no game in progress, please input 4 names and email addresses, please make sure that the addresses are correct!
\n"; } } /* *** * * * * *** * * * * *** * yes? email him his hand, ask for solo, poverty, email every move or every card? */ if(isset($_REQUEST["b"])) { $b = $_REQUEST["b"]; if( ereg("s",$player[$b]["option"]) && $game["init"]<4) { /* the player already filled out everything */ echo "just wait for the game to start"; } else if( (!isset($_REQUEST["in"])|| !isset($_REQUEST["update"])) && !ereg("i",$player[$b]["option"])) { /* the player didn't fill out the form at "a" correctly */ echo "go back to "; echo " here and fill out the formyour cards are:
foreach($mycards as $card)
echo "
aehm... at the moment poverty is not implented. so I guess you need to play a normal game, even if you have less than 3 trump :(...sorry
\n"; } } } if(isset($_REQUEST["c"])) { $c = $_REQUEST["c"]; if( ereg("s",$player[$c]["option"]) && $game["init"]<4 ) { /* the player already filled out everything */ echo "just wait for the game to start
\n"; } else if(!isset($_REQUEST["solo"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["wedding"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["poverty"]) || !isset($_REQUEST["nines"]) ) {/* player still needs to fill out the form */ echo "go back to "; echo " here and fill out the formThe game can start now, it's your turn, please use this link to play a card.
\n"; } else if($game["init"]==4) { $message = "The game can start now, it's your turn, please use this link to play a card:\n". $host."?me=".$hash[$game["startplayer"]]."\n"; mymail($player[$hash[$game["startplayer"]]]["email"],"[DoKo-debug] let's go",$message); echo "The game has started. An email has been sent out to the first player.
\n"; } else { echo "You're in. Once everyone has filled out the form, ". "the game will start and you'll get an eamil on your turn.
\n"; } } } /* END SETUP */ /* the game */ if($game["init"]==4) { /* check for sickness, only would need to do this on the first trick really...*/ /***** someone has 5 nines and no one is playing solo => cancel game */ if($game["nines"]>=0 && $game["solo-who"]<0) { $message = $player[$hash[$game["poverty"]]]["nines"]." has more than 4 nines. Game aborted!\n"; for($i=0;$i<4;$i++) mymail($player[$hash[$i]]["email"],"[DoKo-debug] the game has been canceled",$message); $output = fopen("status.txt","w"); if($output) fclose($output); else echo "problem opening file"; }; /* who is requesting this*/ if(!isset($_REQUEST["me"])) { if(!isset($_REQUEST["recovery"])) { echo "A game is in progress and kibitzing is not allowed. Sorry!.An email with the game information has been sent.
\n"; } else { echo "can't find this email address, sorry.
\n"; }; } /* end recovery */ } else { /* $me is set */ $me = $_REQUEST["me"]; /* show history */ /* old tricks as list */ echo "