". $md5 ."') "); } // setMD5() } ?>