checkRequirements()) { exit(1); } $this->cfg = new PHPFSPOT_CFG; $this->db = new PHPFSPOT_DB(&$this, $this->cfg->fspot_db); if(!is_writeable(dirname($this->cfg->phpfspot_db))) { print dirname($this->cfg->phpfspot_db) .": directory is not writeable!"; exit(1); } $this->cfg_db = new PHPFSPOT_DB(&$this, $this->cfg->phpfspot_db); $this->check_config_table(); $this->tmpl = new PHPFSPOT_TMPL($this); $this->get_tags(); session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['tag_condition'])) $_SESSION['tag_condition'] = 'or'; if(!isset($_SESSION['searchfor'])) $_SESSION['searchfor'] = ''; // if begin_with is still set but rows_per_page is now 0, unset it if(isset($_SESSION['begin_with']) && $this->cfg->rows_per_page == 0) unset($_SESSION['begin_with']); } // __construct() public function __destruct() { } // __destruct() public function show() { $this->tmpl->assign('searchfor', $_SESSION['searchfor']); $this->tmpl->assign('page_title', $this->cfg->page_title); $this->tmpl->assign('current_condition', $_SESSION['tag_condition']); $_SESSION['start_action'] = $_GET['mode']; switch($_GET['mode']) { case 'showpi': if(isset($_GET['tags'])) { $_SESSION['selected_tags'] = split(',', $_GET['tags']); } if(isset($_GET['from_date'])) { $_SESSION['from_date'] = $_GET['from_date']; } if(isset($_GET['to_date'])) { $_SESSION['to_date'] = $_GET['to_date']; } break; case 'showp': if(isset($_GET['tags'])) { $_SESSION['selected_tags'] = split(',', $_GET['tags']); $_SESSION['start_action'] = 'showp'; } if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $_SESSION['current_photo'] = $_GET['id']; $_SESSION['start_action'] = 'showp'; } if(isset($_GET['from_date'])) { $_SESSION['from_date'] = $_GET['from_date']; } if(isset($_GET['to_date'])) { $_SESSION['to_date'] = $_GET['to_date']; } break; case 'export': $this->tmpl->show("export.tpl"); return; break; } $this->tmpl->assign('from_date', $this->get_calendar('from')); $this->tmpl->assign('to_date', $this->get_calendar('to')); $this->tmpl->assign('content_page', 'welcome.tpl'); $this->tmpl->show("index.tpl"); } // show() private function get_tags() { $this->avail_tags = Array(); $count = 0; $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT id,name FROM tags ORDER BY sort_priority ASC "); while($row = $this->db->db_fetch_object($result)) { $tag_id = $row['id']; $tag_name = $row['name']; /* check if config requests to ignore this tag */ if(in_array($row['name'], $this->cfg->hide_tags)) continue; $this->tags[$tag_id] = $tag_name; $this->avail_tags[$count] = $tag_id; $count++; } } // get_tags() public function get_photo_details($idx) { $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id='". $idx ."' "); return $this->db->db_fetch_object($result); } // get_photo_details public function getPhotoName($idx, $limit = 0) { if($details = $this->get_photo_details($idx)) { $name = $details['name']; if($limit != 0 && strlen($name) > $limit) { $name = substr($name, 0, $limit-5) ."...". substr($name, -($limit-5)); } return $name; } } // getPhotoName() public function translate_path($path, $width = 0) { return str_replace($this->cfg->path_replace_from, $this->cfg->path_replace_to, $path); } // translate_path public function showPhoto($photo) { $all_photos = $this->getPhotoSelection(); $count = count($all_photos); for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if($get_next) { $next_img = $all_photos[$i]; break; } if($all_photos[$i] == $photo) { $get_next = 1; } else { $previous_img = $all_photos[$i]; } if($photo == $all_photos[$i]) { $current = $i; } } $details = $this->get_photo_details($photo); if(!$details) { print "error"; return; } $orig_path = $this->translate_path($details['directory_path']) ."/". $details['name']; $thumb_path = $this->cfg->base_path ."/thumbs/". $this->cfg->photo_width ."_". $this->getMD5($photo); if(!file_exists($orig_path)) { $this->_warning("Photo ". $orig_path ." does not exist!
\n"); } if(!is_readable($orig_path)) { $this->_warning("Photo ". $orig_path ." is not readable for user ". $this->getuid() ."
\n"); } /* If the thumbnail doesn't exist yet, try to create it */ if(!file_exists($thumb_path)) { $this->gen_thumb($photo, true); $thumb_path = $this->cfg->base_path ."/thumbs/". $this->cfg->photo_width ."_". $this->getMD5($photo); } $meta = $this->get_meta_informations($orig_path); /* If EXIF data are available, use them */ if(isset($meta['ExifImageWidth'])) { $meta_res = $meta['ExifImageWidth'] ."x". $meta['ExifImageLength']; } else { $info = getimagesize($orig_path); $meta_res = $info[0] ."x". $info[1]; } $meta_date = isset($meta['FileDateTime']) ? strftime("%a %x %X", $meta['FileDateTime']) : "n/a"; $meta_make = isset($meta['Make']) ? $meta['Make'] ." ". $meta['Model'] : "n/a"; $meta_size = isset($meta['FileSize']) ? round($meta['FileSize']/1024, 1) ."kbyte" : "n/a"; $current_tags = $this->getCurrentTags(); $extern_link = "index.php?mode=showp&id=". $photo; if($current_tags != "") { $extern_link.= "&tags=". $current_tags; } if(isset($_SESSION['from_date']) && isset($_SESSION['to_date'])) { $extern_link.= "&from_date=". $_SESSION['from_date'] ."&to_date=". $_SESSION['to_date']; } $this->tmpl->assign('extern_link', $extern_link); if(file_exists($thumb_path)) { $info = getimagesize($thumb_path); $this->tmpl->assign('description', $details['description']); $this->tmpl->assign('image_name', $details['name']); $this->tmpl->assign('width', $info[0]); $this->tmpl->assign('height', $info[1]); $this->tmpl->assign('ExifMadeOn', $meta_date); $this->tmpl->assign('ExifMadeWith', $meta_make); $this->tmpl->assign('ExifOrigResolution', $meta_res); $this->tmpl->assign('ExifFileSize', $meta_size); $this->tmpl->assign('image_url', 'phpfspot_img.php?idx='. $photo ."&width=". $this->cfg->photo_width); $this->tmpl->assign('image_url_full', 'phpfspot_img.php?idx='. $photo); $this->tmpl->assign('tags', $this->get_photo_tags($photo)); $this->tmpl->assign('current', $current); } else { $this->_warning("Can't open file ". $thumb_path ."\n"); return; } if($previous_img) { $this->tmpl->assign('previous_url', "javascript:showImage(". $previous_img .");"); $this->tmpl->assign('prev_img', $previous_img); } if($next_img) { $this->tmpl->assign('next_url', "javascript:showImage(". $next_img .");"); $this->tmpl->assign('next_img', $next_img); } $this->tmpl->assign('mini_width', $this->cfg->mini_width); $this->tmpl->show("single_photo.tpl"); } // showPhoto() public function getAvailableTags() { $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT tag_id as id, count(tag_id) as quantity FROM photo_tags INNER JOIN tags t ON = tag_id GROUP BY tag_id ORDER BY ASC "); $tags = Array(); while($row = $this->db->db_fetch_object($result)) { $tags[$row['id']] = $row['quantity']; } // change these font sizes if you will $max_size = 125; // max font size in % $min_size = 75; // min font size in % // get the largest and smallest array values $max_qty = max(array_values($tags)); $min_qty = min(array_values($tags)); // find the range of values $spread = $max_qty - $min_qty; if (0 == $spread) { // we don't want to divide by zero $spread = 1; } // determine the font-size increment // this is the increase per tag quantity (times used) $step = ($max_size - $min_size)/($spread); // loop through our tag array foreach ($tags as $key => $value) { if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags']) && in_array($key, $_SESSION['selected_tags'])) continue; // calculate CSS font-size // find the $value in excess of $min_qty // multiply by the font-size increment ($size) // and add the $min_size set above $size = $min_size + (($value - $min_qty) * $step); // uncomment if you want sizes in whole %: $size = ceil($size); print "". $this->tags[$key] .", "; } } // getAvailableTags() public function getSelectedTags() { $output = ""; foreach($this->avail_tags as $tag) { // return all selected tags if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags']) && in_array($tag, $_SESSION['selected_tags'])) { $output.= "". $this->tags[$tag] .", "; } } $output = substr($output, 0, strlen($output)-2); print $output; } // getSelectedTags() public function addTag($tag) { // if the result of a date search are displayed, reset them $this->resetDateSearch(); if(!isset($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) $_SESSION['selected_tags'] = Array(); if(!in_array($tag, $_SESSION['selected_tags'])) array_push($_SESSION['selected_tags'], $tag); } // addTag() public function delTag($tag) { if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) { $key = array_search($tag, $_SESSION['selected_tags']); unset($_SESSION['selected_tags'][$key]); sort($_SESSION['selected_tags']); } } // delTag() public function resetTags() { if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) unset($_SESSION['selected_tags']); } // resetTags() public function resetPhotoView() { if(isset($_SESSION['current_photo'])) unset($_SESSION['current_photo']); } // resetPhotoView(); public function resetTagSearch() { if(isset($_SESSION['searchfor'])) unset($_SESSION['searchfor']); } // resetTagSearch() public function resetDateSearch() { if(isset($_SESSION['from_date'])) unset($_SESSION['from_date']); if(isset($_SESSION['to_date'])) unset($_SESSION['to_date']); } // resetDateSearch(); public function getPhotoSelection() { $matched_photos = Array(); /* return a search result */ if(isset($_SESSION['searchfor']) && $_SESSION['searchfor'] != '') { $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT DISTINCT photo_id FROM photo_tags pt INNER JOIN photos p ON INNER JOIN tags t ON WHERE LIKE '%". $_SESSION['searchfor'] ."%' ORDER BY p.time ASC "); while($row = $this->db->db_fetch_object($result)) { array_push($matched_photos, $row['photo_id']); } return $matched_photos; } /* return according the selected tags */ if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags']) && !empty($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) { $selected = ""; foreach($_SESSION['selected_tags'] as $tag) $selected.= $tag .","; $selected = substr($selected, 0, strlen($selected)-1); if($_SESSION['tag_condition'] == 'or') { $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT DISTINCT photo_id FROM photo_tags pt INNER JOIN photos p ON WHERE pt.tag_id IN (". $selected .") ORDER BY p.time ASC "); } elseif($_SESSION['tag_condition'] == 'and') { if(count($_SESSION['selected_tags']) >= 32) { print "A SQLite limit of 32 tables within a JOIN SELECT avoids to
\n"; print "evaluate your tag selection. Please remove some tags from your selection.\n"; return Array(); } /* Join together a table looking like pt1.photo_id pt1.tag_id pt2.photo_id pt2.tag_id ... so the query can quickly return all images matching the selected tags in an AND condition */ $query_str = " SELECT DISTINCT pt1.photo_id FROM photo_tags pt1 "; for($i = 0; $i < count($_SESSION['selected_tags']); $i++) { $query_str.= " INNER JOIN photo_tags pt". ($i+2) ." ON pt1.photo_id=pt". ($i+2) .".photo_id "; } $query_str.= "WHERE pt1.tag_id=". $_SESSION['selected_tags'][0]; for($i = 1; $i < count($_SESSION['selected_tags']); $i++) { $query_str.= " AND pt". ($i+1) .".tag_id=". $_SESSION['selected_tags'][$i] ." "; } $result = $this->db->db_query($query_str); } while($row = $this->db->db_fetch_object($result)) { array_push($matched_photos, $row['photo_id']); } return $matched_photos; } if(isset($_SESSION['from_date']) && isset($_SESSION['to_date'])) { $from_date = strtotime($_SESSION['from_date']); $to_date = strtotime($_SESSION['to_date']); $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT DISTINCT photo_id FROM photo_tags pt INNER JOIN photos p ON WHERE time>='". $from_date ."' AND time<='". $to_date ."' ORDER BY p.time ASC "); while($row = $this->db->db_fetch_object($result)) { array_push($matched_photos, $row['photo_id']); } return $matched_photos; } /* return all available photos */ $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT DISTINCT photo_id FROM photo_tags pt INNER JOIN photos p ON ORDER BY p.time ASC "); while($row = $this->db->db_fetch_object($result)) { array_push($matched_photos, $row['photo_id']); } return $matched_photos; } // getPhotoSelection() public function showPhotoIndex() { $photos = $this->getPhotoSelection(); $count = count($photos); if(isset($_SESSION['begin_with']) && $_SESSION['begin_with'] != "") $anchor = $_SESSION['begin_with']; if(!isset($this->cfg->rows_per_page) || $this->cfg->rows_per_page == 0) { $begin_with = 0; $end_with = $count; } elseif($this->cfg->rows_per_page > 0) { if(!$_SESSION['begin_with'] || $_SESSION['begin_with'] == 0) $begin_with = 0; else { $begin_with = $_SESSION['begin_with']; // verify $begin_with - perhaps the thumbs-per-rows or // rows-per-page variables have changed or the jump back // from a photo wasn't exact - so calculate the real new // starting point $multiplicator = $this->cfg->rows_per_page * $this->cfg->thumbs_per_row; for($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i+=$multiplicator) { if($begin_with >= $i && $begin_with < $i+$multiplicator) { $begin_with = $i; break; } } } $end_with = $begin_with + ($this->cfg->rows_per_page * $this->cfg->thumbs_per_row); } $rows = 0; $cols = 0; $images[$rows] = Array(); $img_height[$rows] = Array(); $img_width[$rows] = Array(); $img_id[$rows] = Array(); $img_name[$rows] = Array(); $img_title = Array(); for($i = $begin_with; $i < $end_with; $i++) { $images[$rows][$cols] = $photos[$i]; $img_id[$rows][$cols] = $i; $img_name[$rows][$cols] = htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 15)); $img_title[$rows][$cols] = "Click to view photo ". htmlspecialchars($this->getPhotoName($photos[$i], 0)); $thumb_path = $this->cfg->base_path ."/thumbs/". $this->cfg->thumb_width ."_". $this->getMD5($photos[$i]); if(file_exists($thumb_path)) { $info = getimagesize($thumb_path); $img_width[$rows][$cols] = $info[0]; $img_height[$rows][$cols] = $info[1]; } if($cols == $this->cfg->thumbs_per_row-1) { $cols = 0; $rows++; $images[$rows] = Array(); $img_width[$rows] = Array(); $img_height[$rows] = Array(); } else { $cols++; } } // +1 for for smarty's selection iteration $rows++; if(isset($_SESSION['searchfor']) && $_SESSION['searchfor'] != '') $this->tmpl->assign('searchfor', $_SESSION['searchfor']); /* do we have to display the page selector ? */ if($this->cfg->rows_per_page != 0) { /* calculate the page switchers */ $previous_start = $begin_with - ($this->cfg->rows_per_page * $this->cfg->thumbs_per_row); $next_start = $begin_with + ($this->cfg->rows_per_page * $this->cfg->thumbs_per_row); if($begin_with != 0) $this->tmpl->assign("previous_url", "javascript:showPhotoIndex(". $previous_start .");"); if($end_with < $count) $this->tmpl->assign("next_url", "javascript:showPhotoIndex(". $next_start .");"); $photo_per_page = $this->cfg->rows_per_page * $this->cfg->thumbs_per_row; $last_page = ceil($count / $photo_per_page); /* get the current selected page */ if($begin_with == 0) { $current_page = 1; } else { $current_page = 0; for($i = $begin_with; $i >= 0; $i-=$photo_per_page) { $current_page++; } } for($i = 1; $i <= $last_page; $i++) { if($current_page == $i) $style = "style=\"font-size: 125%;\""; elseif($current_page-1 == $i || $current_page+1 == $i) $style = "style=\"font-size: 105%;\""; elseif(($current_page-5 >= $i) && ($i != 1) || ($current_page+5 <= $i) && ($i != $last_page)) $style = "style=\"font-size: 75%;\""; else $style = ""; $select = " "; // until 9 pages we show the selector from 1-9 if($last_page <= 9) { $page_select.= $select; continue; } else { if($i == 1 /* first page */ || $i == $last_page /* last page */ || $i == $current_page /* current page */ || $i == ceil($last_page * 0.25) /* first quater */ || $i == ceil($last_page * 0.5) /* half */ || $i == ceil($last_page * 0.75) /* third quater */ || (in_array($i, array(1,2,3,4,5,6)) && $current_page <= 4) /* the first 6 */ || (in_array($i, array($last_page, $last_page-1, $last_page-2, $last_page-3, $last_page-4, $last_page-5)) && $current_page >= $last_page-4) /* the last 6 */ || $i == $current_page-3 || $i == $current_page-2 || $i == $current_page-1 /* three before */ || $i == $current_page+3 || $i == $current_page+2 || $i == $current_page+1 /* three after */) { $page_select.= $select; continue; } } $page_select.= "."; } /* only show the page selector if we have more then one page */ if($last_page > 1) $this->tmpl->assign('page_selector', $page_select); } $current_tags = $this->getCurrentTags(); $extern_link = "index.php?mode=showpi"; if($current_tags != "") { $extern_link.= "&tags=". $current_tags; } if(isset($_SESSION['from_date']) && isset($_SESSION['to_date'])) { $extern_link.= "&from_date=". $_SESSION['from_date'] ."&to_date=". $_SESSION['to_date']; } $export_link = "index.php?mode=export"; $this->tmpl->assign('extern_link', $extern_link); $this->tmpl->assign('export_link', $export_link); $this->tmpl->assign('count', $count); $this->tmpl->assign('width', $this->cfg->thumb_width); $this->tmpl->assign('images', $images); $this->tmpl->assign('img_width', $img_width); $this->tmpl->assign('img_height', $img_height); $this->tmpl->assign('img_id', $img_id); $this->tmpl->assign('img_name', $img_name); $this->tmpl->assign('img_title', $img_title); $this->tmpl->assign('rows', $rows); $this->tmpl->assign('columns', $this->cfg->thumbs_per_row); $this->tmpl->show("photo_index.tpl"); if(isset($anchor)) print "\n"; } // showPhotoIndex() public function showCredits() { $this->tmpl->assign('version', $this->cfg->version); $this->tmpl->assign('product', $this->cfg->product); $this->tmpl->show("credits.tpl"); } // showCredits() public function create_thumbnail($orig_image, $thumb_image, $width) { if(!file_exists($orig_image)) return false; $details = getimagesize($orig_image); /* check if original photo is a support image type */ if(!$this->checkifImageSupported($details['mime'])) return false; $meta = $this->get_meta_informations($orig_image); $rotate = 0; $flip = false; switch($meta['Orientation']) { case 1: /* top, left */ $rotate = 0; $flip = false; break; case 2: /* top, right */ $rotate = 0; $flip = true; break; case 3: /* bottom, left */ $rotate = 180; $flip = false; break; case 4: /* bottom, right */ $rotate = 180; $flip = true; break; case 5: /* left side, top */ $rotate = 90; $flip = true; break; case 6: /* right side, top */ $rotate = 90; $flip = false; break; case 7: /* left side, bottom */ $rotate = 270; $flip = true; break; case 8: /* right side, bottom */ $rotate = 270; $flip = false; break; } $src_img = @imagecreatefromjpeg($orig_image); if(!$src_img) { print "Can't load image from ". $orig_image ."\n"; return false; } /* grabs the height and width */ $cur_width = imagesx($src_img); $cur_height = imagesy($src_img); // If requested width is more then the actual image width, // do not generate a thumbnail if($width >= $cur_width) { imagedestroy($src_img); return true; } // If the image will be rotate because EXIF orientation said so // 'virtually rotate' the image for further calculations if($rotate == 90 || $rotate == 270) { $tmp = $cur_width; $cur_width = $cur_height; $cur_height = $tmp; } /* calculates aspect ratio */ $aspect_ratio = $cur_height / $cur_width; /* sets new size */ if($aspect_ratio < 1) { $new_w = $width; $new_h = abs($new_w * $aspect_ratio); } else { /* 'virtually' rotate the image and calculate it's ratio */ $tmp_w = $cur_height; $tmp_h = $cur_width; /* now get the ratio from the 'rotated' image */ $tmp_ratio = $tmp_h/$tmp_w; /* now calculate the new dimensions */ $tmp_w = $width; $tmp_h = abs($tmp_w * $tmp_ratio); // now that we know, how high they photo should be, if it // gets rotated, use this high to scale the image $new_h = $tmp_h; $new_w = abs($new_h / $aspect_ratio); // If the image will be rotate because EXIF orientation said so // now 'virtually rotate' back the image for the image manipulation if($rotate == 90 || $rotate == 270) { $tmp = $new_w; $new_w = $new_h; $new_h = $tmp; } } /* creates new image of that size */ $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($new_w, $new_h); imagefill($dst_img, 0, 0, ImageColorAllocate($dst_img, 255, 255, 255)); /* copies resized portion of original image into new image */ imagecopyresampled($dst_img, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_w, $new_h, imagesx($src_img), imagesy($src_img)); /* needs the image to be flipped horizontal? */ if($flip) { print "(FLIP)"; $image = $dst_img; for($x = 0; $x < $new_w; $x++) { imagecopy($dst_img, $image, $x, 0, $w - $x - 1, 0, 1, $h); } } if($rotate) { $this->_debug("(ROTATE)"); $dst_img = $this->rotateImage($dst_img, $rotate); } /* write down new generated file */ $result = imagejpeg($dst_img, $thumb_image, 75); /* free your mind */ imagedestroy($dst_img); imagedestroy($src_img); if($result === false) { print "Can't write thumbnail ". $thumb_image ."\n"; return false; } return true; } // create_thumbnail() public function get_meta_informations($file) { return exif_read_data($file); } // get_meta_informations() public function check_config_table() { // if the config table doesn't exist yet, create it if(!$this->cfg_db->db_check_table_exists("images")) { $this->cfg_db->db_exec(" CREATE TABLE images ( img_idx int primary key, img_md5 varchar(32) ) "); } } // check_config_table /** * Generates a thumbnail from photo idx * * This function will generate JPEG thumbnails from provided F-Spot photo * indizes. * * 1. Check if all thumbnail generations (width) are already in place and * readable * 2. Check if the md5sum of the original file has changed * 3. Generate the thumbnails if needed */ public function gen_thumb($idx = 0, $force = 0) { $error = 0; $resolutions = Array( $this->cfg->thumb_width, $this->cfg->photo_width, $this->cfg->mini_width, ); /* get details from F-Spot's database */ $details = $this->get_photo_details($idx); /* calculate file MD5 sum */ $full_path = $this->translate_path($details['directory_path']) ."/". $details['name']; if(!file_exists($full_path)) { $this->_warning("File ". $full_path ." does not exist\n"); return; } if(!is_readable($full_path)) { $this->_warning("File ". $full_path ." is not readable for ". $this->getuid() ."\n"); return; } $file_md5 = md5_file($full_path); $this->_debug("Image [". $idx ."] ". $details['name'] ." Thumbnails:"); foreach($resolutions as $resolution) { $thumb_path = $this->cfg->base_path ."/thumbs/". $resolution ."_". $file_md5; /* if the thumbnail file doesn't exist, create it */ if(!file_exists($thumb_path)) { $this->_debug(" ". $resolution ."px"); if(!$this->create_thumbnail($full_path, $thumb_path, $resolution)) $error = 1; } /* if the file hasn't changed there is no need to regen the thumb */ elseif($file_md5 != $this->getMD5($idx) || $force) { $this->_debug(" ". $resolution ."px"); if(!$this->create_thumbnail($full_path, $thumb_path, $resolution)) $error = 1; } } /* set the new/changed MD5 sum for the current photo */ if(!$error) { $this->setMD5($idx, $file_md5); } $this->_debug("\n"); } // gen_thumb() public function getMD5($idx) { $result = $this->cfg_db->db_query(" SELECT img_md5 FROM images WHERE img_idx='". $idx ."' "); if(!$result) return 0; $img = $this->cfg_db->db_fetch_object($result); return $img['img_md5']; } // getMD5() private function setMD5($idx, $md5) { $result = $this->cfg_db->db_exec(" REPLACE INTO images (img_idx, img_md5) VALUES ('". $idx ."', '". $md5 ."') "); } // setMD5() public function setTagCondition($mode) { $_SESSION['tag_condition'] = $mode; } // setTagCondition() public function startTagSearch($searchfor) { $_SESSION['searchfor'] = $searchfor; $_SESSION['selected_tags'] = Array(); foreach($this->avail_tags as $tag) { if(preg_match('/'. $searchfor .'/i', $this->tags[$tag])) array_push($_SESSION['selected_tags'], $tag); } $this->resetDateSearch(); } // startTagSearch() public function startDateSearch($from, $to) { $_SESSION['from_date'] = $from; $_SESSION['to_date'] = $to; } private function rotateImage($img, $degrees) { if(function_exists("imagerotate")) $img = imagerotate($img, $degrees, 0); else { function imagerotate($src_img, $angle) { $src_x = imagesx($src_img); $src_y = imagesy($src_img); if ($angle == 180) { $dest_x = $src_x; $dest_y = $src_y; } elseif ($src_x <= $src_y) { $dest_x = $src_y; $dest_y = $src_x; } elseif ($src_x >= $src_y) { $dest_x = $src_y; $dest_y = $src_x; } $rotate=imagecreatetruecolor($dest_x,$dest_y); imagealphablending($rotate, false); switch ($angle) { case 90: for ($y = 0; $y < ($src_y); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($src_x); $x++) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y); imagesetpixel($rotate, $dest_x - $y - 1, $x, $color); } } break; case 270: for ($y = 0; $y < ($src_y); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($src_x); $x++) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y); imagesetpixel($rotate, $y, $dest_y - $x - 1, $color); } } break; case 180: for ($y = 0; $y < ($src_y); $y++) { for ($x = 0; $x < ($src_x); $x++) { $color = imagecolorat($src_img, $x, $y); imagesetpixel($rotate, $dest_x - $x - 1, $dest_y - $y - 1, $color); } } break; default: $rotate = $src_img; }; return $rotate; } $img = imagerotate($img, $degrees); } return $img; } // rotateImage() private function get_photo_tags($idx) { $result = $this->db->db_query(" SELECT, FROM tags t INNER JOIN photo_tags pt ON WHERE pt.photo_id='". $idx ."' "); $tags = Array(); while($row = $this->db->db_fetch_object($result)) $tags[$row['id']] = $row['name']; return $tags; } // get_photo_tags() public function showTextImage($txt, $color=000000, $space=4, $font=4, $w=300) { if (strlen($color) != 6) $color = 000000; $int = hexdec($color); $h = imagefontheight($font); $fw = imagefontwidth($font); $txt = explode("\n", wordwrap($txt, ($w / $fw), "\n")); $lines = count($txt); $im = imagecreate($w, (($h * $lines) + ($lines * $space))); $bg = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $color = imagecolorallocate($im, 0xFF & ($int >> 0x10), 0xFF & ($int >> 0x8), 0xFF & $int); $y = 0; foreach ($txt as $text) { $x = (($w - ($fw * strlen($text))) / 2); imagestring($im, $font, $x, $y, $text, $color); $y += ($h + $space); } Header("Content-type: image/png"); ImagePng($im); } // showTextImage() private function checkRequirements() { if(!function_exists("imagecreatefromjpeg")) { print "PHP GD library extension is missing
\n"; $missing = true; } if(!function_exists("sqlite3_open")) { print "PHP SQLite3 library extension is missing
\n"; $missing = true; } /* Check for HTML_AJAX PEAR package, lent from Horde project */ ini_set('track_errors', 1); @include_once 'HTML/AJAX/Server.php'; if(isset($php_errormsg) && preg_match('/Failed opening.*for inclusion/i', $php_errormsg)) { print "PEAR HTML_AJAX package is missing
\n"; $missing = true; } @include_once 'Calendar/Calendar.php'; if(isset($php_errormsg) && preg_match('/Failed opening.*for inclusion/i', $php_errormsg)) { print "PEAR Calendar package is missing
\n"; $missing = true; } ini_restore('track_errors'); if(isset($missing)) return false; return true; } // checkRequirements() private function _debug($text) { if($this->fromcmd) { print $text; } } // _debug() public function checkifImageSupported($mime) { if(in_array($mime, Array("image/jpeg"))) return true; return false; } // checkifImageSupported() public function _warning($text) { print "\"warning\"\n"; print $text; } // _warning() private function get_calendar($mode) { $year = $_SESSION[$mode .'_date'] ? date("Y", strtotime($_SESSION[$mode .'_date'])) : date("Y"); $month = $_SESSION[$mode .'_date'] ? date("m", strtotime($_SESSION[$mode .'_date'])) : date("m"); $day = $_SESSION[$mode .'_date'] ? date("d", strtotime($_SESSION[$mode .'_date'])) : date("d"); $output = "\n"; $output.= "\n"; $output.= "\n"; return $output; } // get_calendar() public function get_calendar_matrix($year = 0, $month = 0, $day = 0) { if (!isset($year)) $year = date('Y'); if (!isset($month)) $month = date('m'); if (!isset($day)) $day = date('d'); $rows = 1; $cols = 1; $matrix = Array(); require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Month/Weekdays.php'; require_once CALENDAR_ROOT.'Day.php'; // Build the month $month = new Calendar_Month_Weekdays($year,$month); // Create links $prevStamp = $month->prevMonth(true); $prev = "javascript:setMonth(". date('Y',$prevStamp) .", ". date('n',$prevStamp) .", ". date('j',$prevStamp) .");"; $nextStamp = $month->nextMonth(true); $next = "javascript:setMonth(". date('Y',$nextStamp) .", ". date('n',$nextStamp) .", ". date('j',$nextStamp) .");"; $selectedDays = array ( new Calendar_Day($year,$month,$day), new Calendar_Day($year,12,25), ); // Build the days in the month $month->build($selectedDays); $this->tmpl->assign('current_month', date('F Y',$month->getTimeStamp())); $this->tmpl->assign('prev_month', $prev); $this->tmpl->assign('next_month', $next); while ( $day = $month->fetch() ) { if(!isset($matrix[$rows])) $matrix[$rows] = Array(); $string = ""; $dayStamp = $day->thisDay(true); $link = "javascript:setCalendarDate(". date('Y',$dayStamp) .", ". date('n',$dayStamp).", ". date('j',$dayStamp) .");"; // isFirst() to find start of week if ( $day->isFirst() ) $string.= "\n"; if ( $day->isSelected() ) { $string.= "".$day->thisDay()."\n"; } else if ( $day->isEmpty() ) { $string.= " \n"; } else { $string.= "
".$day->thisDay()."\n"; } // isLast() to find end of week if ( $day->isLast() ) $string.= "\n"; $matrix[$rows][$cols] = $string; $cols++; if($cols > 7) { $cols = 1; $rows++; } } $this->tmpl->assign('matrix', $matrix); $this->tmpl->assign('rows', $rows); $this->tmpl->show("calendar.tpl"); } // get_calendar_matrix() public function getExport($mode) { $pictures = $this->getPhotoSelection(); $current_tags = $this->getCurrentTags(); if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) $protocol = "http"; else $protocol = "https"; $server_name = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; foreach($pictures as $picture) { $orig_url = $protocol ."://". $server_name . $this->cfg->web_path ."index.php?mode=showp&id=". $picture; if($current_tags != "") { $orig_url.= "&tags=". $current_tags; } if(isset($_SESSION['from_date']) && isset($_SESSION['to_date'])) { $orig_url.= "&from_date=". $_SESSION['from_date'] ."&to_date=". $_SESSION['to_date']; } $thumb_url = $protocol ."://". $server_name . $this->cfg->web_path ."phpfspot_img.php?idx=". $picture ."&width=". $this->cfg->thumb_width; switch($mode) { case 'HTML': // print htmlspecialchars("") ."
\n"; break; case 'MoinMoin': // [%pictureurl% %thumbnailurl%] print htmlspecialchars(" * [".$orig_url." ".$thumb_url."&fake=1.jpg]") ."
\n"; break; } } } // getExport() private function getCurrentTags() { $current_tags = ""; if($_SESSION['selected_tags'] != "") { foreach($_SESSION['selected_tags'] as $tag) $current_tags.= $tag .","; $current_tags = substr($current_tags, 0, strlen($current_tags)-1); } return $current_tags; } // getCurrentTags() public function getCurrentPhoto() { if(isset($_SESSION['current_photo'])) { print $_SESSION['current_photo']; } } // getCurrentPhoto() public function whatToDo() { if(isset($_SESSION['selected_tags']) && !empty($_SESSION['selected_tags'])) { return "showpi_tags"; } elseif(isset($_SESSION['from_date']) && isset($_SESSION['to_date'])) { return "showpi_date"; } elseif(isset($_SESSION['current_photo'])) { return "show_photo"; } elseif(isset($_SESSION['start_action']) && $_SESSION['start_action'] == 'showpi') { return "showpi"; } return "nothing special"; } // whatToDo() private function getuid() { if($uid = posix_getuid()) { if($user = posix_getpwuid($uid)) { return $user['name']; } } return 'n/a'; } // getuid() } ?>