/* some code to highlight the current trick and to switch between different tricks */ /* which trick is currently highlighted*/ var current=0; /* do the higlighting */ function hl(num) { var i; for(i=0;i<14;i++){ $("#trick"+i).hide(); $("#tricks"+i).removeClass('active'); } $("#trick"+num).css('display', 'block'); $("#tricks"+num).addClass('active'); current=num; if(document.getElementById("tricks0")) min=0; else min=1; if(document.getElementById("tricks13")) max=13; else max=12; if(current==min) $("#prevtr").addClass('disabled'); else $("#prevtr").removeClass('disabled'); if(current==max) $("#nexttr").addClass('disabled'); else $("#nexttr").removeClass('disabled'); } /* highlight the last trick, useful when a page is called the first time*/ function high_last(){ if(document.getElementById){ var i; for(i=13;i>=0;i--) { if(document.getElementById("trick"+i)) { hl(i); current=i; break; } } } } /* highlight the next trick */ function hl_next() { if(document.getElementById("trick"+(current+1))) hl(current+1); } /* highlight the previous trick */ function hl_prev() { if(document.getElementById("trick"+(current-1))) hl(current-1); } /* check for swipes */ var down_x = null; var up_x = null; /* advance trick according to swipe direction */ function do_swipe() { if ((down_x - up_x) > 50) { hl_prev(); } if ((up_x - down_x) > 50) { hl_next(); } } $(document).ready( function() { $("#ScoreTable").tablesorter({ widgets: ['zebra']}); $(".gameshidesession").click( function () { $(this).parent().children(".gamessession").hide(300); $(this).parent().children(".gamesshowsession").show(); $(this).hide(); }); $(".gamesshowsession").click( function () { $(this).parent().children(".gamessession").show(300); $(this).parent().children(".gameshidesession").show(); $(this).hide(); }); $(".gameshowall").click( function () { $(".gamessession").show(300); $(".gamesshowsession").hide(); $(".gameshidesession").show(); }); $(".gamehideall").click( function () { $(".gamessession").hide(300); $(".gamesshowsession").show(); $(".gameshidesession").hide(); }); $(".message div div").parent().click ( function() { $(this).hide(); }); /* look for swipes left/right */ $("div.table").mousedown(function(e){ down_x = e.pageX; }); $("div.table").mouseup(function(e){ up_x = e.pageX; do_swipe(); }); $("div.table").bind('touchstart', function(e){ down_x = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; }); $("div.table").bind('touchmove', function(e){ up_x = e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX; }); $("div.table").bind('touchend', function(e){ do_swipe(); }); });