\n"; echo "

Generated ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." (server time)

"; /* total number of games */ echo "

The number of finished games on this server is: "; $r = DB_query_array("SELECT COUNT(*) from Game". " WHERE status='gameover'"); $GameN = $r[0]; echo " $GameN

\n"; echo "

The contra party wins in "; $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from Score". " WHERE score='againstqueens'"); while( $r = DB_fetch_array($result)) echo $r[0]; echo " games.

\n"; /* longest and shortest game */ $r=DB_query("SELECT timediff(mod_date,create_date) ,session,id". " FROM Game WHERE status='gameover'". " ORDER BY time_to_sec(timediff(mod_date,create_date)) ASC LIMIT 1"); if($r) { $short= DB_fetch_array($r); $names = DB_get_all_names_by_gameid($short[2]); echo "

The shortest game took only ".$short[0]." hours and was played by ".join(", ",$names).".
\n"; } $r=DB_query("SELECT datediff(mod_date,create_date) ,session,id". " FROM Game WHERE status='gameover'". " ORDER BY time_to_sec(timediff(mod_date,create_date)) DESC LIMIT 1"); if($r) { $long= DB_fetch_array($r); echo "The longest game took ".$long[0]." days.

\n"; } $r=DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as c, session, id FROM Game ". " GROUP BY session ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 1"); if($r) { $long = DB_fetch_array($r); $names = DB_get_all_names_by_gameid($long[2]); echo "

The longest session is session ".$long[1]." with ".$long[0]. " games played by ".join(", ",$names).".

\n"; } /* number of solos */ $result = DB_query_array_all("SELECT type,COUNT(*) as c from Game". " WHERE status='gameover'". " GROUP BY type". " ORDER BY c DESC"); array_unshift($result,array("Type","Frequency")); echo output_table($result,"Game types","stats"); /* break up solos in types */ $result = DB_query_array_all("SELECT solo,COUNT(*) as c from Game". " WHERE status='gameover'". " AND type='solo'". " GROUP BY solo". " ORDER BY c DESC"); array_unshift($result,array("Type","Frequency")); echo output_table($result,"Kind of solos","stats"); /* 2 top user mit maximaler quote an solo (min 10 games) top scoring game: winning players game with the same cards: show 3 at random: player who won, points, what kind of game select g1.id, g2.id from game g1 left join game g2 on g1.randomnumbers=g2.randomnumbers where g1.id0 ". " ORDER BY winner ASC " ); array_unshift($result,array("Position","Number of tricks")); echo output_table($result,"Tricks at the table","stats"); /* most solos */ $result = DB_query_array_all("SELECT fullname as fname,". " COUNT(*), ". " COUNT(*)/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Hand LEFT JOIN User ON User.id=Hand.user_id WHERE fullname=fname) as c ". " FROM Game ". " LEFT JOIN Hand ON Hand.position=startplayer AND Game.id=Hand.game_id ". " LEFT JOIN User ON User.id=Hand.user_id ". " WHERE type='solo' AND Game.status='gameover' ". " GROUP BY user_id ". " ORDER BY c DESC;"); array_unshift($result,array("Name","Number of solos","Solos/game")); echo output_table($result,"Most solos","stats"); /* most active games */ $result = DB_query_array_all("SELECT fullname, COUNT(*) as c " . " FROM Hand". " LEFT JOIN User ON User.id=user_id". " LEFT JOIN Game ON Game.id=game_id". " WHERE Game.status IN ('pre','play')". " GROUP BY user_id". " ORDER BY c DESC LIMIT 7" ); array_unshift($result,array("Name","Number of active games")); echo output_table($result,"Active games","stats"); /* response time of users*/ $result = DB_query_array_all("SELECT User.fullname,". "IFNULL(AVG(if(P1.sequence in (2,3,4),". "-timestampdiff(MINUTE,mod_date,(select mod_date from Play P2 where P1.trick_id=P2.trick_id and P2.sequence=P1.sequence-1)),NULL )),1e9) as a, ". " COUNT(*) as na ". "FROM Play P1 ". "LEFT JOIN Hand_Card ON P1.hand_card_id=Hand_Card.id ". "LEFT JOIN Hand ON Hand.id=Hand_Card.hand_id ". "LEFT JOIN User ON Hand.user_id=User.id ". "GROUP BY user_id ". "HAVING na>8 ". "ORDER BY a " ); array_unshift($result,array("Name","Average minutes before response","trick count")); echo output_table($result,"Response","stats"); /* does the party win more often if they start echo "

The party playing first wins in"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) from Score". " LEFT JOIN Game ON Game.id=game_id". " WHERE score='againstqueens'". " AND Game.status='gameover'". " AND Game.type<>'solo'"); while( $r = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_NUM)) echo $r[1]." (".$r[0].")
\n"; echo " games

\n"; */ $result = generate_global_score_table(); array_unshift($result,array("Name","Average score per game","Total Points","Number of games")); echo output_table($result,"Points per game (need more than 10 games)","stats","ScoreTable"); /* * how often is the last trick a non-trump trick */ /* needs this so that all tables are within the div and don't float around */ echo "


\n"; echo "\n"; /* end output */ /* write file to cache */ $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); createCache($content,"cache/stats.html"); } echo $content; ?>