* * This file is part of e-DoKo. * * e-DoKo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * e-DoKo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with e-DoKo. If not, see . * */ /* make sure that we are not called from outside the scripts, * use a variable defined in config.php to check this */ if(!isset($HOST)) exit; function config_check() { global $EmailName,$EMAIL_REPLY,$ADMIN_NAME,$ADMIN_EMAIL,$DB_work; /* check if some variables are set in the config file, else set defaults */ if(!isset($EmailName)) $EmailName='[DoKo] '; if(isset($EMAIL_REPLY)) { ini_set('sendmail_from',$EMAIL_REPLY); } if(!isset($ADMIN_NAME)) { output_header(); echo '

Setup not completed

'; echo 'You need to set $ADMIN_NAME in config.php.'; output_footer(); exit(); } if(!isset($ADMIN_EMAIL)) { output_header(); echo '

Setup not completed

'; echo 'You need to set $ADMIN_EMAIL in config.php. '. 'If something goes wrong an email will be send to this address.'; output_footer(); exit(); } if(!isset($DB_work)) { output_header(); echo '

Setup not completed

'; echo 'You need to set $DB_work in config.php. '. 'If this is set to anything else than 0, the game will be suspended and one can work safely on the database. '. 'A message will be displayed that it will probably take about N minutes, with N being the number $DB_work is set to. '. 'The default should be 0 for the game to work.'; output_footer(); exit(); } if($DB_work) { output_header(); echo '
'. _("Working on some aspect of e-DoKo... This will probably take max. $DB_work minutes. It could be over in a few seconds too though ;)"). '
'; output_footer(); exit(); } return; } /* define possible status for email subsjects */ define("GAME_CANCELED", 0); define("GAME_CANCELED_POVERTY", 1); define("GAME_CANCELED_TIMEOUT", 2); define("GAME_YOUR_TURN", 3); define("GAME_READY", 4); define("GAME_POVERTY", 5); define("GAME_DPOVERTY", 6); define("GAME_OVER", 7); define("GAME_RECOVERY", 8); define("GAME_REMINDER", 9); define("GAME_NEW", 10); /* define possible status for showing cards */ define("CARDS_EMPTY", 0); /* show player's hand*/ define("CARDS_SHOW", 1); /* show player's hand*/ define("CARDS_MYTURN", 2); /* show radiobuttons for cards that can be played*/ define("CARDS_EXCHANGE", 3); /* do we need to return cards to our partner in poverty?*/ define("CARDS_GAMEOVER_ME", 4); /* show all cards from everyone*/ define("CARDS_GAMEOVER", 5); /* show all cards from everyone (looking at someone else's game)*/ /* cards_status: SHOW show our hand * MYTURN show radiobutton for cards that can be played * EXCHANGE do we need to return cards to our partner in poverty? * GAMEOVER show all cards from everyone */ function mymail($uid,$gameid=0,$type,$message) { global $EmailName,$WIKI,$PREF; /* uid can be either a single uid or an array, convert everything to * an array, so that we can loop over it */ if(!is_array($uid)) { $to_uid=$uid; $uid = array(); $uid[]=$to_uid; } foreach($uid as $user) { /* do we send the email right away or save it in the database? */ $send_now = 1; $name = DB_get_name('userid',$user); $To = DB_get_email('userid',$user); /* check if user wants email right away or if we should save it in * the database for later delivery */ $uidPREF = DB_get_PREF($user); if( $uidPREF['digest'] != 'digest-off' ) $send_now = 0; /* use local language */ set_language($uidPREF['language']); $header = sprintf(_('Hello %s'),$name); $header .= "\n\n"; /* add standard header and footer */ $subject = "$EmailName "; if($gameid) $game = DB_format_gameid($gameid); else $game = ''; switch($type) { case GAME_CANCELED: $subject.=sprintf(_('Game %s canceled'),$game); break; case GAME_CANCELED_POVERTY: $subject.=sprintf(_('Game %s canceled (poverty not resolved)'),$game); break; case GAME_CANCELED_TIMEOUT: $subject.=sprintf(_('Game %s canceled (timed out)'),$game); break; case GAME_YOUR_TURN: $subject.=sprintf(_('A card has been played in game %s'),$game); break; case GAME_READY: $subject.=sprintf(_('Ready, set, go... (game %s)'),$game); break; case GAME_POVERTY: $subject.=sprintf(_('Poverty (game %s)'),$game); break; case GAME_DPOVERTY: $subject.=sprintf(_('Double poverty (game %s)'),$game); break; case GAME_OVER: $subject.=sprintf(_('Game over (game %s)'),$game); break; case GAME_RECOVERY: $subject.=_('Recovery'); break; case GAME_REMINDER: $subject.=sprintf(_("Reminder: game %s it's your turn"),$game); break; case GAME_NEW: $subject.=sprintf(_('You are invited to a game of DoKo (game %s)'),$game); break; default: $subject.=sprintf(_('Problem with email, contact admin (errorcode %d)'),$gameid); } /* standard goodbye */ $footer = "\n"._('Have a nice day')."\n "._('your E-Doko service department'). "\n\n". "-- \n". _('You can change your mail delivery mode in the preference menu.'). "\n". _('web').': http://doko.nubati.net '. _('help, bugs, etc.').": $WIKI"; if($send_now) sendmail($To,$subject,$header.$message.$footer); else { /* store email in database */ DB_digest_insert_email($To,$message,$type,$gameid); } } /* reset language to original user*/ set_language($PREF['language']); return; } function sendmail($To,$Subject,$message) { /* this function sends the mail or outputs to the screen in case of debugging */ global $debug,$EMAIL_REPLY; $header = ""; if(isset($EMAIL_REPLY)) $header .= "From: e-DoKo daemon <$EMAIL_REPLY>\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset = \"UTF-8\";\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"; $headers .= "\r\n"; if($debug) { /* display email on screen, * change txt -> html */ $message = str_replace("\n","
\n",$message); $message = preg_replace("#(\w+://[^<>\s]+[\w/]*)#", "$1", $message); echo "
To: $To
"; echo $header."
"; echo "Subject: $Subject
\n"; } else mail($To,$Subject,$message,$header); return; } function myisset() { /* returns 1 if all names passed as args are defined by a GET or POST statement, * else return 0 */ $ok = 1; $args = func_get_args(); foreach($args as $arg) { $ok = $ok * isset($_REQUEST[$arg]); /*echo "$arg: ok = $ok
"; */ } return $ok; } function myerror($message) { echo "".htmlspecialchars($message)."\n"; sendmail($ADMIN_EMAIL,$EmailName." Error in Code",$message); return; } function pos_array($c,$arr) { $ret = 0; $i = 0; foreach($arr as $a) { $i++; if($a == $c) { $ret = $i; break; } } return $ret; } function is_trump($c) { global $CARDS; if(in_array($c,$CARDS["trump"])) return 1; else return 0; } function is_same_suite($c1,$c2) { global $CARDS; if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["trump"] ) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["trump"] ) ) return 1; if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["clubs"] ) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["clubs"] ) ) return 1; if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["hearts"] ) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["hearts"] ) ) return 1; if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["spades"] ) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["spades"] ) ) return 1; if(in_array($c1,$CARDS["diamonds"]) && in_array($c2,$CARDS["diamonds"]) ) return 1; return 0; } function compare_cards($a,$b,$game) { /* if "a" is higher than "b" return 1, else 0, "a" being the card first played */ global $CARDS; global $RULES; global $GAME; /* first map all cards to the odd number, * this insure that the first card wins the trick * if they are the same card */ if( $a/2 - (int)($a/2) != 0.5) $a--; if( $b/2 - (int)($b/2) != 0.5) $b--; /* check for schweinchen and ten of hearts*/ switch($game) { case "normal": case "silent": case "trump": if($RULES['schweinchen']=='both' && $GAME['schweinchen-who']) { if($a == 19 || $a == 20 ) return 1; if($b == 19 || $b == 20 ) return 0; } else if($RULES['schweinchen']=='second' && $GAME['schweinchen-second']) { if($a == 19 || $a == 20 ) return 1; if($b == 19 || $b == 20 ) return 0; } else if($RULES['schweinchen']=='secondaftercall' && $GAME['schweinchen-who'] && $GAME['schweinchen-second'] ) { /* check if a call was made either by the player or his partner. If so activate Schweinchen rule. */ if(DB_get_call_by_hash($GAME['schweinchen-who']) || DB_get_partner_call_by_hash($GAME['schweinchen-who']) ) { if($a == 19 || $a == 20 ) return 1; if($b == 19 || $b == 20 ) return 0; } /* if not, do nothing and the foxes are just handeled as normal trump */ } ; case "heart": case "spade": case "club": /* check for ten of hearts rule */ if($RULES["dullen"]=="secondwins") if($a==1 && $b==1) /* both 10 of hearts */ return 0; /* second one wins.*/ case "trumpless": case "jack": case "queen": /* no special cases here */ } /* normal case */ if(is_trump($a) && is_trump($b) && $a<=$b) return 1; else if(is_trump($a) && is_trump($b) ) return 0; else { /*$a is not a trump */ if(is_trump($b)) return 0; else { /* both no trump */ /* both clubs? */ $posA = pos_array($a,$CARDS["clubs"]); $posB = pos_array($b,$CARDS["clubs"]); if($posA && $posB) if($posA <= $posB) return 1; else return 0; /* both spades? */ $posA = pos_array($a,$CARDS["spades"]); $posB = pos_array($b,$CARDS["spades"]); if($posA && $posB) if($posA <= $posB) return 1; else return 0; /* both hearts? */ $posA = pos_array($a,$CARDS["hearts"]); $posB = pos_array($b,$CARDS["hearts"]); if($posA && $posB) if($posA <= $posB) return 1; else return 0; /* both diamonds? */ $posA = pos_array($a,$CARDS["diamonds"]); $posB = pos_array($b,$CARDS["diamonds"]); if($posA && $posB) if($posA <= $posB) return 1; else return 0; /* not the same suit and no trump: a wins */ return 1; } } } function get_winner($p,$mode) { /* get all 4 cards played in a trick, in the order they are played */ $tmp = $p[1]; $c1 = $tmp["card"]; $c1pos = $tmp["pos"]; $tmp = $p[2]; $c2 = $tmp["card"]; $c2pos = $tmp["pos"]; $tmp = $p[3]; $c3 = $tmp["card"]; $c3pos = $tmp["pos"]; $tmp = $p[4]; $c4 = $tmp["card"]; $c4pos = $tmp["pos"]; /* first card is better than all the rest */ if( compare_cards($c1,$c2,$mode) && compare_cards($c1,$c3,$mode) && compare_cards($c1,$c4,$mode) ) return $c1pos; /* second card is better than first and better than the rest */ if( !compare_cards($c1,$c2,$mode) && compare_cards($c2,$c3,$mode) && compare_cards($c2,$c4,$mode) ) return $c2pos; /* third card is better than first card and better than last */ if( !compare_cards($c1,$c3,$mode) && compare_cards($c3,$c4,$mode) ) /* if second card is better than first, third card needs to be even better */ if( !compare_cards($c1,$c2,$mode) && !compare_cards($c2,$c3,$mode) ) return $c3pos; /* second is worse than first, e.g. not following suite */ else if (compare_cards($c1,$c2,$mode) ) return $c3pos; /* non of the above */ return $c4pos; } function count_nines($cards) { $nines = 0; foreach($cards as $c) { if($c == "25" || $c == "26") $nines++; else if($c == "33" || $c == "34") $nines++; else if($c == "41" || $c == "42") $nines++; else if($c == "47" || $c == "48") $nines++; } return $nines; } function check_wedding($cards) { if( in_array("3",$cards) && in_array("4",$cards) ) return 1; return 0; } function count_trump($cards,$status='pregame') { global $RULES; $trump = 0; /* count each trump, including the foxes, since this is used to determine poverty status */ foreach($cards as $c) if( (int)($c) <27) $trump++; /* In case we really want to know the amount of trump, we can use the status variable. * This is needed for example to figure out what icon to display on the table in case of * trump given back in poverty */ if($status=='all') return $trump; /* normally foxes don't count as trump, so we substract them here * in case someone has schweinchen, one or two of them should count as trump * though, so we need to add one trump for those cases */ /* subtract foxes */ if( in_array("19",$cards)) $trump--; if( in_array("20",$cards) ) $trump--; /* handle case where player has schweinchen */ if( in_array("19",$cards) && in_array("20",$cards) ) switch($RULES["schweinchen"]) { case "both": /* add two, in case the player has both foxes (schweinchen) */ $trump++; $trump++; break; case "second": case "secondaftercall": /* add one, in case the player has both foxes (schweinchen) */ $trump++; break; case "none": break; } return $trump; } function check_low_trump($cards) { global $RULES; if($RULES['lowtrump']=='none') return 0; /* check if we have low trump */ $lowtrump=1; foreach($cards as $card) { /* card a trump, but not a diamond? */ if( $card<19 ) $lowtrump=0; } /* handle case where player has schweinchen */ if( in_array("19",$cards) && in_array("20",$cards) ) switch($RULES["schweinchen"]) { case "both": case "second": case "secondaftercall": $lowtrump=0; break; case "none": break; } return $lowtrump; } function create_array_of_random_numbers($useridA,$useridB,$useridC,$useridD) { global $debug; $r = array(); if($debug) { /* fix the hands; makes debugging easier; the following hands have lots of sicknesses, * to make testing easier */ $r[ 0]=1; $r[12]=47; $r[24]=13; $r[36]=37; $r[ 1]=2; $r[13]=23; $r[25]=14; $r[37]=38; $r[ 2]=3; $r[14]=27; $r[26]=15; $r[38]=39; $r[ 3]=4; $r[15]=16; $r[27]=28; $r[39]=40; $r[ 4]=5; $r[16]=17; $r[28]=29; $r[40]=21; $r[ 5]=18; $r[17]=6; $r[29]=30; $r[41]=42; $r[ 6]=41; $r[18]=7; $r[30]=31; $r[42]=43; $r[ 7]=22; $r[19]=8; $r[31]=32; $r[43]=20; $r[ 8]=45; $r[20]=9; $r[32]=33; $r[44]=19; $r[ 9]=46; $r[21]=10; $r[33]=44; $r[45]=24; $r[10]=35; $r[22]=11; $r[34]=48; $r[46]=25; $r[11]=36; $r[23]=12; $r[35]=34; $r[47]=26; } else { /* check if we can find a game were non of the player was involved and return * cards instead */ $userstr = "'".implode("','",array($useridA,$useridB,$useridC,$useridD))."'"; $randomnumbers = DB_get_unused_randomnumbers($userstr); $randomnumbers = explode(":",$randomnumbers); if(sizeof($randomnumbers)==48) return $randomnumbers; /* need to create new numbers */ for($i=0;$i<48;$i++) $r[$i]=$i+1; /* shuffle using a better random generator than the standard one */ for ($i = 0; $i <48; $i++) { $j = @mt_rand(0, $i); $tmp = $r[$i]; $r[$i] = $r[$j]; $r[$j] = $tmp; } }; return $r; } function display_cards($me,$myturn) { return; } function have_suit($cards,$c) { global $CARDS; $suite = array(); if(in_array($c,$CARDS["trump"])) $suite = $CARDS["trump"]; else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["clubs"])) $suite = $CARDS["clubs"]; else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["spades"])) $suite = $CARDS["spades"]; else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["hearts"])) $suite = $CARDS["hearts"]; else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["diamonds"])) $suite = $CARDS["diamonds"]; foreach($cards as $card) { if(in_array($card,$suite)) return 1; } return 0; } function same_type($card,$c) { global $CARDS; $suite = ""; /* figure out what kind of card c is */ if(in_array($c,$CARDS["trump"])) $suite = $CARDS["trump"]; else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["clubs"])) $suite = $CARDS["clubs"]; else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["spades"])) $suite = $CARDS["spades"]; else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["hearts"])) $suite = $CARDS["hearts"]; else if(in_array($c,$CARDS["diamonds"])) $suite = $CARDS["diamonds"]; /* card is the same suid return 1 */ if(in_array($card,$suite)) return 1; return 0; } function set_gametype($gametype) { global $CARDS; global $RULES; global $GAME; switch($gametype) { case "normal": case "wedding": case "poverty": case "dpoverty": case "trump": case "silent": $CARDS["trump"] = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26'); $CARDS["diamonds"] = array(); $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34'); $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42'); $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','45','46','47','48'); $CARDS["foxes"] = array('19','20'); if($RULES["dullen"]=='none') { $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26'); $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','1','2','45','46','47','48'); } /* do we need to reorder for Schweinchen? need to search for it because of special case for dullen above*/ if($RULES['schweinchen']=='both'&& $GAME['schweinchen-who']) { /* find the fox and put them at the top of the stack */ foreach(array('19','20') as $fox) { /* search for fox */ $trump = $CARDS['trump']; $key = array_keys($trump, $fox); /* reorder */ $foxa = array(); $foxa[]=$trump[$key[0]]; unset($trump[$key[0]]); $trump = array_merge($foxa,$trump); $CARDS['trump'] = $trump; } } else if( ($RULES['schweinchen']=='second' || $RULES['schweinchen']=='secondaftercall') && $GAME['schweinchen-who']) { /* find the fox and put them at the top of the stack */ $trump = $CARDS['trump']; $key = array_keys($trump, '19'); /* reorder */ $foxa = array(); $foxa[]=$trump[$key[0]]; unset($trump[$key[0]]); $trump = array_merge($foxa,$trump); $CARDS['trump'] = $trump; } break; case "queen": $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10'); $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','11','12','33','34'); $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','13','14','41','42'); $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44', '1', '2','45','46','15','16','47','48'); $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','17','18','25','26'); $CARDS["foxes"] = array(); break; case "jack": $CARDS["trump"] = array('11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18'); $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','3', '4','33','34'); $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','5', '6','41','42'); $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44', '1', '2','45','46','7', '8','47','48'); $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','9','10','25','26'); $CARDS["foxes"] = array(); break; case "trumpless": $CARDS["trump"] = array(); $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','3', '4','11','12','33','34'); $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','5', '6','13','14','41','42'); $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44', '1', '2','45','46','7', '8','15','16','47','48'); $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','9','10','17','18','25','26'); $CARDS["foxes"] = array(); break; case "club": $CARDS["trump"] = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '17','18','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34'); $CARDS["clubs"] = array(); $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42'); $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','45','46','47','48'); $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26'); $CARDS["foxes"] = array(); if($RULES["dullen"]=='none') { $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '17','18','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34'); $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','1','2','45','46','47','48'); } break; case "spade": $CARDS["trump"] = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '17','18','35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42'); $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34'); $CARDS["spades"] = array(); $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','45','46','47','48'); $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26'); $CARDS["foxes"] = array(); if($RULES["dullen"]=='none') { $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '17','18','35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42'); $CARDS["hearts"] = array('43','44','1','2','45','46','47','48'); } break; case "heart": $CARDS["trump"] = array('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '17','18','43','44','45','46','47','48'); $CARDS["clubs"] = array('27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34'); $CARDS["spades"] = array('35','36','37','38','39','40','41','42'); $CARDS["hearts"] = array(); $CARDS["diamonds"] = array('19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26'); $CARDS["foxes"] = array(); if($RULES["dullen"]=='none') { $CARDS["trump"] = array('3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '17','18','43','44','1','2','45','46','47','48'); } break; } } function mysort($cards,$gametype) { global $PREF; if(isset($PREF['sorting'])) if($PREF['sorting']=='high-low') usort ( $cards, 'sort_comp_high_low' ); else usort ( $cards, 'sort_comp_low_high' ); else usort ( $cards, 'sort_comp_high_low' ); return $cards; } function sort_comp_high_low($a,$b) { global $CARDS; $ALL = array(); $ALL = array_merge($CARDS['trump'],$CARDS['diamonds'],$CARDS['clubs'], $CARDS['hearts'],$CARDS['spades']); return pos_array($a,$ALL)-pos_array($b,$ALL); } function sort_comp_low_high($a,$b) { global $CARDS; $ALL = array(); $ALL = array_merge($CARDS['trump'],$CARDS['diamonds'],$CARDS['clubs'], $CARDS['hearts'],$CARDS['spades']); return -pos_array($a,$ALL)+pos_array($b,$ALL); } function can_call($what,$hash) { /* figure out if a person can make a call: $what in 0,30,60,90,120 = points of the call $hash = the hash of the person who wants to make the call return values: 0 can't make that call 1 can make the call 2 can make the call, but this is the last chance to do so... */ global $RULES; /* get some information */ $gameid = DB_get_gameid_by_hash($hash); $gametype = DB_get_gametype_by_gameid($gameid); $oldcall = DB_get_call_by_hash($hash); /* did the person already made a call? */ $pcall = DB_get_partner_call_by_hash($hash); /* did the partner already made a call */ /* you're call must be better than the one you or your partner already made */ if( ($pcall!=NULL && ($what >= $pcall)) || ($oldcall!=NULL && ($what >=$oldcall)) ) { return 0; } /* for some rules we need to know how many cards people have */ $NRcards = count(DB_get_hand($hash)); $NRallcards = 0; for ($i=1;$i<5;$i++) { $user = DB_get_hash_from_game_and_pos($gameid,$i); $NRallcards += count(DB_get_hand($user)); }; /* in case of a wedding, everything will be delayed by an offset */ $offset = 0; if($gametype=="wedding") { $offset = DB_get_sickness_by_gameid($gameid); if ($offset <0) /* not resolved */ return 0; }; /* now check if the call is allowed depending on the rule set */ switch ($RULES["call"]) { case "1st-own-card": /* calls can be made before/while you play your card... * first card = 120, second card = 90, etc. */ if( 4-($what/30) == 12 - ($NRcards + $offset)) return 2; if( 4-($what/30) > 12 - ($NRcards + $offset)) return 1; break; case "5th-card": /* you can make the first call anytime during the first trick */ if( 27+4*($what/30) == $NRallcards + $offset*4) return 2; if( 27+4*($what/30) < $NRallcards + $offset*4) return 1; break; case "9-cards": /* you can call 120 with 12 cards, 90 with 9 or more cards, 60 with 6 or more, etc. * you can't skip a call though */ /* figure out last call */ if($oldcall!=NULL && $pcall!=NULL) $mincall = ($oldcall>$pcall) ? $pcall : $oldcall; else if($oldcall!=NULL) $mincall = $oldcall; else if ($pcall!=NULL) $mincall = $pcall; else $mincall = -1; if( 12 == ($NRcards + $offset)) { return 2; } else if( 12 < ($NRcards + $offset)) { return 1; } else if ( 9 == ($NRcards + $offset)) { if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=120 && $what<=90 ) ) return 2; } else if ( 9 < ($NRcards + $offset)) { if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=120 && $what<=90 ) ) return 1; } else if ( 6 == ($NRcards + $offset)) { if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=90 && $what<=60 ) ) return 2; } else if ( 6 < ($NRcards + $offset)) { if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=90 && $what<=60 ) ) return 1; } else if ( 3 == ($NRcards + $offset)) { if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=60 && $what<=30 ) ) return 2; } else if ( 3 < ($NRcards + $offset)) { if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=60 && $what<=30 ) ) return 1; } else if ( 0 == ($NRcards + $offset)) { if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=30 && $what==0 ) ) return 2; } else if ( 0 < ($NRcards + $offset)) { if( ($mincall>=0 && $mincall<=30 && $what==0 ) ) return 1; }; break; } return 0; } function display_table_begin () { global $gameid, $GT, $debug,$INDEX,$defaulttimezone,$session; global $RULES,$GAME,$gametype; $result = DB_query("SELECT User.fullname as name,". " Hand.position as position, ". " User.id, ". " Hand.party as party, ". " Hand.sickness as sickness, ". " Hand.point_call, ". " User.last_login, ". " Hand.hash, ". " User.timezone, ". " User.email ". "FROM Hand ". "LEFT JOIN User ON User.id=Hand.user_id ". "WHERE Hand.game_id='".$gameid."' ". "ORDER BY position ASC"); $row0 = DB_fetch_array($result); $row1 = DB_fetch_array($result); $row2 = DB_fetch_array($result); $row3 = DB_fetch_array($result); echo "
\n"; display_single_user($row1); echo "\n
\n"; display_single_user($row0,1); /* mark starting player in case re/contra is not set yet */ echo " \"table\"\n"; display_single_user($row2); return; } function display_table_end () { global $gameid, $GT, $debug,$INDEX,$defaulttimezone,$session; global $RULES,$GAME,$gametype; $result = DB_query("SELECT User.fullname as name,". " Hand.position as position, ". " User.id, ". " Hand.party as party, ". " Hand.sickness as sickness, ". " Hand.point_call, ". " User.last_login, ". " Hand.hash, ". " User.timezone, ". " User.email ". "FROM Hand ". "LEFT JOIN User ON User.id=Hand.user_id ". "WHERE Hand.game_id='".$gameid."' ". "ORDER BY position ASC"); $row0 = DB_fetch_array($result); $row1 = DB_fetch_array($result); $row2 = DB_fetch_array($result); $row3 = DB_fetch_array($result); echo "
\n"; display_single_user($row3); echo "
\n"; return; } function display_single_user($r,$start=0) { /* start=1, mark starting player, default=0, so the player on the left is not marked */ global $gameid, $GT, $debug,$INDEX,$defaulttimezone,$session; global $RULES,$GAME,$gametype; $name = $r[0]; $pos = $r[1]; $user = $r[2]; $party = $r[3]; $sickness = $r[4]; $call = $r[5]; $hash = $r[7]; $timezone = $r[8]; $email = $r[9]; $wins = DB_get_number_of_tricks($gameid,$pos); date_default_timezone_set($defaulttimezone); $lastlogin = strtotime($r[6]); date_default_timezone_set($timezone); $timenow = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $gravatar = "$name
\n \"$name's"; echo "
\n"; /* mark starting player */ if($start && ! ($party=="re" || $party=="contra")) echo ' '._('Starting Player')."
\n"; if($debug) echo " "; if($vacation = check_vacation($user)) { $start = $vacation[0]; $stop = substr($vacation[1],0,10); $comment = $vacation[2]; $title = _("begin:")." $start "._("end:")." $stop $comment"; echo " $gravatar "._("(on vacation until $stop)")." \n"; } else echo " $gravatar \n"; if($debug) echo" \n"; /* add hints for poverty, wedding, solo, etc */ if( $gametype != "solo") if( $RULES["schweinchen"]=="both" && $GAME["schweinchen-who"]==$hash ) echo " Schweinchen.
"; if($GT=="poverty" && $party=="re") if($sickness=="poverty" || ($RULES['lowtrump']=='poverty' && $sickness=='lowtrump')) { $userhash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$user); $cards = DB_get_all_hand($userhash); $trumpNR = count_trump($cards,'all'); if($trumpNR) echo " \n"; else echo " \n"; } else echo " \n"; if($GT=="dpoverty") if($party=="re") if($sickness=="poverty" || ($RULES['lowtrump']=='poverty' && $sickness=='lowtrump')) { $userhash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$user); $cards = DB_get_all_hand($userhash); $trumpNR = count_trump($cards,'all'); if($trumpNR) echo " \n"; else echo " \n"; } else echo " \" title=\"poverty partner\" />\n"; else if($sickness=="poverty" || ($RULES['lowtrump']=='poverty' && $sickness=='lowtrump')) { $userhash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($gameid,$user); $cards = DB_get_all_hand($userhash); $trumpNR = count_trump($cards,'all'); if($trumpNR) echo " \n"; else echo " \n"; } else echo " \" title=\"poverty2 partner\" />\n"; if($GT=="wedding" && $party=="re") if($sickness=="wedding") echo " \"wedding\"\n"; else echo " \n"; if( (strpos($GT,"solo")!==false) && $party=="re") { if(strpos($GT,"queen")!==false) echo " \"$GT\"\n"; else if(strpos($GT,"jack")!==false) echo " \"$GT\"\n"; else if(strpos($GT,"club")!==false) echo " \"$GT\"\n"; else if(strpos($GT,"spade")!==false) echo " \"$GT\"\n"; else if(strpos($GT,"heart")!==false) echo " \"$GT\"\n"; else if(strpos($GT,"trumpless")!==false) echo " \"$GT\"\n"; else if(strpos($GT,"trump")!==false) echo " \"$GT\"\n"; } /* add point calls */ if($call!=NULL) { if($party=="re") echo " \"re\"\n"; else echo " \"contra\"\n"; switch($call) { case "0": echo " \"0\"\n"; break; case "30": echo " \"30\"\n"; break; case "60": echo " \"60\"\n"; break; case "90": echo " \"90\"\n"; break; } } echo " \"time"; echo "
"; /* show how many tricks the person made */ switch($wins) { case 0: echo _('#tricks 0'); break; case 1: echo _('#tricks 1'); break; case 2: case 3: case 4: echo _('#tricks few'); break; default: echo _('#tricks many'); break; } echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; } function display_user_menu($id, $skiphash=NULL) { global $WIKI,$INDEX; if($skiphash) $result = DB_query("SELECT Hand.hash,Hand.game_id,Game.player from Hand". " LEFT JOIN Game On Hand.game_id=Game.id". " WHERE Hand.user_id='$id'". " AND Hand.hash!='$skiphash'". " AND ( Game.player='$id' OR ISNULL(Game.player) )". " AND ( Game.status='pre' OR Game.status='play' )". " ORDER BY Game.session" ); else $result = DB_query("SELECT Hand.hash,Hand.game_id,Game.player from Hand". " LEFT JOIN Game On Hand.game_id=Game.id". " WHERE Hand.user_id='$id'". " AND ( Game.player='$id' OR ISNULL(Game.player) )". " AND ( Game.status='pre' OR Game.status='play' )". " ORDER BY Game.session" ); $i=0; while( $r = DB_fetch_array($result)) { if($i==0) { echo "\n
\n "; echo _('It\'s your turn in these games').":\n"; } else { echo ", "; } $i++; echo " ".DB_format_gameid($r[1])." \n"; if($i>4) { echo ", ...\n"; break; } } if($i) echo "
\n\n"; return; } function generate_score_table($session) { /* returns an array with N entries * $score[$i]["gameid"] = gameid * $score[$i]["players"] = array (id=>total points) * $score[$i]["points"] = points for this game * $score[$i]["solo"] = 1 or 0 */ $score = array(); $i=0; /* get all ids, scores and gametypes */ $gameids = DB_get_gameids_of_finished_games_by_session($session); if($gameids == NULL) return $score; $player = array(); $player_party = array(); /* get player id from the first game */ $result = DB_query("SELECT user_id from Hand". " WHERE Hand.game_id=".$gameids[0][0]); while( $r = DB_fetch_array($result)) $player[$r[0]] = 0; /* get party of players for each game in the session */ foreach($player as $id=>$points) $player_party[$id]=DB_get_party_by_session_and_userid($session,$id); /* get points and generate table */ foreach($gameids as $gameid) { $re_score = $gameid[1]; $gametype = $gameid[2]; foreach($player as $id=>$points) { $party = $player_party[$id][$i][0]; if($party == "re") if($gametype=="solo") $player[$id] += 3*$re_score; else $player[$id] += $re_score; else if ($party == "contra") $player[$id] -= $re_score; } $score[$i]['gameid'] = $gameid[0] ; $score[$i]['players'] = $player; $score[$i]['points'] = abs($re_score); $score[$i]['solo'] = ($gametype=="solo"); $i++; } return $score; } function generate_global_score_table() { $return = array(); /* get all ids, scores and gametypes */ $gameids = DB_get_gameids_of_finished_games_by_session(0); if($gameids == NULL) return ''; $player = array(); /* get player id, names... from the User table */ $result = DB_query('SELECT User.id, User.fullname FROM User'); /* save information in an array */ while( $r = DB_fetch_array($result)) $player[$r[0]] = array('name'=> $r[1], 'points' => 0 , 'nr' => 0, 'active' => 0, 'response' => 0 , 'solo' => 0, 'soloavg' => 0); /* get points and generate table */ foreach($gameids as $gameid) { $re_score = $gameid[1]; $gametype = $gameid[2]; /* get players involved in this game */ $result = DB_query('SELECT user_id FROM Hand WHERE game_id='.DB_quote_smart($gameid[0])); while($r = DB_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $r[0]; $party = DB_get_party_by_gameid_and_userid($gameid[0],$id); if($party == 're') if($gametype=='solo') $player[$id]['points'] += 3*$re_score; else $player[$id]['points'] += $re_score; else if ($party == 'contra') $player[$id]['points'] -= $re_score; if($party) $player[$id]['nr']+=1; } } /* add number of active games */ $result = DB_query_array_all("SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) as c " . " FROM Hand". " LEFT JOIN Game ON Game.id=game_id". " WHERE Game.status IN ('pre','play')". " GROUP BY user_id"); foreach($result as $res) { $player[$res[0]]['active'] = $res[1]; } /* response time of users*/ $result = DB_query_array_all("SELECT user_id,". "IFNULL(AVG(if(P1.sequence in (2,3,4),". "-timestampdiff(MINUTE,mod_date,(select mod_date from Play P2 where P1.trick_id=P2.trick_id and P2.sequence=P1.sequence-1)),NULL )),1e9) as a ". "FROM Play P1 ". "LEFT JOIN Hand_Card ON P1.hand_card_id=Hand_Card.id ". "LEFT JOIN Hand ON Hand.id=Hand_Card.hand_id ". "GROUP BY user_id "); foreach($result as $res) { $player[$res[0]]['response'] = $res[1]; } /* most solos */ $result = DB_query_array_all("SELECT user_id as uid,". " COUNT(*), ". " COUNT(*)/(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Hand LEFT JOIN User ON User.id=Hand.user_id WHERE User.id=uid) as c ". " FROM Game ". " LEFT JOIN Hand ON Hand.position=startplayer AND Game.id=Hand.game_id ". " WHERE type='solo' AND Game.status='gameover' ". " GROUP BY user_id "); foreach($result as $res) { $player[$res[0]]['solo'] = $res[1]; $player[$res[0]]['soloavg'] = $res[2]; } /* sort everything nicely */ function cmp($a,$b) { if($a['nr']==0) return 1; if($b['nr']==0) return 1; $a=$a['points']/$a['nr']; $b=$b['points']/$b['nr']; if ($a == $b) return 0; return ($a > $b) ? -1 : 1; } usort($player,'cmp'); foreach($player as $pl) { /* limit to players with at least 10 games */ if($pl['nr']>10) $return[] = array( $pl['name'], round($pl['points']/$pl['nr'],3), $pl['points'],$pl['nr'],$pl['active'], $pl['response'],$pl['solo'],$pl['soloavg']); } return $return; } function format_score_table_ascii($score) { $output=""; if(sizeof($score)==0) return ""; /* truncate table if we have too many games */ $max = sizeof($score); if($max>6) $output.=" "._("(table truncated to last 6 games)")."\n"; /* output header */ foreach($score[0]['players'] as $id=>$points) { $name = DB_get_name('userid',$id); /*TODO*/ $output.= " ".substr($name,0,2)." |"; } $output.=" P |\n"; $output.= "------+------+------+------+------+\n"; /* output score for each game */ $i=0; foreach($score as $game) { $i++; if($i-1<$max-6) continue; foreach($game['players'] as $id=>$points) $output.=str_pad($points,6," ",STR_PAD_LEFT)."|"; $output.=str_pad($game['points'],4," ",STR_PAD_LEFT); /* check for solo */ if($game['solo']) $output.= " S|"; else $output.= " |"; $output.="\n"; } return $output; } function format_score_table_html($score,$userid) { global $INDEX; if(sizeof($score)==0) return ""; $output = "
\n\n"; /* output header */ $header = ""; $header.= " \n \n"; $header.= " "; foreach($score[0]['players'] as $id=>$points) { $name = DB_get_name('userid',$id); /*TODO*/ $header.= ""; } $header.="\n \n \n"; /* use the same as footer */ $footer = ""; $footer.= " \n \n"; $footer.= " "; foreach($score[0]['players'] as $id=>$points) { $name = DB_get_name('userid',$id); /*TODO*/ $footer.= ""; } $footer.="\n \n \n"; /* body */ $body = ""; $body.= " \n"; $i=0; foreach($score as $game) { $i++; $body.=" "; $userhash = DB_get_hash_from_gameid_and_userid($game['gameid'],$userid); /* create link to old games only if you are logged in and its your game*/ if(isset($_SESSION['id']) && $_SESSION['id']==$userid) $body.=" "; else $body.=" "; foreach($game['players'] as $id=>$points) $body.=""; $body.="\n"; } $output.=$header; if($i>12) $output.=$footer; $output.=$body; $output.=" \n
No ".substr($name,0,2)." P
No ".substr($name,0,2)." P
$i$i".$points."".$game['points']; /* check for solo */ if($game['solo']) $body.= " S"; $body.="
\n"; return $output; } function createCache($content, $cacheFile) { $fp = fopen($cacheFile,"w"); if($fp) { fwrite($fp,$content); fclose($fp); } else echo "WARNING: couldn't create cache file"; return; } function getCache($cacheFile, $expireTime) { if( file_exists($cacheFile) && filemtime($cacheFile )>( time() - $expireTime ) ) { return file_get_contents($cacheFile); } return false; } function check_vacation($userid) { /* get start date */ $result = DB_query_array("SELECT value FROM User_Prefs". " WHERE user_id='$userid' AND pref_key='vacation start'" ); if($result) $start = $result[0]; else return NULL; /* get end date */ $result = DB_query_array("SELECT value FROM User_Prefs". " WHERE user_id='$userid' AND pref_key='vacation stop'" ); if($result) $stop = $result[0]; else return NULL; /* get comment */ $result = DB_query_array("SELECT value FROM User_Prefs". " WHERE user_id='$userid' AND pref_key='vacation comment'" ); if($result) $comment = $result[0]; else $comment = ''; /* check if user is on vacation. TODO: use user's timezone */ if( (time() - strtotime($start) >0) && (strtotime($stop) - time() >0)) return array ($start,$stop,$comment); else return NULL; } function cancel_game($why,$gameid) { $gameid = DB_quote_smart($gameid); /* update the game table */ switch($why) { case 'timedout': DB_query("UPDATE Game SET status='cancel-timedout' WHERE id=$gameid"); break; case 'nines': DB_query("UPDATE Game SET status='cancel-nines' WHERE id=$gameid"); break; case 'trump': DB_query("UPDATE Game SET status='cancel-trump' WHERE id=$gameid"); break; case 'noplay': DB_query("UPDATE Game SET status='cancel-noplay' WHERE id=$gameid"); break; case 'lowtrump': DB_query("UPDATE Game SET status='cancel-lowtrump' WHERE id=$gameid"); break; } /* set each player to gameover */ $result = DB_query("SELECT id FROM Hand WHERE game_id=".DB_quote_smart($gameid)); while($r = DB_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $r[0]; DB_query("UPDATE Hand SET status='gameover' WHERE id=".DB_quote_smart($id)); } return; } function get_user_token($userid) { $token = NULL; $date = DB_get_user_creation_date($userid); $name = DB_get_name('userid',$userid); if($date && $name) $token = md5("token".$name.$date); return $token; } function verify_password($email, $password) { /* verify password, if old password has length 32 assume it's an old md5, else use new password scheme */ /* return 0 if verified, else return error code * 1 can't find email * 2 can't calculate correct hash * 3 misc error */ /* check user email by getting his id */ $userid = DB_get_userid('email',$email); if(!$userid) return 1; /* test for temporary passwords, only valid for one date (tested in the DB) */ $tmppasswd = md5($password); if(DB_check_recovery_passwords($tmppasswd,$email)) return 0; /* get saved password */ $existingpassword = DB_get_passwd_by_userid($userid); if(strlen($existingpassword)==32) /* old password type */ { if ($existingpassword == md5($password)) { /* update password to new crypt version */ // create a password hash using the crypt function, need php 5.3 for this // create and random salt $salt = substr(str_replace('+', '.', base64_encode(sha1(microtime(true), true))), 0, 22); // hash incoming password using 12 rounds of blowfish $hash = crypt($password, '$2y$12$' . $salt); if(strlen($hash)>13) DB_query("UPDATE User SET password='$hash' where id='$userid'"); else return 2; return 0; } } else { if ($existingpassword == crypt($password, $existingpassword)) return 0; }; return 3; } /* language functions */ function detectlanguage() { /* read out browser's prefered language, taken from php-manual*/ $langcode = explode(";", $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']); $langcode = explode(",", $langcode['0']); return $langcode['0']; } function set_language($l,$type='lang') { if($type=='uid') { $userPREF = DB_get_PREF($l); $l = $userPREF['language']; }; switch($l) { case 'de': putenv("LC_ALL=de_DE"); setlocale(LC_ALL, "de_DE"); break; default: putenv("LC_ALL=en_US"); setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US"); break; } // Specify location of translation tables bindtextdomain("edoko", "./locale"); bind_textdomain_codeset("edoko", 'UTF-8'); // Choose domain textdomain("edoko"); return; } ?>