\n"; echo "perhaps the game has been cancled, check by login in here."; output_footer(); exit(); } DB_update_user_timestamp($myid); /* get some information from the DB */ $gameid = DB_get_gameid_by_hash($me); $myname = DB_get_name_by_hash($me); /* check if game really is old enough */ $result = mysql_query("SELECT mod_date from Game WHERE id='$gameid' " ); $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM); if(time()-strtotime($r[0]) > 60*60*24*30) /* = 1 month */ { $message = "Hello, \n\n". "Game $gameid has been cancled since nothing happend for a while and $myname requested it.\n"; $userids = DB_get_all_userid_by_gameid($gameid); foreach($userids as $user) { $To = DB_get_email_by_userid($user); mymail($To,$EmailName."game cancled (timed out)",$message); } /* delete everything from the dB */ DB_cancel_game($me); echo "

Game $gameid has been cancled.

"; } else echo "

You need to wait longer before you can cancle a game...

\n"; } /* handle request from one specific player for one game, * (the hash is set on a per game base) */ else if(myisset("me")) { $me = $_REQUEST["me"]; /* test for valid ID */ $myid = DB_get_userid_by_hash($me); if(!$myid) { echo "Can't find you in the database, please check the url.
\n"; echo "perhaps the game has been cancled, check by login in here."; output_footer(); exit(); } /* the user had done something, update the timestamp */ DB_update_user_timestamp($myid); /* get some information from the DB */ $gameid = DB_get_gameid_by_hash($me); $myname = DB_get_name_by_hash($me); $mystatus = DB_get_status_by_hash($me); $mypos = DB_get_pos_by_hash($me); $myhand = DB_get_handid_by_hash($me); /* get prefs and save them */ $result = mysql_query("SELECT value from User_Prefs". " WHERE user_id='$myid' AND pref_key='cardset'" ); $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM); if($r) { if($r[0]=="germancards" && (time()-strtotime( "2009-12-31 23:59:59")<0) ) /* licence only valid until then */ $PREF["cardset"]="altenburg"; else $PREF["cardset"]="english"; } else $PREF["cardset"]="english"; /* get rule set for this game */ $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Rulesets". " LEFT JOIN Game ON Game.ruleset=Rulesets.id ". " WHERE Game.id='$gameid'" ); $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM); $RULES["dullen"] = $r[2]; $RULES["schweinchen"] = $r[3]; /* get some infos about the game */ $gametype = DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid); $gamestatus = DB_get_game_status_by_gameid($gameid); $GT = $gametype; if($gametype=="solo") { $gametype = DB_get_solo_by_gameid($gameid); $GT = $gametype." ".$GT; } /* display rule set for this game */ echo "
\n"; if($gamestatus != 'pre') echo " Gametype: $GT
\n"; echo "Rules:
\n"; echo "10ofhearts : ".$r[2]."
\n"; echo "schweinchen: ".$r[3]."
\n"; echo "
\n"; /* does anyone have both foxes */ $GAME["schweinchen"]=0; for($i=1;$i<5;$i++) { $hash = DB_get_hash_from_game_and_pos($gameid,$i); $cards = DB_get_all_hand($hash); if( in_array("19",$cards) && in_array("20",$cards) ) { $GAME["schweinchen"]=1; $GAME["schweinchen-who"]=$hash; } }; /* mystatus gets the player through the different stages of a game. * start: yes/no * init: check values from start, * check for sickness * check: check for return values from init * poverty: handle poverty, wait here until all player have reached this state * display sickness and move on to game * play: game in progress * gameover: are we revisiting a game */ switch($mystatus) { case 'start': check_want_to_play($me); /* move on to the next stage*/ DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'init'); break; case 'init': /* first check if everything went ok in the last step * if not, send user back, if yes, check what he did */ if( !myisset("in") ) { echo "

you need to answer the question.

"; DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'start'); } else { if($_REQUEST["in"] == "no") { /* cancle the game */ $message = "Hello, \n\n". "the game has been canceled due to the request of one of the players.\n"; $userids = DB_get_all_userid_by_gameid($gameid); foreach($userids as $user) { $To = DB_get_email_by_userid($user); mymail($To,$EmailName."game canceled",$message); } /* delete everything from the dB */ DB_cancel_game($me); } else { echo "thanks for joining the game..."; $mycards = DB_get_hand($me); sort($mycards); echo "

your cards are:
\n"; foreach($mycards as $card) display_card($card,$PREF["cardset"]); echo "

\n"; check_for_sickness($me,$mycards); /* move on to the next stage*/ DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'check'); } } break; case 'check': /* ok, user is in the game, saw his cards and selected his vorbehalt * so first we check what he selected */ echo "Processing what you selected in the last step...
"; if(!myisset("solo","wedding","poverty","nines") ) { /* all these variables have a pre-selected default, * so we should never get here, * unless a user tries to cheat ;) */ echo "something went wrong...please contact the admin."; } else { /* check if this sickness needs to be handled first */ $gametype = DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid); $startplayer = DB_get_startplayer_by_gameid($gameid); if( $_REQUEST["solo"]!="No") { /* user wants to play a solo */ /* store the info in the user's hand info */ DB_set_solo_by_hash($me,$_REQUEST["solo"]); DB_set_sickness_by_hash($me,"solo"); echo "
Seems like you want to play a ".$_REQUEST["solo"]." solo. Got it.
\n"; if($gametype == "solo" && $startplayer<$mypos) {}/* do nothing, since someone else already is playing solo */ else { /* this solo comes first * store info in game table */ DB_set_gametype_by_gameid($gameid,"solo"); DB_set_startplayer_by_gameid($gameid,$mypos); DB_set_solo_by_gameid($gameid,$_REQUEST["solo"]); }; } else if($_REQUEST["wedding"] == "yes") { /* TODO: add silent solo somewhere*/ echo "Ok, you don't want to play a silent solo...wedding was chosen.
\n"; DB_set_sickness_by_hash($me,"wedding"); } else if($_REQUEST["poverty"] == "yes") { echo "Don't think you can win with just a few trump...? ok, poverty chosen
\n"; DB_set_sickness_by_hash($me,"poverty"); } else if($_REQUEST["nines"] == "yes") { echo "What? You just don't want to play a game because you have a few nines? Well, if no one". " is playing solo, this game will be canceled.
\n"; DB_set_sickness_by_hash($me,"nines"); } } echo " Ok, done with checking, please go to the next step of the setup.
"; /* move on to the next stage*/ DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'poverty'); break; case 'poverty': /* here we need to check if there is a solo or some other form of sickness. * If so, which one is the most important one * set that one in the Game table * tell people about it. */ echo "
Checking if someone else selected solo, nines or wedding or poverty.
"; /* check if everyone has reached this stage */ $userids = DB_get_all_userid_by_gameid($gameid); $ok=1; foreach($userids as $user) { $userstat = DB_get_hand_status_by_userid_and_gameid($user,$gameid); if($userstat!='poverty' && $userstat!='play') $ok=0; }; if(!$ok) { echo "This step can only be handled after everyone finished the last step. ". "Seems like this is not the case, so you need to wait a bit... please check back later....
"; } else { echo "Everyone has finished checking their cards, let's see what they said...
"; /* check what kind of game we are playing, in case there are any solos this already *will have the correct information in it */ $gametype = DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid); $startplayer = DB_get_startplayer_by_gameid($gameid); /* check for different sickness and just output a general info */ $nines = 0; $poverty = 0; $wedding = 0; $solo = 0; foreach($userids as $user) { $name = DB_get_name_by_userid($user); $usersick = DB_get_sickness_by_userid_and_gameid($user,$gameid); if($usersick == 'nines') { $nines = $user; echo "$name has a Vorbehalt.
"; break; } else if($usersick == 'poverty') { $poverty++; echo "$name has a Vorbehalt.
"; } else if($usersick == 'wedding') { $wedding=$user; echo "$name has a Vorbehalt.
" ; } else if($usersick == 'solo') { $solo++; echo "$name has a Vorbehalt.
" ; } } /* now check which sickness comes first and set the gametype to it */ /* gamestatus == normal, => cancel game */ if($gametype == "solo") { /* do nothing */ } else if($nines) { /* cancle game */ /* TODO: should we keep statistics of this? */ $message = "Hello, \n\n". "the game has been canceled because ".DB_get_name_by_userid($nines). " has five or more nines and nobody is playing solo.\n"; /* TODO: add info about redeal in case this is a game of a series */ $userids = DB_get_all_userid_by_gameid($gameid); foreach($userids as $user) { $To = DB_get_email_by_userid($user); mymail($To,$EmailName."game canceled",$message); } /* delete everything from the dB */ DB_cancel_game($me); echo "The game has been canceled because ".DB_get_name_by_userid($nines). " has five or more nines and nobody is playing solo.\n"; output_footer(); exit(); } else if($poverty==1) { DB_set_gametype_by_gameid($gameid,"poverty"); $gametype = "poverty"; $who=DB_get_sickness_by_gameid($gameid); if(!$who) { $firstsick = DB_get_sickness_by_pos_and_gameid(1,$gameid); if($firstsick == "poverty") DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,2); /* who needs to be asked first */ else DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,1); /* who needs to be asked first */ } } else if($poverty==2) { DB_set_gametype_by_gameid($gameid,"dpoverty"); $gametype = "dpoverty"; $who=DB_get_sickness_by_gameid($gameid); if(!$who) { $firstsick = DB_get_sickness_by_pos_and_gameid(1,$gameid); if($firstsick == "poverty") { $seconsick = DB_get_sickness_by_pos_and_gameid(1,$gameid); if($secondsick == "poverty") DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,30); /* who needs to be asked first */ else DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,20); /* who needs to be asked first */ } else DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,10); /* who needs to be asked first */ } } else if($wedding> 0) { DB_set_gametype_by_gameid($gameid,"wedding"); $gametype = "wedding"; }; echo "
\n"; /* now the gametype is set correctly (shouldn't matter that this is calculated for every user) * output what kind of game we have */ $poverty = 0; foreach($userids as $user) { /* userids are sorted by position... * so output whatever the firstone has, then whatever the next one has * stop when the sickness is the same as the gametype */ $name = DB_get_name_by_userid($user); $usersick = DB_get_sickness_by_userid_and_gameid($user,$gameid); if($usersick) echo "$name has $usersick.
"; /*TODO: perhaps save this in a string and store in Game? */ if($usersick=="poverty") $poverty++; if($usersick == "wedding" && $gametype =="wedding") break; if($usersick == "poverty" && $gametype =="poverty") break; if($usersick == "poverty" && $gametype =="dpoverty" && $poverty==2) break; if($usersick == "solo" && $gametype =="solo") break; }; /* output Schweinchen in case the rules need it */ if( $gametype != "solo") if($GAME["schweinchen"] && $RULES["schweinchen"]=="both" ) echo DB_get_name_by_hash($GAME["schweinchen-who"])." has Schweinchen.
"; echo "
\n"; /* finished the setup, set re/contra parties if possible, go to next stage unless there is a case of poverty*/ switch($gametype) { case "solo": /* are we the solo player? set us to re, else set us to contra */ $pos = DB_get_pos_by_hash($me); if($pos == $startplayer) DB_set_party_by_hash($me,"re"); else DB_set_party_by_hash($me,"contra"); DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'play'); break; case "wedding": /* set person with the wedding to re, do the rest during the game */ $usersick = DB_get_sickness_by_userid_and_gameid($myid,$gameid); if($usersick == "wedding") DB_set_party_by_hash($me,"re"); echo "Don't know who will be Re and Contra, you need to ". "figure that out at the end of the game yourself
\n"; DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'play'); break; case "normal": $hand = DB_get_all_hand($me); if(in_array('3',$hand)||in_array('4',$hand)) DB_set_party_by_hash($me,"re"); else DB_set_party_by_hash($me,"contra"); DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'play'); break; case "poverty": case "dpoverty": /* check if poverty resolved (e.g. DB.Game who set to NULL) * yes? =>trump was taken, start game; break; */ $who=DB_get_sickness_by_gameid($gameid); if($who<0) { /* trump has been taken */ DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'play'); break; }; if($who>9) /*= two people still have trump on the table*/ $add=10; else $add=1; /* check if we are being asked now * no, display wait message, e.g. player X is asked at the moment */ $usersick = DB_get_sickness_by_userid_and_gameid($myid,$gameid); if(myisset("trump") && $_REQUEST["trump"]=="no" && ($who==$mypos || $who==$mypos*10)) { /* user doesn't want to take trump */ /* set next player who needs to be asked */ $firstsick = (string) DB_get_sickness_by_pos_and_gameid($mypos+1,$gameid); $secondsick = (string) DB_get_sickness_by_pos_and_gameid($mypos+2,$gameid); if($firstsick=="poverty") { if($secondsick=="poverty") DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,$who+$add*3); else DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,$who+$add*2); } else DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,$who+$add); /* this user is done */ DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'play'); break; } else if(myisset("trump") && !myisset("exchange") && $_REQUEST["trump"]>0 && ($who==$mypos || $who==$mypos*10)) { /* user wants to take trump */ $trump = $_REQUEST["trump"]; /* get hand id for user $trump */ $userhand=DB_get_handid_by_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$trump); /* copy trump from player A to B */ $result = mysql_query("UPDATE Hand_Card SET hand_id='$myhand' WHERE hand_id='$userhand' AND card_id<'27'" ); /* set re/contra, if it is not already set */ $party = DB_get_party_by_hash($me); if(!$party) { foreach($userids as $user) { $hash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$user); if($user == $trump || $user == $myid) DB_set_party_by_hash($hash,"re"); else DB_set_party_by_hash($hash,"contra"); } } /* add hidden button with trump in it to get to the next point */ echo "
\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; } else if(myisset("trump","exchange") && $_REQUEST["trump"]>0 && ($who==$mypos || $who==$mypos*10)) { $trump = $_REQUEST["trump"]; $exchange = $_REQUEST["exchange"]; $userhand = DB_get_handid_by_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$trump); /* if exchange is set to a value>0, exchange that card back to user $trump */ if($exchange >0) { $result = mysql_query("UPDATE Hand_Card SET hand_id='$userhand'". " WHERE hand_id='$myhand' AND card_id='$exchange'" ); }; /* if number of cards == 12, set status to play for both users */ $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Hand_Card WHERE hand_id='$myhand'" ); $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM); if(!$r) { die("error in poverty"); }; if($r[0]==12) { if($gametype=="poverty" || $who<9) { DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,-1); /* done with poverty */ } else /* reduce poverty count by one, that is go to single digits $who */ { $add=1; $who=$who/10; $firstsick = DB_get_sickness_by_pos_and_gameid($mypos+1,$gameid); $secondsick = DB_get_sickness_by_pos_and_gameid($mypos+2,$gameid); if($firstsick!="poverty") DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,$who+$add); else { if($secondsick!="poverty") DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,$who+$add*2); else DB_set_sickness_by_gameid($gameid,$who+$add*3); }; } /* this user is done */ DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'play'); /* and so is his partner */ $hash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$trump); DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($hash,'play'); break; } else { /* else show all trump, have lowest card pre-selected, have hidden setting for */ echo "you need to get rid of a few cards
\n"; set_gametype($gametype); /* this sets the $CARDS variable */ $mycards = DB_get_hand($me); $mycards = mysort($mycards,$gametype); echo "
\n"; $type="exchange"; foreach($mycards as $card) display_link_card($card,$PREF["cardset"],$type); echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; } } else if($who == $mypos || $who == $mypos*10) { foreach($userids as $user) { $name = DB_get_name_by_userid($user); $usersick = DB_get_sickness_by_userid_and_gameid($user,$gameid); if($usersick=="poverty") { $hash =DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$user); $cards=DB_get_hand($hash); $nrtrump=count_trump($cards); /* count trump */ if($nrtrump<4) echo "Player $name has $nrtrump trump. Do you want to take them?". "yes
"; } } echo "I don't want to take any trump: ". "yes
"; } else { echo "it's not your turn yet to decide if you want to take the trump or not."; } /* * yes, display number of trump and user's hand, ask if he wants to take it * no, set whom-to-ask to next player, email next player, cancle game if no next player * yes -> link to new page:display all cards, ask for N return cards * set re/contra * */ }; } /* check if noone wanted to take trump, in that case the gamesickness would be set to 5 or 50 */ $who=DB_get_sickness_by_gameid($gameid); if($who==5 || $who==50) { $message = "Hello, \n\n". "Game $gameid has been cancled since nobody wanted to take the trump.\n"; $userids = DB_get_all_userid_by_gameid($gameid); foreach($userids as $user) { $To = DB_get_email_by_userid($user); mymail($To,$EmailName."game cancled (poverty not resolved)",$message); } /* delete everything from the dB */ DB_cancel_game($me); echo "

Game $gameid has been cancled.

"; output_footer(); exit(); } /* check if all players are ready to play */ $ok=1; foreach($userids as $user) if(DB_get_hand_status_by_userid_and_gameid($user,$gameid)!='play') $ok=0; if($ok) { /* only set this after all poverty, etc. are handled*/ DB_set_game_status_by_gameid($gameid,'play'); /* email startplayer */ $startplayer = DB_get_startplayer_by_gameid($gameid); $email = DB_get_email_by_pos_and_gameid($startplayer,$gameid); $hash = DB_get_hash_from_game_and_pos($gameid,$startplayer); if($hash!=$me) { /* email startplayer) */ $message = "It's your turn now.\n". "Use this link to play a card: ".$host."?me=".$hash."\n\n" ; mymail($email,$EmailName."ready, set, go... ",$message); } else echo " Please, start the game.
"; } else echo "You finished the setup, at the moment you need to reload this page after everyone else has finished there setup so that the server can figure out vorbehalte... in future this will get an email in case you need to do anything, but this is not implemented yet :(
"; break; case 'play': case 'gameover': /* both entries here, so that the tricks are visible for both. * in case of 'play' there is a break later that skips the last part */ /* figure out what kind of game we are playing, * set the global variables $CARDS["trump"],$CARDS["diamonds"],$CARDS["hearts"], * $CARDS["clubs"],$CARDS["spades"],$CARDS["foxes"] * accordingly */ $gametype = DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid); $GT = $gametype; if($gametype=="solo") { $gametype = DB_get_solo_by_gameid($gameid); $GT = $gametype." ".$GT; } else $gametype="normal"; set_gametype($gametype); /* this sets the $CARDS variable */ /* get some infos about the game */ $gamestatus = DB_get_game_status_by_gameid($gameid); /* display useful things in divs */ /* display links to the users status page */ $result = mysql_query("SELECT email,password from User WHERE id='$myid'" ); $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM); display_links($r[0],$r[1]); /* end display useful things*/ /* has the game started? No, then just wait here...*/ if($gamestatus == 'pre') { echo "You finished the setup, but not everyone else finished it...so you need to wait for the others...
"; break; /* not sure this works... the idea is that you can * only play a card after everyone is ready to play */ } /* display the table and the names */ $result = mysql_query("SELECT User.fullname as name,". " Hand.position as position, ". " User.id ". "FROM Hand ". "LEFT JOIN User ON User.id=Hand.user_id ". "WHERE Hand.game_id='".$gameid."' ". "ORDER BY position ASC"); echo "
\n". " \"table\"\n"; while($r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) { $name = $r[0]; $pos = $r[1]; $user = $r[2]; $offset = DB_get_user_timezone($user); $zone = return_timezone($offset); date_default_timezone_set($zone); echo " \n"; echo " $name
\n"; echo " local time: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")."\n"; echo "
\n"; } echo "
\n"; /* get everything relevant to display the tricks */ $result = mysql_query("SELECT Hand_Card.card_id as card,". " Hand.position as position,". " Play.sequence as sequence, ". " Trick.id, ". " Comment.comment ". "FROM Trick ". "LEFT JOIN Play ON Trick.id=Play.trick_id ". "LEFT JOIN Hand_Card ON Play.hand_card_id=Hand_Card.id ". "LEFT JOIN Hand ON Hand_Card.hand_id=Hand.id ". "LEFT JOIN Comment ON Play.id=Comment.play_id ". "WHERE Trick.game_id='".$gameid."' ". "ORDER BY Trick.id,sequence ASC"); $trickNR = 1; $lasttrick = DB_get_max_trickid($gameid); $play = array(); /* needed to calculate winner later */ $seq = 1; $pos = DB_get_startplayer_by_gameid($gameid)-1; $firstcard = ""; /* first card in a trick */ echo "\n\n"; /* whos turn is it? */ if($seq==4) { $winner = get_winner($play,$gametype); /* returns the position */ $next = $winner; $firstcard = ""; /* new trick, no first card */ } else { $next = $pos+1; if($next==5) $next=1; } /* my turn?, display cards as links, ask for comments*/ if(DB_get_pos_by_hash($me) == $next) $myturn = 1; else $myturn = 0; /* do we want to play a card? */ if(myisset("card") && $myturn) { $card = $_REQUEST["card"]; $handid = DB_get_handid_by_hash($me); /* check if we have card and that we haven't played it yet*/ /* set played in hand_card to true where hand_id and card_id*/ $result = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM Hand_Card WHERE played='false' and ". "hand_id='$handid' AND card_id=".DB_quote_smart($card)); $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM); $handcardid = $r[0]; if($handcardid) { $comment = ""; /* mark card as played */ mysql_query("UPDATE Hand_Card SET played='true' WHERE hand_id='$handid' AND card_id=". DB_quote_smart($card)); /* update Game timestamp */ DB_update_game_timestamp($gameid); /* check for schweinchen */ //echo "schweinchen = ".$GAME["schweinchen"]." --$card-
"; if($card == 19 || $card == 20 ) { $GAME["schweinchen"]++; if($GAME["schweinchen"]==3 && $RULES["schweinchen"]=="second" ) $comment="Schweinchen! "; if($RULES["schweinchen"]=="both" ) $comment="Schweinchen! "; echo "schweinchen = ".$GAME["schweinchen"]." ---
"; } /* get trick id or start new trick */ $a = DB_get_current_trickid($gameid); $trickid = $a[0]; $sequence = $a[1]; $playid = DB_play_card($trickid,$handcardid,$sequence); /* check for coment */ if(myisset("comment")) { $comment.=$_REQUEST["comment"]; }; if($comment != "") DB_insert_comment($comment,$playid,$myid); /* display played card */ echo "
"; echo " you played
"; display_card($card,$PREF["cardset"]); echo "
\n"; /*check if we still have cards left, else set status to gameover */ if(sizeof(DB_get_hand($me))==0) { DB_set_hand_status_by_hash($me,'gameover'); $mystatus='gameover'; } /* if all players are done, set game status to game over, * get the points of the last trick and send out an email * to all players */ $userids = DB_get_all_userid_by_gameid($gameid); $done=1; foreach($userids as $user) if(DB_get_hand_status_by_userid_and_gameid($user,$gameid)!='gameover') $done=0; if($done) { DB_set_game_status_by_gameid($gameid,"gameover"); /* get score for last trick * all other tricks are handled a few lines further down*/ $play = DB_get_cards_by_trick($trickid); $winner = get_winner($play,$gametype); /* returns the position */ /* get points of last trick and save it */ $points = 0; foreach($play as $card) $points = $points + card_value($card["card"]); $winnerid = DB_get_handid_by_gameid_and_position($gameid,$winner); if($winnerid>0) mysql_query("INSERT INTO Score VALUES (NULL, '$gameid', '$winnerid', '$points')"); else echo "ERROR during scoring"; /* email all players */ /* individual score */ $result = mysql_query("SELECT fullname, SUM(score), Hand.party FROM Score". " LEFT JOIN Hand ON Hand.id=hand_id". " LEFT JOIN User ON Hand.user_id=User.id". " WHERE Hand.game_id=$gameid". " GROUP BY fullname" ); $message = "The game is over. Thanks for playing :)\n"; while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) $message .= " FINAL SCORE: ".$r[0]."(".$r[2].") ".$r[1]."\n"; $message .= "\nIf your not in the list above your score is zero...\n\n"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT Hand.party, SUM(score) FROM Score". " LEFT JOIN Hand ON Hand.id=hand_id". " LEFT JOIN User ON Hand.user_id=User.id". " WHERE Hand.game_id=$gameid". " GROUP BY Hand.party" ); $message .= "\n"; while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) $message .= " FINAL SCORE: ".$r[0]." ".$r[1]."\n"; foreach($userids as $user) { $To = DB_get_email_by_userid($user); mymail($To,$EmailName."game over",$message); } } /* email next player */ if(DB_get_game_status_by_gameid($gameid)=='play') { if($sequence==4) { $play = DB_get_cards_by_trick($trickid); $winner = get_winner($play,$gametype); /* returns the position */ /* get points of last trick and save it, last trick is handled * a few lines further up */ $points = 0; foreach($play as $card) $points = $points + card_value($card["card"]); $winnerid = DB_get_handid_by_gameid_and_position($gameid,$winner); if($winnerid>0) mysql_query("INSERT INTO Score VALUES (NULL, '$gameid', '$winnerid', '$points')"); else echo "ERROR during scoring"; if($debug) echo "DEBUG: $winner got $points
"; /* who is the next player? */ $next = $winner; } else { $next = DB_get_pos_by_hash($me)+1; } if($next==5) $next=1; /* email next player */ $next_hash = DB_get_hash_from_game_and_pos($gameid,$next); $email = DB_get_email_by_hash($next_hash); $message = "It's your turn now.\n". "Use this link to play a card: ".$host."?me=".$next_hash."\n\n" ; mymail($email,$EmailName."a card has been played",$message); if($debug) echo "DEBUG: next player
\n"; } } else { echo "can't find that card?!
\n"; } } else if(myisset("card") && !$myturn ) { echo "please wait until it's your turn!
\n"; } $mycards = DB_get_hand($me); $mycards = mysort($mycards,$gametype); echo "
\n"; if($myturn && !myisset("card")) { echo "Hello ".$myname.", it's your turn!
\n"; echo "Your cards are:
\n"; echo "
\n"; /* do we have to follow suite? */ $followsuit = 0; if(have_suit($mycards,$firstcard)) $followsuit = 1; foreach($mycards as $card) { if($followsuit && !same_type($card,$firstcard)) display_card($card,$PREF["cardset"]); else display_link_card($card,$PREF["cardset"]); } echo "
\nA short comments:\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } else if($mystatus=='play') { echo "Your cards are:
\n"; foreach($mycards as $card) display_card($card,$PREF["cardset"]); } else if($mystatus=='gameover') { $oldcards = DB_get_all_hand($me); $oldcards = mysort($oldcards,$gametype); echo "Your cards were:
\n"; foreach($oldcards as $card) display_card($card,$PREF["cardset"]); } echo "
\n"; /* check if we need to set status to 'gameover' is done during playing of the card */ if($mystatus=='play') break; /* the following happens only when the gamestatus is 'gameover' */ /* check if game is over, display results */ if(DB_get_game_status_by_gameid($gameid)=='play') { echo "the game is over for you.. other people still need to play though"; } else { echo "the game is over now...
\n"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT fullname, SUM(score), Hand.party FROM Score". " LEFT JOIN Hand ON Hand.id=hand_id". " LEFT JOIN User ON Hand.user_id=User.id". " WHERE Hand.game_id=$gameid". " GROUP BY fullname" ); while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) echo " FINAL SCORE: ".$r[0]."(".$r[2].") ".$r[1]."
"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT Hand.party, SUM(score) FROM Score". " LEFT JOIN Hand ON Hand.id=hand_id". " LEFT JOIN User ON Hand.user_id=User.id". " WHERE Hand.game_id=$gameid". " GROUP BY Hand.party" ); while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) echo " FINAL SCORE: ".$r[0]." ".$r[1]."
\n"; $session = DB_get_session_by_gameid($gameid); $result = mysql_query("SELECT id,create_date FROM Game". " WHERE session=$session". " ORDER BY create_date DESC". " LIMIT 1"); $r=-1; if($result) $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM); if(!$session || $gameid==$r[0]) { /* suggest a new game with the same people in it, just rotated once */ $names = DB_get_all_names_by_gameid($gameid); output_ask_for_new_game($names[1],$names[2],$names[3],$names[0],$gameid); } } break; default: echo "error in testing the status"; } output_footer(); exit(); } /* user status page */ else if(myisset("email","password")) { /* test id and password, should really be done in one step */ $email = $_REQUEST["email"]; $password = $_REQUEST["password"]; if(myisset("forgot")) { $ok=1; $uid = DB_get_userid_by_email($email); if(!$uid) $ok=0; if($ok) { echo "Hmm, you forgot your passwort...nothing I can do at the moment:( "; echo " you need to email Arun for now... in the future it will be all automated and an "; echo "email with a new password will go to $email."; } else { if($email=="") echo "you need to give me an email address!"; else echo "couldn't find a player with this email, please contact Arun, if you think this is a mistake"; } } else { /* verify password and email */ if(strlen($password)!=32) $password = md5($password); $ok=1; $uid = DB_get_userid_by_email_and_password($email,$password); if(!$uid) $ok=0; if($ok) { if(myisset("setpref")) { $setpref=$_REQUEST["setpref"]; switch($setpref) { case "germancards": case "englishcards": $result = mysql_query("SELECT * from User_Prefs". " WHERE user_id='$uid' AND pref_key='cardset'" ); if( mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) $result = mysql_query("UPDATE User_Prefs SET value=".DB_quote_smart($setpref). " WHERE user_id='$uid' AND pref_key='cardset'" ); else $result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO User_Prefs VALUES(NULL,'$uid','cardset',".DB_quote_smart($setpref).")"); echo "Ok, changed you preferences for the cards.\n"; break; } } else /* output default user page */ { $time = DB_get_user_timestamp($uid); $unixtime =strtotime($time); $offset = DB_get_user_timezone($uid); $zone = return_timezone($offset); date_default_timezone_set($zone); /* display links to settings */ output_user_settings($email,$password); echo "last login: ".date("r",$unixtime)."
"; DB_update_user_timestamp($uid); echo "

these are the games you are playing in:
\n"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT Hand.hash,Hand.game_id,Game.mod_date from Hand". " LEFT JOIN Game On Hand.game_id=Game.id". " WHERE Hand.user_id='$uid' AND Game.status<>'gameover'" ); while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) { echo "game #".$r[1]." "; if(time()-strtotime($r[2]) > 60*60*24*30) echo " The game has been running for over a month.". " Do you want to cancel it? yes". " (clicking here is final and can't be restored)"; echo "
"; } echo "

\n"; echo "

and these are your games that are already done:
Game: \n"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT hash,game_id from Hand WHERE user_id='$uid' AND status='gameover'" ); while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) echo "#".$r[1]." , "; echo "

\n"; $names = DB_get_all_names(); echo "

registered players:
\n"; foreach ($names as $name) echo "$name, \n"; echo "

\n"; echo "

Want to start a new game? Visit this page.

"; } } else { echo "sorry email and password don't match
"; } }; output_footer(); exit(); } /* page for registration */ else if(myisset("register") ) { output_register(); } /* new user wants to register */ else if(myisset("Rfullname","Remail","Rpassword","Rtimezone") ) { $ok=1; if(DB_get_userid_by_name($_REQUEST["Rfullname"])) { echo "please chose another name
"; $ok=0; } if(DB_get_userid_by_email($_REQUEST["Remail"])) { echo "this email address is already used ?!
"; $ok=0; } if($ok) { $r=mysql_query("INSERT INTO User VALUES(NULL,".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Rfullname"]). ",".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Remail"]). ",".DB_quote_smart(md5($_REQUEST["Rpassword"])). ",".DB_quote_smart($_REQUEST["Rtimezone"]).",NULL)"); if($r) echo " added you to the database"; else echo " something went wrong"; } } /* default login page */ else { $pre=0;$game=0;$done=0; $r=mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM Game GROUP BY status"); if($r) { $pre = mysql_fetch_array($r,MYSQL_NUM); $game = mysql_fetch_array($r,MYSQL_NUM); $done = mysql_fetch_array($r,MYSQL_NUM); } output_home_page($pre[0],$game[0],$done[0]); } output_footer(); DB_close(); /* *Local Variables: *mode: php *mode: hs-minor *End: */ ?>