path: root/themes/arun/templates/photo_index.tpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'themes/arun/templates/photo_index.tpl')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/themes/arun/templates/photo_index.tpl b/themes/arun/templates/photo_index.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e4fbb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/themes/arun/templates/photo_index.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+<!-- Photo Index -->
+<!-- Header - displays count of matched photos and some link's -->
+<div class="header">
+ <div class="header_title">
+ <b>Photo Index</b>
+ {if isset($searchfor) }
+ {if $count == 1}
+ {$count} image is the result for your search about "{$searchfor}".
+ {else}
+ {$count} images are the result for your search about "{$searchfor}".
+ {/if}
+ {elseif isset($tag_result)}
+ {if $count == 1}
+ {$count} image has been found for the selected tags.
+ {else}
+ {$count} images have been found for the selected tags.
+ {/if}
+ {else}
+ {if $count == 1}
+ {$count} image has been found.
+ {else}
+ {$count} images have been found.
+ {/if}
+ {/if}
+ {if isset($from_date) && isset($to_date) }
+ <br />
+ Results are limited to a date within {$from_date} to {$to_date}.
+ {/if}
+ </div>
+ <div class="header_menu">
+ {if isset($rss_link) }
+ <a href="{$rss_link}" target="_blank" title="RSS feed"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/rss.png" /></a>
+ {/if}
+ </div>
+<!-- if result of a tag-search is displayed, show the selected tags
+ with some small pictures in a bar. -->
+{ if isset($tag_result) }
+<!-- seperator -->
+ <div class="tagresult"></div>
+ <!-- /seperator -->
+ <div class="tagresulttags" style="float: left;">
+ Tags:
+ </div>
+ <div class="tagresulttags">
+ { $selected_tags }
+ </div>
+{ /if }
+<!-- the photo matrix itself -->
+<div id="index">
+ {section name="thumb" loop=$thumbs step=1}
+ {if isset($images[thumb]) }
+ <div class="thumb" style="width: { $thumb_container_width }px; height: { $thumb_container_height }px;">
+ { if isset($user_friendly_url) }
+ <a href="{$web_path}/photoview/{$images[thumb]}" onclick="showPhoto({$images[thumb]}, 'scrollup'); return false;" id="thumblink{$images[thumb]}" name="image{$img_id[thumb]}" class="thumblink" onfocus="click(this);" title="{$img_title[thumb]}">
+ { else }
+ <a href="{$web_path}/index.php?mode=showp&amp;id={$images[thumb]}" onclick="showPhoto({$images[thumb]}, 'scrollup'); return false;" id="thumblink{$images[thumb]}" name="image{$img_id[thumb]}" class="thumblink" onfocus="click(this);" title="{$img_title[thumb]}">
+ { /if }
+ <img class="thumb" id="thumbimg{$images[thumb]}" width="{$img_width[thumb]}" height="{$img_height[thumb]}" src="{$web_path}/phpfspot_img.php?idx={$images[thumb]}&width={$width}" />
+ <br />
+ {$img_name[thumb]}
+ </a>
+ <!-- show lightbox eyes, if enabled -->
+ { if isset($use_lightbox) }
+ <a href="{$web_path}/phpfspot_img.php?idx={$images[thumb]}&amp;width={$preview_width}" alt="thumb_{$images[thumb]}" rel="lightbox[photoidx]" title="Preview of {$img_fullname[thumb]}"><img src="{$web_path}/resources/eyes.png" /></a>
+ { /if }
+ <!-- show F-Spot photo rating value, if available -->
+ { if isset($img_rating[thumb]) }
+ <br />
+ {section name="rating" loop=$img_rating[thumb] step=1}
+ <img src="{$web_path}/resources/star.png" />
+ {/section}
+ { /if }
+ </div>
+ {/if}
+ {/section}
+<br class="cb" />
+<div class="indexnavigation">
+ <!-- the right nav arrow -->
+ <div class="indexnavigationright">
+ { if !isset($next_url) || $next_url == "" }
+ { if $count != 0 }
+ <img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_right_gray.png" alt="last page reached" />
+ { /if }
+ { else }
+ <a href="{$next_url}" id="next_link" title="click for the next page (right cursor)">
+ <img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_right.png" alt="next photo" />
+ </a>
+ { /if}
+ </div>
+ <!-- the left nav arrow -->
+ <div class="indexnavigationleft">
+ { if !isset($previous_url) || $previous_url == "" }
+ { if $count != 0 }
+ <img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_left_gray.png" alt="first page reached" />
+ { /if }
+ { else }
+ <a href="{$previous_url}" id="prev_link" title="click for the previous page (left cursor)">
+ <img src="{$web_path}/resources/arrow_left.png" alt="previous photo" />
+ </a>
+ { /if }
+ </div>
+ <!-- the middle page selector -->
+ <div class="indexnavigationcenter">
+ { if isset($page_selector) && $page_selector != "" }
+ {$page_selector}
+ { /if}
+ </div>
+<br class="cb" />
+<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
+ // image preloading
+ //
+ // these few javascript lines will try to speed up loading all the photo
+ // thumbnails. An array of all photos to display will be built written
+ // by the smarty-template. The js-code will then loop through this array
+ // and invoke loading of each photo. Sadly this does not work good on all
+ // browsers.
+ { counter start=-1 }
+ var current;
+ var image_urls = new Array();
+ var last_thumb;
+ {section name="thumb" loop=$thumbs step=1}
+ {if isset($images[thumb]) }
+ image_urls[{counter}] = '{$web_path}/phpfspot_img.php?idx={$images[thumb]}&width={$width}';
+ last_thumb = {$images[thumb]};
+ {/if}
+ {/section}
+ preloadPhotos(image_urls);
+ // auto-scroll
+ //
+ // if browser is to far down the page, that he can't see the photo at all
+ // scroll it up so that at least the last photo becomes visisble.
+ { literal }
+ var ywnd = 0;
+ var yimg = 0;
+ // check where we are with the browser
+ if (window.pageYOffset) {
+ ywnd = window.pageYOffset;
+ } else if (document.body && document.body.scrollTop) {
+ ywnd = document.body.scrollTop;
+ }
+ // check the y-pos of the last thumbnail
+ if(thumbimg = document.getElementById('thumbimg' + last_thumb)) {
+ yimg = findPos(thumbimg,'top');
+ }
+ // if the browser-window is scrolled further then the last_thumb, scroll back
+ if(ywnd > yimg) {
+ window.scrollTo(0, yimg-100);
+ }
+ { /literal }
+ // auto-scroll
+<!-- /Photo Index -->