"; $ok=0; } if(DB_get_userid('email',$_REQUEST["Remail"])) { echo "this email address is already used ?!
"; $ok=0; } if($ok) { $r=mysql_query("INSERT INTO User VALUES(NULL,".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Rfullname"]). ",".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Remail"]). ",".DB_quote_smart(md5($_REQUEST["Rpassword"])). ",".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Rtimezone"]).",NULL)"); if($r) echo " Welcome to e-DoKo, you are now registered, please visit the". " homepage to continue."; else echo " something went wrong, couldn't add you to the database, please contact $ADMIN_NAME at $ADMIN_EMAIL."; } } /* page for registration */ else { echo "IMPORTANT: passwords are going over the net as clear text, so pick an easy password. No need to pick anything complicated here ;)

"; ?>
(If your timezone is not listed, just select whatever you want and email the admin your correct time zone.)