$me = $_REQUEST["me"];
/* test for valid ID */
$myid = DB_get_userid('hash',$me);
echo "Can't find you in the database, please check the url.
echo "perhaps the game has been canceled, check by login in here.";
/* get some information from the DB */
$gameid = DB_get_gameid_by_hash($me);
$myname = DB_get_name('hash',$me);
/* check if player hasn't done anything in a while */
$r = DB_query_array("SELECT mod_date,player,status from Game WHERE id='$gameid' " );
if( (time()-strtotime($r[0]) > 60*60*24*7) && ($r[2]!='gameover') ) /* = 1 week */
$name = DB_get_name('userid',$r[1]);
$userhash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$r[1]);
$message = "Hello $name, \n\n".
"It's your turn in game ".DB_format_gameid($gameid)." \n".
"Actually everyone else is waiting for you for more than a week now ;)\n\n".
"Please visit this link now to continue: \n".
" ".$HOST.$INDEX."?action=game&me=".$userhash."\n\n" ;
/* make sure we don't send too many reminders to one person */
echo "
An email has already been sent out.
\n"; } else { DB_set_reminder($r[1],$gameid); $subject ='Reminder: game '.DB_format_gameid($gameid)." it's your turn"; mymail($r[1],$subject,$message); echo "Game ".DB_format_gameid($gameid).
": an email has been sent out.
You need to wait longer before you can send out a reminder...
\n'; ?>